Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Android Cupcake Update Set To Hit G1 Phones

    It’s been a long time coming, but it looks like the Android 1.5 update – better known as ‘Cupcake’ – will be squeezing itself onto T Mobile G1 handsets sometime next month.

    G1 owners looking for new toys to play with should overflow with pleasure as the Cupcake OS update comes with the alluring promise of an onscreen keyboard, video recording and Latitude for Google Maps for stalking friends.


  • iPhone Dork Plays Wembley, T-Mobile Flashmob Rip-Off Part Two

    iPhone Dork Plays Wembley, T-Mobile Flashmob Rip-Off Part TwoIn what looks like a truly desperate piece of attention-seeking, some bloke called Gary Go (we suspect that’s not his real name) has said he’ll be going onstage with his iPhone during a series of support slots at Wembley.

    The solo singer is due to support the well-ripened boy man band Take That in the summer, and claims to have written some songs using the virtual four-track studio iPhone application.


  • BT Announce Mobile Broadband Packages

    BT Announce Mobile Broadband PackagesThey’ve certainly taken their time getting around to it, but BT has finally entered the consumer mobile broadband market with the launch of a new pre-pay service for new and existing customers.


  • Opera Mini Browser Sees ‘Explosive Growth’

    Opera Mini Browser Sees 'Explosive Growth'Opera is claiming to have seen “explosive growth” for its Opera Mini mobile phone web browser, with a massive uptake in use over the last year.

    The company claims that the browser has seen a whopping 157% year-over-year growth, with more than 23 million people using Opera Mini in March 2009. This represents a 12.1% increase from February 2009 and more than 157% up from March 2008.


  • OMG. Brit Punters Baffled By Techie Terms

    OMG. Brit Punters Baffled By Techie TermsThe great British public may be hanging on to their mobiles for dear life and spending half their waking lines bashing away at computers, but when it comes to describing the technology they use, bafflement rules.


  • Samsung I7500 Android Powered Handset For June Release

    Samsung I7500 Android Powered Handset For June ReleaseWhen the Android OS was announced back in November 2007, we eagerly anticipated a stream of hot handsets from manufacturers like HTC, LG, Samsung and Motorola who had signed up to the Open Handset Alliance.

    Despite positive reviews about the software and some interesting apps hitting the market, the total number of Android-powered handsets currently available stands at just one, the T-Mobile G1 handset, with the HTC Magic G2 follow up expected to be released next month.


  • Poken Review: Nice Legs, Shame About The Face (18%)

    Poken Review: Nice Legs, Shame About The Face (1/10)What’s a Poken you may ask? On the other hand you may say “Who cares?”

    For those interested, a Poken is a little device – a sort of character which is made up of a hand (which has a USB connector) which slots into the character part of the unit. The hand is a sort of RFID device (it actually uses magnetic induction) and when touched on to another Poken, they swap Poken IDs and it glows green to show that it’s working.

    An interesting concept.


  • Sharp Mebius PC-NJ70 Laptop Whoops It Up With LCD Trackpad

    Sharp Mebius PC-NJ70 Laptop Whoops It Up With LCD TrackpadApple’s snazzy glass trackpad may have got the fanboys cooing, but Sharp has trumped them in style with their new Mebius PC-NJ70A laptop sporting a built in LCD touchscreen trackpad.

    The LCD trackpad supports a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels, and cunningly packs in its own light sensor which adjusts the brightness depending on the ambient lighting.


  • Playboy Gets A Stiffy For The Palm Pre

    Playboy Gets A Stiffy For The Palm PreWe’ve chewing our fingernails off waiting for the Palm Pre to finally land in the UK, but in the US a few celebs have been allowed to put their pampered paws on the phone – and it seems they’re liking what they see.


  • Google Adds Innovative ‘Similar Images’ Search

    Google Adds Innovative 'Similar Images' SearchThe white coated spods at Google Labs have been tinkering away in the laboratory again, and their new experimental Similar Images feature adds a funky new way to look for related images.

    Offering to “refine your image search with visual similarity,” the technology allows you to seek out images using pictures rather than words.
