
Content in its shift to become digital

  • Adobe Media Player Launched

    Adobe Media Player LaunchedAdobe have launched a stand-alone Media Player (AMP).

    Using Adobe Air, the AMP plays back high quality video both on PCs and Apple computers at standard def and 1080p.


  • iPlayer: Wii Gets Beta Player

    iPlayer: Wii Gets Beta PlayerBBC iPlayer is further expanding the hardware platforms that it’s available on – the last was a troublesome iPhone launch.

    The latest is the Nintendo Wii, announced today, bringing the advantage that the iPlayer content can be viewed on a ‘normal’ TV, rather than on a computer screen.


  • Parents Access Web More Than Kid Free Couples

    Parents Access Web More Than Kid Free CouplesParents are far more likely to be regularly accessing the Internet than childless adults, according to new research.

    The study, by the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA), also claimed that the online activities of parents is influenced by the age of their offspring.

    The EIAA Digital Families report confirmed the ruddy obvious – that people with kids generally stay at home more than adults without genetic luggage – and that for parents the Internet is a nifty resource for information and entertainment when you’re stuck in the house.

  • Spooky Snapping Sunglasses With Remote Control

    Spooky Snapping Sunglasses With Remote ControlThere’s something that strikes us as being a little bit more than dodgy about these kind of products, but if you’ve ever fancied creeping about surreptitiously taking photos of folks, then these 1.3 Megapixel Spy Sunglasses with Remote Control could be the gadget of your dreams.

  • Radiohead: “Italy Most Generous: 75% Paid For In Rainbows Download”

    Radiohead: Further details of how Radiohead’s ‘give us what you want’ album, In Rainbows, sold have emerged in an interview with the BBC, beyond the somewhat sketchy details what we knew already.


  • Sony Handycam HDR-TG3E: World’s Smallest HD 1080 Camcorder

    Sony Handycam HDR-TG3E: World's Smallest HD 1080 CamcorderSony has announced the Handycam HDR-TG3E, claiming it to be the World’s smallest HD 1080 Camcorder – and judging by the photos we’ve had through, they’re more than likely right. The thing looks tiny.

    Sized at little larger than a mobile phone (33 x 119 x 63.5mm and 283g), Sony say it’s the smallest, slimmest, lightest camcorder ever to feature 1920×1080 Full HD recording with crisp 5.1ch surround sound.


  • Futuresonic: A Strong Lineup For May 08

    Futuresonic: A Strong Lineup For May 08Futuresonic, an Urban Festival of Art, Music & Ideas (as they describe it), is being held again this year.

    It’s running 1-5 May in Manchester and is looking like a really interesting, rounded event.


  • Pay To View Funeral Web Service Launched In UK

    Pay To View Funeral Web Service Launched In UKWe thought it was an April Fools’ joke when we first saw it, but it seems that pay-per-view funerals really are about to go live in the UK.

    The service lets mourners unable to attend attend services log in from their PCs, watch the ‘action’ and pay their last respects via the Internet – for a price, natch.

  • Yahoo Shine Site Targets Female Demographic

    Yahoo Shine Site Targets Female DemographicWe’re not sure if women should be patronised or pleased, but Yahoo is launching a new site aimed at the “key demographic” of laydees aged between 25 and 54.

    Called ‘Shine’ and launched this very day, the site’s main function appears to be to offer new opportunities to flog targeted advertising for consumer-packaged goods, retail and pharmaceuticals.

  • YouTube Offers High Quality Video Sharing

    YouTube Offers High Quality Video SharingVideo sharing kings YouTube are in the process of whipping up the quality of their video stream, with users increasingly being given the option to view some YouTube videos as high quality streams.

    Announced in the company blog, YouTube are keen to make more video content available in high res formats, with users being able to offer their video masterpieces in higher quality streams.
