
Content in its shift to become digital

  • Guinness World Records Joost Deal Live

    Guinness World Records TV have been in touch to let us know that they’ve just completed a deal with Joost.

    Guinness World Record Joost Deal LiveWe weren’t expecting to be so Joost-tastic today, but when the news arrives, you’ve got to tell it.

    Initially 35 hours will be made available comprising of their UK show, Ultimate Guinness World Records. It’s available to Joost viewers globally.

    They haven’t hung around either in getting the content out. Checking the latest incarnation of Joost, we see that the content is up there already.

    Additional content will be added on a monthly basis, with Guinness World Record (GWR) making the point that they’ll be “controlling its programming line-up on the platform.”

    Guinness World Record Joost Deal LiveThey’ve got 400 hours of it, so there’s plenty more to come.

    Both sides are in back-slapping mode with Rob Molloy, Director of Television at Guinness World Records keen to keep the door open to deliver their content to other platforms by saying “We are thrilled to be partnering with a company as exciting as Joost, once again this shows how easily Guinness World Records content can be adapted to fit into so many areas of new media and for such varied audiences.”

    Guinness World Record Joost Deal LiveYvette Alberdingkthijm, EVP of content strategy and acquisition Joost took the pun-ing route of “We are delighted to have Guinness World Records on board and look forward to offering our viewers record breaking content.”

    It’s interesting to realise that GWR TV is part of the HIT Entertainment who own the hugely popular children’s content Bob the Builder, Barney and Thomas the Tank Engine.

    We wonder if this GWR deal is a tester for HIT, opening the doors for a much bigger deal to be coming out.

    Guinness World Records TV

  • Joost: SSL Certificate Runs Out – v0.9.2 Released

    Joost went ‘off air’ yesterday – ie. no one could use it to access TV programmes.

    Joost: Another Update. Now 0.9.2All was revealed today as to why. The SSL certificates that are used to encrypt all communication between the clients and the Joost servers ran out, as certificates do each year.

    Much to their embarrassment, Joost had hard-coded the details of the certificate into their client software. Now they’ve extracted it, they need to release a new build, hence the 0.9.2 release.

    Knowing they’d be offline while the software was being rebuilt, they’ve upgraded their Long Term Storage machines replacing them with ones that are four times more efficient. They’re hoping this will straighten out any problems that might have been present with stuttering video delivery.

    As Dirk-Willem from Joost says, “this is all part of being a beta.”

    Joost Download

  • Mobile Linux Use Set To Soar

    Mobile Linux Use Set To SoarLinux may be associated with sunlight-avoiding, beardy computer ‘enthusiasts’ pottering in sheds, but the popularity of its mobile phone version is predicted to soar.

    Although Linux take-up has traditionally trailed miles behind Symbian – currently the head honchos of mobile OS platforms hogging around 60 per cent of the market share – research firm ABI thinks things are about to change.

    They reckon that the number of mobile phones purring along on Linux is about to skyrocket from the current tally of 8.1 million phones to more than 200 million by 2012.

    Mobile Linux Use Set To SoarABI also predicts that handsets incorporating the open source Linux as a real-time operating system (RTOS) replacement will also grow massively, leaping up from a base of just about zero today to 76 million units in 2012.

    Stuart Carlaw, research director at ABI reckoned that Linux’s growth will be down to a number of factors; the breaking down of barriers for adoption, more industry bodies working to promote the OS (including Motorola, NEC, Panasonic and Samsung) and the ease in which phone makers and mobile operators can customise their handsets.

    The new report by ABI Research, “Mobile Linux: Bringing License-Free Operating Systems to Smartphones and Mid-Tier Devices”, concludes that “Linux in the cellular phone is not a question of ‘if’, but ‘when’.”

