Simon Perry

  • UK IT Usage Rivals Airlines In Carbon Emissions

    UK IT Usage Rivals Airlines In Carbon EmissionsThere’s been many stories in the newspapers about how bad the aviation sector is at producing emissions harmful to the environment.

    A survey carried about by Global Action Plan, an environmental charity, has indicated that the IT sector in the UK has a similar carbon footprint to the aviation industry. As the usage of computing rapidly expands, it’s impact could well be over that of the airlines.

  • Firefox Claim 125 Million Users

    Firefox Claim 125 Million UsersOpen-source Web browser, Firefox, has over 125 million users according to John Lilly, claims Mozilla’s Chief Operating Officer on his personal blog.

    How do they come to this figure, beyond guessing? As part of its daily routine, Firefox checks back with the ‘Mother’ servers to ask if there’s been an update. It’s by counting these pings that they derive the numbers.

    Firefox has gradually built up a following, in a world dominated by Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Last time we covered it, in March this year, the research indicated that Firefox had around a 14% share. Lilly’s posting leads to the actual Firefox figure being more like 10.5%, based on their estimate of 1.2 billion Internet users worldwide.

    John Lilly’s blog posting

  • EC Mobile Carbon Footprint App Launches

    EC Mobile Carbon Footprint App LaunchesIt’s a good thing that we’re all becoming aware of the impact of our actions on the world as a whole. One of the problems is being able to know what the impact different types of actions make.

    To that end, the European Commission (EC) has launched an application, mobGAS, that you run on your mobile phone to help you monitor your daily activities, and enable you to understand the impact of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide generated.

  • Activision Blizzard: Vivendi Games And Activision To Merge

    Activision Blizzard: Vivendi Games And Activision To MergeBig moves in the video game industry arose yesterday, as media giant Vivendi announced plans to take a controlling stake in Activision. They plan to call it Activision Blizzard.

    The real strength to Vivendi’s hand is having Blizzard Entertainment in their small portfolio of game companies.

  • TV Clips: Channel 4 In Brightcove Deal

    TV Clips: Channel 4 In Brightcove DealUK Broadcaster, Channel 4, have announced that they’re starting a “TV Clips” broadband channel which will feature clips from current TV programmes, an archive of the best moments from Channel 4’s 25 years of broadcasting, and a preview of new programming coming to Channel 4.

  • Is The TV Content Industry Finally Starting To Wake Up?

    Is The TV Content Industry Finally Starting To Wake Up?MTV Networks Chairman and Chief Executive Judy McGrath said of Web distributed content and TV content, at the Reuters Media Summit, “One does not diminish the other by any stretch of the imagination. That is kind of our hat trick.” Wow what a change around that is in the TV world.

  • Ofcom: 2 Hour Mobile Number Porting By Sept 2009

    Ofcom: 2 Hour Mobile Number Porting By Sept 2009Ofcom has been consistently moving to reduce the amount of time that it takes to change mobile numbers from one to another – or port them as it’s know in the telecoms trade.

    Their latest direction to the industry is that as of 1 September 2009, they’ll need to drop the amount of times to a mere two hours.

  • Barclays PIN Sentry Disaster

    Barclays PIN Sentry DisasterBarclays Bank have cut off some of their business customers from making payments to new suppliers, by forcing them to use PIN Sentry hardware that they don’t yet have.

    The PIN Sentry is Barclays attempt to stop their customers accounts being hacked and having payment sent to fraudulent accounts. Something that would appear to be a good idea … if their current customers had the device in their hands and were able to use it.

  • Hollywood Grabs The 3D Barrier

    Disney is publicly stating their commitments to the digital 3D format for films – in our eyes, for good reasons – keeping people in the cinema.

    Reuters has a story with a quote from Chuck Viane, Disney’s president of domestic distribution showing his love for 3D, “We absolutely believe in the whole concept of 3D and the enhancement that it brings in the ability to separate us from any of the other mediums.”

    Big studios are desperate for ways to differentiate going to the cinema and what people can achieve at home.

  • 0207 SkypeIn Scandal: Cost Made Skype Drop Numbers

    Looking for an alternative for Skype In?
    Read our VoIPFone review.

    Skype Bombshell: 0207 SkypeIn Numbers Must ChangeAs you know, we – and a lot of other people – aren’t impressed with Skype’s plans to cut off many of their 0207 London SkypeIn customers.

    We’ve been following this story up through various avenues, one being the company that provided the 0207 number to Skype in the first place.

    We had an interview with Don McQueen, CEO of GCI Com who provided the 0207 numbers to Skype when they started the service 2-3 years ago.