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  • Nokia Adds Energy Saving Alerts

    Nokia Adds Energy Saving AlertsEnvironmental stories feel like buses today – you don’t hear about one for ages, then two come along at once.

    Nokia has now discovered the joys of energy saving, something they need to do as removing mobile phone chargers from the wall socket, is oft sighted as a simple thing that everyone can do to reduce the amount of electricity that is wasted.

    To address this, Nokia are releasing the first mobile phones to include alerts to encourage people to unplug their charger once the battery is full. By their reckoning, this could save enough electricity to power 85,000 homes a year – not to be sneezed at.


  • Warner Brothers TV: Joost Gets Exclusive Content

    Warner Brothers TV: Joost Gets Exclusive ContentJoost is continuing to pick up content partners with the most recent being Warner Bros. Television (WBTV). This time Joost is getting the content on an exclusive basis.

    One of the common complaints of the TV service, has been that there isn’t anything to watch on it, as was brought up in a recent BBC trial. Having seen what the content of this deal is, we’re not sure that the step towards desirable programming has moved forward.

  • Skype-Out Gets Caller-ID – In Some Countries

    Skype-Out Gets Caller-ID - In Some CountriesIf you’re a user of Skype-Out, the service that lets you call landlines from Skype, you may have come across a peculiar reaction when you’ve dialed people abroad. Our experience has ranged from puzzlement to down-right bewildered, “Where’s dialing code 0000 from?”

    This should change for some lucky Skype-out customers, now they’ve released Caller ID on it.

    Once you’ve changed you configuration, the Skype-out number will be set to show your Skype-In number – hurrah.

    Not all countries are covered, but the lucky ones are currently the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, Hong Kong, Estonia and Poland. Countries that aren’t covered _may_ come on soon, after Skype’s “legal people continue to be busy working with our partners and governments.”

  • Joost: Reese’s (non)Review

    Digital-Lifestyles recently offered me (Reese) an invite to beta-test the new Joost application. As part of the deal, I promised to write this short response about my experience with the application and content.

    No Joost on pre-Intel Macs
    First off I have to confess that I haven’t been able to access the content offered by Joost because of my aged computer. I, like many others out there, use a pre-intel Mac, and Joost has yet to make their application compatible to our platform. That being the case, I have no response to the usability of their application, simply because I haven’t been able to access it.

  • BBC Condone Torrent Downloads In Trial?

    BBC Condone Torrent Downloads  In Trial?The BBC have been running three, weekly pieces reporting on the impact and progress of a four person UK family when starting to live their Digital- Lifestyles. So much so that they’ve got into Torrents already!

    They been given a flat screen, Sky HD, Windows Media, Apple TV, Sono and the inevitable iPods (Apple must be rather chuffed). All of these bits have been linked together using a wireless network which is whizzing the data around for them.

  • Attention: A Cure For Information Overload?

    Information overload is a buzz phrase which has been getting a lot of use recently. It refers to the enormous amount of information which we now consume (largely because of the level of accessibility to content which the Internet gives us), and the challenges that that creates. Another important issue is the Long Tail, as recognised by Chris Anderson, and the way that relates to content. In other words, there is now far more information available which makes discoverability much harder.


  • Why Skype SMS Offer Doesn’t Include The UK

    Why SKype SMS Offer Doesn't Include The UKWe put out a NIB (News in Brief) earlier today about Skype offering half price SMS’s.

    It struck us that dear old Blighty (UK) _wasn’t_ included in the list of countries that people could half price SMS to.

    Jeepers, Creepers, what’s going on, went the cry!

    We got in touch with those who know (Skype-types) and after a short pause came the confirmation that, yes, the UK wasn’t included.

    The reason?

    “We’re looking at all markets and have started with those that we think will take advantage of the promotion the fastest. Everything is evolutionary at Skype – we rely on early adopter/usage feedback to make sure we get it right for other countries yet to benefit from the promotion.”

    Doesn’t make a great deal of sense given the UK’s global reputation of madly texting at every opportunity.

    Clearly Skype had to say something and while this might be the official reason, we wondered if it was something to do with the famously-inflexible UK mobile companies, and their unwillingness to show love (or enough of a discount) to dear Skype?

  • Skype: SMS Half Price Offer

    Skype: SMS Half Price OfferThose clever-types at Skype are trying to hook you into the habit of using Skype, not just for your spoken comms and IM, but for SMS to mobiles too.

    The feature’s been there for quite a while in the PC version and for slightly less on the Mac, but we guess they think that not enough people know about it yet.

    They’re using that old ‘make it cheaper’ ploy to attract your attention.

    Until the 8th May, you (any Skype user, anywhere in the world) will be able to send SMSs via Skype for half their normal price to mobile owners in United States, Australia, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Belgium, Thailand, Ireland, Austria and Italy.

    How do you SMS in Skype?
    Sending an SMS in Skype is a doddle, simply select a contact that has a mobile number stored in it and select the Send an SMS option.

    It couldn’t be easier really, could it? … and it gives the advantage of having a full-sized keyboard.

    Skype SMS

  • Living With A Nokia N95: A Bug’s Life (3/3)

    Richard’s two previous parts on the N95 and N95 GPS haven’t been very encouraging. Today he covers connecting it to a computer, the 5Mpx camera, making phone calls and concludes with what he thinks of it.

    Living With A Nokia N95: A Bug’s Life (3/3)Connecting the N95 to your computer
    By this time, the N95’s battery is well and truly battered. Just a bar left. Plug it in to the admittedly elegantly well-designed lightweight charger and set about attempting a sync again.

    PC Suite installs first time in Vista, and syncs with Outlook successfully and seamlessly. Hurrah – a success.

  • BBC iPlayer On-Demand Service Gets Green Light

    BBC iPlayer On-Demand Service Gets Green LightThe BBC Trust has given the go ahead for the BBC’s iPlayer service (iMP).

    Expected to launch later this year, the iPlayer service lets punters watch TV shows online seven days after the initial broadcast, with viewers also able to download and store programmes on their PCs for up to 30 days.