Simon Perry

  • EMI Legal Threats Over eBay Kylie Single

    EMI Legal Threats Over eBay Kylie SingleThe EMI Group has sent a legal letter to a UK user selling a promotional copy of the soon to be released Kylie single,’ In My Arms’ on eBay

    Although most people are aware of the litigious actions of the music business, particularly in the US where they took legal action against their customers, accusing them of copying music, EMI UK seem to be going into overdrive on this one.


  • Your Laptop Is Open Season When Flying To SF, USA

    Your Laptop Is Open Season When Flying To The USWe’re still reeling after reading this story last week that a federal appeals court in the US ruled that it was fine for US customs agents to go through the content of an airline passengers laptop with no evidence of wrong doing – just because they felt like it.


  • Hans Reiser, Linux Filing System Creator, Found Guilty Of Murder

    Hans Reiser, Linux Filing System Creator, Found Guilty Of MurderReiserFS creator, Hans Reiser, has been found guilty of killing his wife.

    ReiserFS is an open source filing system that has been popular with Linux users.

    Reiser moved to sell his company, Namesys, back at the end of December 2006, when he said that he needed the money to pay his mounting legal costs. It’s understood that the sale didn’t occur.

    Nina Reiser’s body was never found, but her traces of her blood were found in his house and car.


  • Watch WiFi Detector

    Watch WiFi DetectorOK, we were all very excited about the idea of a WiFi detectors when we first saw the pocket-sized version and a couple of the subsequent ones. Finally it would be possible to work out where to connect, without first having to get your laptop out to … work out where there was some wireless.

    Then the joy went out of it as tons of the things arrived, with the occassional exception … or two.

    Here’s another interesting one, a WiFi-detecting watch … that’ll be a watch … that’s a WiFi detector as well.


  • N-Gage Now For Your N-Phone

    N-Gage Now On Your N-PhoneAs you may well remember, Nokia brought out the N-Gage games/phone back before 2003, following it up with the N-Gage 1.5, then the second generation N-Gage QD (June 2004). None of them really set the world alight.

    After buying Sega’s mobile gaming unit (2003), they finally got around to launching the service that let N-Gage owners buy games online in 2006.


  • LG Overtake Sony Ericsson In Handset Sales Q1 2008

    At the Press conference in London today for the launch of the LG Secret, LG revealed that for the first time they have passed unit sales of Sony Ericsson.

    For the first quarter 2008 LG have sold over 24.4m units against Sony Ericsson’s
    22.3m units.

    When asked if they were happy about it, Chang Ma replied that “It has no real meaning to us, we just want to develop better handsets.”

  • LG Secret Named And Launched: UPDATE 2

    LG Secret Named And LaunchedWe’re at the Worldwide launch of the LG Secret. LG have spent plenty of money on this launch, the third handset in the Black Label range.

    Following the launch of the Chocolate (18m units worldwide) and Shine today sees the latest … it’s called the Secret


  • Smallest Pong Games In The World?

    Smallest Pong In The World?After we wrote the story about PongOut — Pong and Breakout, both on the same screen, played at the same time — we got a connected about another version of Pong.

    This time the smallest version of Pong known to mankind – smaller than a fingernail.


  • Archos Content Portal Expands: Paramount & Porn

    70% Of Mobile Voice Mail Not In Dictionary!Here in London today, Archos has announced an expansion of content that’s available through the Archos Content Portal and Media Club – alongside three other announcements today (more later, including podcasts).


  • 70% Of Mobile Voice Mail Not In Dictionary!

    70% Of Mobile Voice Mail Not In Dictionary!An amazing 70% of the language used by people leaving voice mails on mobile phones isn’t in the dictionary, reveals Spinvox, a company that changes mobile phone voice mails in to text.

    Clearly this could make changing those voice messages into text quite a challenge. Not only does their system, called D2, have to deal with accents around a county — some of them pretty strong around the British Isles — but also learn about the slang that is used in those regions.