Amazon’s Kindle e-Book Reader Gets Official

Amazon's Kindle e-Book Reader Gets OfficialWe first caught wind of Amazon’s ‘Kindle’ wireless electronic book reader back in September, but at the time we weren’t sure if we were dealing with wild speculation, vapourware or the real McCoy.

Well, we guess confirmation doesn’t come any clearer than the front cover of Newsweek Magazine, which features the Amazon CEO proudly showing off the new reader with the caption, “Five centuries after Gutenberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is betting that the future of reading is just a click away.”
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Google In Hush Hush TV Talks

Google In Hush Hush TV TalksGoogle has held talks with pop svengali Simon Fuller about a new joint venture that “could change the way TV is watched over the Internet”.

According to The Observer, details of the extra-plus hush-hush talks remain a closely guarded secret, but their tipster claims that the venture could kickstart a ‘revolution’ in the way that TV programmes are distributed.
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Pace Technology Minisite Launches

Pace Launches Technology MinisitePace, suppliers of all sort of TV technology, including STBs to many cable and satelittle TV companies, have today released a minisite to help the public understand what is going on in the world of technology and TV.

Pace have lead many of the innovations in technologies, so it’s good to know that some of their senior technologists have written about multimedia, networks and wireless.

Pace Technology Minisite

UK Post Office Launches Broadband

UK Post Office Launches BroadbandThe UK Post Office is joining the ever increasing number of organisations that is offering broadband to the UK public.

To make their offering different they’re planning to leverage their 14,000 post offices (currently at this level, but reducing each time they close one), to take cash for the broadband service – claiming to be the first UK provider to do this.
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Peter White: Digital Switchover Help Scheme, CEO (Podcast)

Peter White: Digital Switchover Help Scheme, CEO (Podcast)Most people in the UK have to bear their own costs for converting their TVs to be digital-capable, but after pressure, was decided that the least wealthy and most vulnerable should receive assistance.

This takes the form of equipment, assistance and support and is handled by the Digital Switchover Help Scheme.
Continue reading Peter White: Digital Switchover Help Scheme, CEO (Podcast)

Whitehaven Switchover: Ilse Howling, Freeview (Podcast)

Whitehaven Switchover: Ilse Howling, Freeview (Podcast)The day after digital switch over; we caught up with Ilse Howling to have a quick chat about her views on the switch over and the the introduction of the next stage of Freeview – the ability to easily record the programmes on Digital TV.

Freeview have worked with the Digital Television Group to create the specification of the Freeview Playback, their version of a PVR, or as they’re labeling it a Digital Television Recorder.
Continue reading Whitehaven Switchover: Ilse Howling, Freeview (Podcast)