
  • “Eco rival” BetterWorld Books Gets Funding

    Eco rival BetterWorld Books Gets FundingThe online retailer, Better World Books – company that resells used books and donates some of the proceeds to fund global literacy projects – has stepped up operations and has brought in its first outside investment as part of a program of expansion.

    Better World Books currently collects and resells used books from university bookstores and libraries, and donates an average of 10 percent of book’s price to various nonprofit literacy groups.

  • Parents Access Web More Than Kid Free Couples

    Parents Access Web More Than Kid Free CouplesParents are far more likely to be regularly accessing the Internet than childless adults, according to new research.

    The study, by the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA), also claimed that the online activities of parents is influenced by the age of their offspring.

    The EIAA Digital Families report confirmed the ruddy obvious – that people with kids generally stay at home more than adults without genetic luggage – and that for parents the Internet is a nifty resource for information and entertainment when you’re stuck in the house.

  • EU Permits In Flight Annoyance

    EU Permits In Flight AnnoyanceAfter being told for years that making a mobile call on a plane was likely to send the aircraft plummeting to the ground in flames, EU’s regulators have cleared the way for passengers to enjoy loud earfuls of, “HELLO? I’M ON THE PLANE!”

  • Radiohead: “Italy Most Generous: 75% Paid For In Rainbows Download”

    Radiohead: Further details of how Radiohead’s ‘give us what you want’ album, In Rainbows, sold have emerged in an interview with the BBC, beyond the somewhat sketchy details what we knew already.


  • Bye Bye Standby: Save The Planet With Your Thumb

    Bye Bye Standby: Save The Planet With Your ThumbWe’re all keen on doing our part on not destroying the planet these days – and quite rightly too.

    For quite a while, we’ve known that much electrical equipment uses a lot of electricity in standby mode – sometimes, with things such as PVRs, actually more power!

    A company calling itself Bye Bye Standby released its new Energy Saving Kit back in September 2007 in the UK.

    Today they’ve made it be know that the US equivalent product is now increasingly available.


  • Futuresonic: A Strong Lineup For May 08

    Futuresonic: A Strong Lineup For May 08Futuresonic, an Urban Festival of Art, Music & Ideas (as they describe it), is being held again this year.

    It’s running 1-5 May in Manchester and is looking like a really interesting, rounded event.


  • Wickd T-Shirts: Get Connected To

    Wickd T-Shirts: Get Connected ToIn a world where we’re all becoming more spied upon by many organisations including, but not limited to, governments and supermarkets – why not volunteer more information to your fellow humans instead.

    Dutch techno-fashion label Wickd, have a line of clothing, primarily T-shirts, each of which have a unique circular code graphic — they using ShotCodes — on them.


  • Pay To View Funeral Web Service Launched In UK

    Pay To View Funeral Web Service Launched In UKWe thought it was an April Fools’ joke when we first saw it, but it seems that pay-per-view funerals really are about to go live in the UK.

    The service lets mourners unable to attend attend services log in from their PCs, watch the ‘action’ and pay their last respects via the Internet – for a price, natch.

  • Brits Live In Fear Of Losing Mobile Phone Connectivity

    Brits Live In Fear Of Losing Mobile Phone ConnectivityIf this week’s research is true, Brits are in a bit of dilemma.

    A new study claiming that UK citizens live in mortal fear of losing their mobile signal has been announced just 24 hours after a leading boffin declared that mobile phones are as big a risk to your health as smoking.

  • Mac OSX And XP Trump Vista For Corporate Satisfaction

    Mac OSX And XP Trump Vista For Corporate SatisfactionSwivel action corporate types are five times more likely to declare that they are “very satisfied” with their OS if they’re tip-tip-typing away on a Mac OSX machine rather than one running Microsoft’s Windows Vista, according to a report by ChangeWave Research.