    ABI research

    Elsewhere, The Linux Foundation has announced an update of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) and the release of a new testing toolkit, which can be found here:

  • SanDisk ‘Connect’ With Yahoo For Wi-Fi Music Service

    Flash memory maestros Sandisk have announced that they’re hooking up with Yahoo Music Unlimited To Go to provide a service that lets music fans fuel up their music players wirelessly.

    SanDisk And Yahoo Team Up for Wi-Fi Music ServiceAfter connecting the Sansa Connect media player to the Internet via Wi-Fi, users will be able to listen to LAUNCHcast Internet radio, rummage through Flickr photos and check out what Yahoo Messenger friends and nearby Sansa Connect owners are grooving to.

    Meandering music fans will also be able to access Yahoo’s free music services or connect to Yahoo Music Unlimited To Go subscription service to download tunes to their players, without the need to connect it to their home PCs.

    SanDisk And Yahoo Team Up for Wi-Fi Music Service“We see this as a very strong partnership with Yahoo,” purred top SanDisk marketing bod Eric Bone, adding that he saw his company progressing from “fast-follower mode to a technical-leadership mode” in a market still dominated by the ubiquitous iPod.

    The attractive 4-gigabyte palm sized player comes with a bright 2.2″ screen, a tactile scroll wheel, a microSD slot and a built in mono speaker for sharing the music with (quiet) friends. There’s also a slightly strange looking stubby antennae for the wireless connectivity.

    SanDisk And Yahoo Team Up for Wi-Fi Music ServiceAs well as wirelessly connecting to Yahoo’s Music service, the Connect supports MP3s and DRM WMAs provided by other services like Rhapsody, but you’ll have to get out Ye Olde cable to transfer the music from your desktop.

    The Sansa Connect is set to retail for around $250 in the States. We haven’t heard any news about UK pricing/release dates yet.

    It looks like it’s a beauty and we’re looking forward to getting out hands on it.

    SanDisk Sansa Connect MP3 Player

  • iPod Hits 100 Million. Celebs Fawn All Over The Place

    iPod Hits 100 Million. Celebs Fawn All Over The PlaceYesterday, Apple announced that it had shifted its 100 millionth iPod, making it the fastest selling music player in the history of the known universe and quite possibly beyond.

    The iconic iPod first appeared in November 2001, with Apple going on to introduce a host of different models, including five generations of the original iPod, two generations of the iPod mini, two generations of iPod nano and two generations of iPod shuffle.

    With the Apple PR backslap machine set to ‘turbo,’ Steve Jobs issued a statement personally thanking, “music lovers everywhere for making iPod such an incredible success.” And he means that most sincerely, folks.

    iPod Hits 100 Million. Celebs Fawn All Over The PlaceNever one to knowingly underhype his own products, Jobs continued; “iPod has helped millions of people around the world rekindle their passion for music, and we’re thrilled to be a part of that.”

    As ever, celebs were lining up for a piece of the profile-boosting action, with Mary J. Blige apparently suffering some sort of strange pre-iPod amnesia, claiming that she found it “hard to remember” what she did “before the iPod,” before going on to claim that the player was, an, err, “extension of her personality.”

    John Mayer, another GRAMMY award winner (and quite possibly the owner of a degree in corporate fawning) was also ready and willing to crank up the gush-o-meter, announcing that the “iPod experience has kept the spirit of what it means to be a music lover alive.”

    We’ve no idea what on earth that means. But we know it’s poppycock.

  • MyMaps Launched By Google: Add Your Bits To Maps: Mini Review

    Google is bringing User Generated Content to the Google Maps, by extending it to let users add their own comments, photos and video.

    MyMaps Launched By Google: Add Your Bits To Maps: Mini ReviewGoogle Maps has wowed people ever since it moved to the Web from the standalone Google Earth application, letting anyone with a Web browser take a look at both the maps and satellite images of anywhere in the world.

    Adding content to online maps, or geographic locations isn’t a new idea. It’s been around for ages and it’s commonly called geotagging, or less frequently Geocoding.

