Simon Perry

  • Eleanor Davies: The Object Of My Affection:RCA 2007

    Listen to the Interview – [audio:]

    Eleanor Davies: The Object Of My Affection:RCA 2007There’s a dilemma in an age of cremations. What is the item of focus for a loss of a loved one? There isn’t an grave to attend and in the time of so much migration for work, even if there is a grave.

    Enter The Object Of My Affection.

  • Stereo Bluetooth Headphones: Motorola S9 Campaign Launches

    Stereo Bluetooth Headphones: Motorola S9 Campaign LaunchesMotorola have a new campaign to push a set of their stereo BlueTooth music headphones, the Motorola S9 or MotoRokr S9 as they’re sometimes called.

  • HMV To Undercut iTunes With “DRM-free” Music Downloads

    HMV To Undercut iTunes With Music mega retailed HMV has announced that it will start selling “DRM-free” digital downloads from September 2007.

    Over one million “DRM-free” tracks will be available for download at launch, including EMI’s full catalogue with big names like Coldplay, Lily Allen, Gorillaz and Robbie Williams.

    They’ll also be existing content made available from other labels distributed by HMV’s digital partner, MusicNet, adding to the 3 million+ tracks already offered online by HMV.

  • FoxNews Mic Nicked – iPhone Left Untouched!

    Fox Mic Nicked - iPhone Left Untouched!Just as it appears that the whole of America goes mad over the blooming iPhone, there are some there who have different priorities.

    Fox News was in the street in New York interviewing Steven Levy of Newsweek who had an iPhone before their release (BTW, He’s posted on his blog how unsatisfactory he found blogging from his iPhone was).

    Just as the ‘news’ watching people hear from the reporter that Steven was one of only four people who got to test the phone before it was released, some tricky rascal comes along and pinches the reports Mic – _Not_ the iPhone! (Brings to mind the iDon’tWantOne coverage that we published back in January).
    Watch the video after the jump

  • iPhone Madness: Live Web TV Channel In NY Shop

    iPhone Madness: Live Web TV Channel In NY ShopWe’ll be sooooooooo glad when today is over. This blessed iPhone launch is just getting totally out of control.

    The latest daft part of the over-coverage is that Mogulus, providers of online video tools, are running a dedicated iPhone Launch TV channel.

    Watch it after the jump

  • Baran Tigrel: Pro Self: RCA 2007

    Listen to the Interview – [audio:]

    Baran Tigrel: Pro Self: RCA 2007A headphone-style set that allows you to compare your sporting progress with a virtual competitor.

    Many sports are possible, but let’s use running as an example. You and a friend decide on a running route, each time you run it, the relative position of your friends previous time is relayed into your ears, “He’s way ahead of you,” or “You’re neck and neck,” etc.

  • Children Risk Becoming Social Outcasts With Internet Access: Report

    Children Risk Becoming Social Outcasts With Internet Access: ReportOfCom’s Consumer Panel has released a report, Children and the Internet, based on recent research whose findings state that children who do not have an Internet connection at home can become socially disadvantaged.

    By way of illustrating how key the Internet is to the younger people in the UK, the report found that “From about age ten, most children believe that Internet access is a ‘must have’.”

  • David Sweeney: Quale, Intelligent Olfactory Channel: RCA 2007

    Listen to the Interview – [audio:]

    David Sweeney: Quale, Intelligent Olfactory Channel: RCA 2007This goes beyond the simplicity of smell-o-vision, to a far more deeper, emotional level. Using smells to associate to emotions, providing powerful triggers.

    16 essential oils, extracted from around Berlin (in this example usage) are held in the device. When a smell is needed to be generated, they are passed down a syringe tip to a piezo-electric disc and then atomised.

    One example used – instead of constantly checking your email, a ‘key’ smell is generated, so the person using it ‘feel’ like it’s time to check their email – triggered by the released smell.

    David’s site – makegoodstuff

    David Sweeney: Quale, Inteligent Olfactory Channel: RCA 2007

    We’re trying a new format with these RCA pieces. Rather than have text dominated reporting, we’re going to have the audio and picture do the speaking. Let us know what you think of the new approach.

  • WiiWare: New Original Games Channel Opening

    WiiWare: New Original Games Channel OpeningEveryone’s favourite games console manufacturer (except Sony, perhaps), is opening up another channel of content for its Wii.

    Nintendo have announced WiiWare, letting people purchase and download original games software.

    Nintendo have offered a service to download reworked classic games – Super Mario Bros, etc – to the Wii since last November. Indeed, earlier this month they announced that 4.7m of these classic games had been downloaded already.

    WiiWare will attempt to get legions of small software developers to create compelling, less-expansive games, without them having to be concerned with the hassle and cost of creating games on disk.

    Nintendo expect the first WiiWare content to arrive early 2008 – so coders, get coding!

  • Virgin Media: BBC iPlayer Via TV First

    Virgin Media: BBC iPlayer Via TV FirstVirgin Media tell us that they “will be the first” TV service to offer the BBC iPlayer service through their STB and remote control – rather than through a computer.

    Following yesterday’s Official launch of the BBC iPlayer, we thought this would of interest to follow up.