Despite spoddy techsters Nielson and ComScore calculating much lower figures, Google has ‘fessed up that their YouTube service is the most popular its ever been, streaming an incredible one billion videos a day worldwide.
YouTube Streaming One Billion Videos A Day
Latest Spam Attack Getting Through
We’re told that spam makes up a huge percentage of emails sent, 94% was the last time estimate and my 30-day old spam folder with 121,625 messages in it professes to this.
Living our lives through Google mail as we do, we’ve been existing in a state of near spam-free bliss.
Gmail just catches spam mails – or it did until recently.
Wolfram Alpha – Revolutionary Search Engine Goes Live
A new search engine said to be a “significant rival” to web giant Google is now online and offering a new way to access information.
Described as a “computation knowledge engine” rather than an ‘umble search engine, Wolfram Alpha is the work of British-born physicist Stephen Wolfram, who hopes his revolutionary products will change the way people use online data.
Star Droid Night Sky Mapping App From Google
Growing up in an age where hoverboots, weekend breaks to Mars and swooshing automatic doors seemed an absolute certainty, we’ve found ourselves a little disappointed by the subsequent lack of the promised lunar thrills.
However, while we may be in the gutter, we can still look at the stars, and that’s a job that’s going to be a lot more interactive and fun thanks to Google’s fantastic new mobile phone application called ‘Star Droid’.
Samsung i7500 Android Phone: Video
Currently oozing through the pores of the Internet is a new video of Samsung’s first Android device in action, the i7500.
The quad-band GSM, tri-band 7.2Mbps HSDPA handset serves up a full suite of current smartphone specs, offering a 3.2-inch, 320 x 480 pixel AMOLED touchscreen with WiFi and GPS.
Android Cupcake Update Set To Hit G1 Phones
It’s been a long time coming, but it looks like the Android 1.5 update – better known as ‘Cupcake’ – will be squeezing itself onto T Mobile G1 handsets sometime next month.
G1 owners looking for new toys to play with should overflow with pleasure as the Cupcake OS update comes with the alluring promise of an onscreen keyboard, video recording and Latitude for Google Maps for stalking friends.
Samsung I7500 Android Powered Handset For June Release
When the Android OS was announced back in November 2007, we eagerly anticipated a stream of hot handsets from manufacturers like HTC, LG, Samsung and Motorola who had signed up to the Open Handset Alliance.
Despite positive reviews about the software and some interesting apps hitting the market, the total number of Android-powered handsets currently available stands at just one, the T-Mobile G1 handset, with the HTC Magic G2 follow up expected to be released next month.
Google Adds Innovative ‘Similar Images’ Search
The white coated spods at Google Labs have been tinkering away in the laboratory again, and their new experimental Similar Images feature adds a funky new way to look for related images.
Offering to “refine your image search with visual similarity,” the technology allows you to seek out images using pictures rather than words.
Ask Jeeves Returns As Search Engine Battles Against Google
We thought he’d been retired and sent off to an old people’s home to be looked after by kindly searchbots, but Ask has brought back Jeeves in an attempt to claw back some market share from the all dominating Google.
Named after PG Wodehouse’s fact-stuffed, smartarse butler, Jeeves formed the face of Ask’s search engine until 2006 when he was unceremoniously booted off after an interface overhaul.
Google Video: Turn Out The Lights: New Feature
Looking at videos on YouTube recently we noticed a light bulb sitting on the top right of the video playing back.
As it was the first time we’d used it, we felt duty bound to give it a try.