    Google Maps has been possible for a while using a combination of Google Maps API and XML, but it wasn’t for the faint-hearted, requiring quite a lot of know-how and skill to add items. It uses an XML schema called KML, Keyhole Markup Language.

    Their new version, currently available in ten counties, gets away from this by extending Google Maps to include a simple drag and drop interface.

    MyMaps Launched By Google: Add Your Bits To Maps: Mini Review

    We’ve given it a go and found it a breeze.

    When people create their own MyMaps they are able to define if they are to be shared with the world – coming up in Google search results – or define if they are the remain private.

    Adding placemarks is a breeze. Simply select the placemark icon and click on the map area that you want it to appear on. These can be titled and a description added, be that plain text, rich text, or HTML

    MyMaps Launched By Google: Add Your Bits To Maps: Mini Review

    There are further tools to allow lines and shapes to be draw onto the maps. Once set, these can then have their colours and attributes changed.

    Adding photo and video
    Photos and video can be added to the maps, as long as they’re hosted somewhere online.

    Adding them requires the smallest amount of HTML skill, as they have to be added to the placemarks using HTML code. (pointers)

    Once you’ve created you mapping master pieces, you can take the data from Google Maps, out via KML, to Google Earth.

    Current competition
    Yahoo has offered the ability to attach photographs to maps via their Flickr service for quite a while now (Bestival example) and Microsoft have also had a similar tool Via their Maps Live service.

    Google Maps

  • Play Bestival: Learn Ukulele Via MySpace

    Play Bestival: Learn Ukulele Via MySpaceOur Sister site, Ventnor-Blog, has been scooping the world with announcements of who and what will be appearing at the amazing, manic extended weekend that is Bestival.

    Besides the now-known amazing acts of The Beastie Boys, Chemical Brothers, a whole slew of talented ladies, Primal Scream, Jah Wobble and many others will be appearing.

    The latest mold-breaking announcement of today is that willing punters, will themselves be able to play on stage at this coming Bestival, if they’re willing to pick up a ukulele and learn to play it.

    That’s all very lovely, but what’s the relevance for Digital-Lifestyles? Well, the innovative way that enthused Uke holders will get up to speed on the required songs is via MySpace.

    Play Bestival: Learn Ukulele Via MySpace

    The whole jolly lot is being organised by the venerable Dulwich Ukulele Club (background) through the Night of 100 Ukes’s.

    On there, in the lead up to Bestival, will appear details of the songs, the lyrics that need to be learnt and the cords that need to be sweated over in pursuit of Ukulele-nirvana.

    The majority of preparation through practice will be done in the privacy of Uke-ers homes, but besides the planned rehearsal at “a central London pub” in August, Who knows, they might even choose to use Skype to Live to have remote practices.

    We’re going to keep an eye on this one, both in our personal pursuit of Uke-ism and to watch how this MySpace-driven mass learning works out.

    Night of 100 Ukes’s MySpace
    Bestival Latest News

  • Ikodot Sports Finder For Cameras

    Ikodot Sports Finder For CamerasPhotographers looking for a simple and effective way to quickly frame shots might like to swivel their snapping eyes in the direction of the Ikodot.

    An unusual and rather innovative thing, the Ikodot is best described as a ‘sports finder’ and is used for framing pictures without the need to look through a LCD display or peer through a small optical viewfinder.

    A bit like a gun sight in use, the finder slots into a regular camera hotshoe and takes the form of a rectangular metal outline with two small raised metal balls in the middle.

    Ikodot Sports Finder For CamerasThe user lines up the two balls to frame a photograph, with the lens coverage dictated by how close the finder is to your face.

    So for 21mm wideangle coverage, the user must hold the camera so that it ‘touches their cheek,’ while holding the camera so it’s touching the ‘average’ hooter will give 35mm coverage. For 50mm coverage, the camera must be held a thumbs-width from your nose.

