Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Goodbye Global – Hello Local!

    Goodbye Global - Hello Local!We’ve had a growing feeling for a while that we should change direction. Since first writing about the technological transformation of the media in 2001, a lot has happened.

    Devices that were just theoretical in the early days have now been launched and are in daily use for some people. We’re proud that we’ve mapped this, helping people by anticipating the impact of these changes both in their personal lives, but also for the media industries, building a strong global readership along the way.

    Time for a change
    That aside, it feels like a change is needed .


  • #geomob Event Review: Highly Recommended: On Tomorrow

    #geomob Event Review: Highly Recommended: On TomorrowWith the next #geomob event coming along tomorrow (30th June, deets below), we thought you’d like to know what it’s like and why you’d be doing yourself a favour for going along.


  • Royal College of Art Interviews Next Week

    Royal College of Art Interview Next WeekWe spent a thoroughly stimulating day at the press opening of the Royal College of Art yesterday for their end of year show.

    What was shown tickled the brain but many of the conversations explored ideas beyond those addressed by what was on offer.

    We’ll be concentrating on just the RCA interviews next week, so be sure to tune back. It will be well worth it.

  • Vodafone Access Gateway: Femtocell 1 July UK Launch

    Vodafone Access Gateway: Femtocell 1 July UK Launch18 months ago, Digital-Lifestyles was one of the first, if not _the_ first, consumer-focused publications to report on Femtocells.

    We were wowed by the concept – very strong cellular reception in your home, with the calls and data heading up your broadband connection.

    As we said back in Nov 2007 …

  • Twitter Ban: Plymouth Council Bans Councillors From Twitter: UPDATED

    Twitter Ban: Plymouth Council Bans Councillors From TwitterThe Chief Executive of Plymouth Council has banned elected local councillors from using Twitter.

    This incredible news has come to light the day after many witnessed MPs Tweeting live from UK Parliament while the selection of the next Speaker of the House.


  • Live blogging iPhone 3GS UK Launch

    Live blogging iPhone 3GS UK LaunchYou may have noticed that not everyone is a massive fans of the iPhone.

    That doesn’t mean that there aren’t millions of people who are.

    One such is tech-chum Richard Lai.

    Not only is iPhone fandom in his blood, but so it writing, photographing and documenting.


  • The Future Of Moore’s Law Questioned

    The Future Of Moore's Law QuestionedFor over forty years Moore’s Law has stood to be correct. It’s now being questioned as to whether it will continue.

    Named after co-founder of Intel, Gordon Moore (pictured), Moore’s Law stated that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles every two years.

    Len Jelinek, director and chief analyst, semiconductor manufacturing, for research company iSuppli, has raised the flag that given the economics of the chip business, it could well come to an end, in around 2014.


  • Media140 To Go “Around the World in 140 Days”

    Media140 Grows To Be InternationalThe Media 140 conference held back in May in London was an excellent event.

    It brought together Twitter users, journalists, people from the PR world and others interested in what the possible effected of Twitter might be.

    It was clear that the event had legs.


  • Olympus E-P1 Micro Four Thirds Camera Looks A Real Hottie

    There’s been rumours circulating of Olympus prepping an old school Micro Four Thirds compact up their sleeves for some time, and the proof appears to have been delivered with these saliva-inducing, freshly leaked photos.

    Named the E=P1, the classically styled compact is a truly handsome beast, resplendent in tried and trusted, cool-as-a-cucumber 1950s styling, causing a whirlwind of want in the Digi-Lifestyles office.


  • Lord Carter, Digital Britain Report Author May Leave Government: UPDATED

    Lord Carter, Digital Britain Report Author May Leave GovernmentIt was most surprising to hear today that Lord Carter may be leaving the government.

    He’s currently preparing the much-vaunted Digital Britain Report, that is intended to form the UK governmental approach to digital media and its distribution.