    Of course, this process is going to need some fine tuning and practice before it gets anywhere near as close as using a LCD screen, but it does have the advantage of being fast and discrete: photographers trying to sneak some snaps at a theatre, for example, will appreciate not having to illuminate the hall with each shot.

    Ikodot Sports Finder For CamerasThe Ikodot also offers advantages for four-eyed photographers who perhaps find it hard to focus on a LCD screen or get close up to an optical viewfinder. It’s a shame that the finder can’t fold flat when not in use though.

    The Ikodot is available in graphite and chrome finishes from for $99.

    Read some photographers discussing the Ikodot here: DPReview

  • Apple And Record Companies Charged In EU iTunes Row

    The European Commission has dished out formal charges to Apple and ‘unnamed major record companies’, accusing them of restricting music sales in Europe.

    Apple And Record Companies Charged In iTunes RowThe EU alleges that agreements between Apple and the record companies are guilty of breaking European Union rules that prohibit restrictive business practices. It’s far from the first time that the EU and other Northern European Countries has got wound up about Apple and iTunes.

    “Consumers can only buy music from the iTunes online stores in their country of residence and are therefore restricted in their choice of where to buy music, and consequently what music is available and at what price,” said Jonathan Todd, European Commission spokesman.

    Apple And Record Companies Charged In iTunes Row“The statement of objections alleges that distribution agreements between Apple and major record companies contain territorial sales restrictions,” he added.

    Promptly shifting the blame on to the record companies, Apple insisted that they’d tried to operate a single pan-European iTunes store accessible to peeps from any member state but were foiled by music labels and publishers imposing legal limits on the download rights.

    The Commission first got involved back in 2005 after the UK consumer group Which? pointed out that iTunes purchasers in France and Germany were paying far less than us poor chumps in the UK (67 pence against 79 pence).

    Apple And Record Companies Charged In iTunes RowApple and the record companies now have two months to defend themselves in writing or take part in an oral hearing which usually happens around a month after a written reply has been received.

    This latest development is unrelated to yesterday’s deal between Apple and EMI.


  • Apple And EMI Cut High Quality DRM-Free Music Deal

    Apple And EMI Cut High Quality DRM-Free Music DealIt wasn’t the bonanza of Beatles songs that some had hoped for, but Apple has just announced that all of EMI Music’s vast catalogue of digital music will be available for purchase without digital rights management from the iTunes Store from next month.

    The DRM-free tracks from EMI will be encoded at a high quality 256 kbps AAC encoding – making them “virtually indistinguishable” in audio quality from the original – but at a higher price of $1.29 per song (compared to 99c for 128bps downloads).

    Users wanting to ‘upgrade’ their library of previously purchased EMI content to the higher quality DRM-free versions can do so if they’re prepared to fork out 30 cents a song.

    Apple And EMI Cut High Quality DRM-Free Music Deal“We are going to give iTunes customers a choice — the current versions of our songs for the same 99 cent price, or new DRM-free versions of the same songs with even higher audio quality and the security of interoperability for just 30 cents more,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO.

    “We think our customers are going to love this, and we expect to offer more than half of the songs on iTunes in DRM-free versions by the end of this year,” he added.

    Apple And EMI Cut High Quality DRM-Free Music DealKeen not to miss out on the quote-fest, Eric Nicoli, CEO of EMI Group, piped up: “EMI and iTunes are once again teaming up to move the digital music industry forward by giving music fans higher quality audio that is virtually indistinguishable from the original recordings, with no usage restrictions on the music they love from their favourite artists.”

    Using the new DRM-free EMI downloads, users can enjoy the tracks without any usage restrictions that limit the types of devices or number of computers that purchased songs can be played on – something that was celebrated by a guy called Eric Chiu posting on the Engadget site who gleefully commented, “My BitTorrent Engine is ready to fire on full cylinder… Demonoid and Piratebay, be ready for the new era of EMI Music.”

    EMI Music