
  • HTC Touch Phone Review

    We were recently invited to the launch of the HTC Touch phone – a new slimline WM6 phone sporting ‘TouchFLO’ touchscreen technology – and the assembled herd of head honchos told us that HTC was hoping to steal some of Apple’s thunder ahead of the release of their (over) hyped iPhone.

    Now we don’t go in for all this ‘unpacking video’ nonsense, but we feel that HTC’s packaging was especially noteworthy, with the Touch coming in a stylish black box containing a large, full colour manual, which made a very pleasant change from the usual multi-language folded leaflets instructing us to, “Read the PDF file for more.”

  • BeeBird: FM Transmitter

    BeeBird: FM TransmitterBeeBird, another FM transmitter reaches us, this time with a pretty decent look about it.

    The Chinese manufacturer, netSharp, got in touch with us give us the heads up.

    There’s a not-insubstantial 199 channels available for transmitting your fave sounds. The frequency range that can be chosen between, is 88.1 – 107.9MHz.

    The chosen frequency is displayed on the LCD display, while the simple up/down shuffle changes the frequency.

    It’s got FCC approval, and as long as its output is under 50 nanoWatts, it will be legal in the UK under OfCom rules too.

    It looks at light as it is at 30g excluding the one AAA battery it runs on (there’s also a car power adaptor available). As you’d expect, it has a 3.5mm headphone jack, so will play from any sensible music source.

    Price? Not clear yet. We hadn’t heard back before going to press.

    NetSharp BeeBird

  • Samsung Slip Out A Salvo Of Sleek Phones

    Spurred on by the relentless cracking of the new product whip, Samsung’s factory drones have unveiled three brand spanking new phones with “luxurious, stylish designs and innovative features” backed by a full suite of multimedia features.

  • Travels With A Palm Treo (Part 2/2)

    Travels With A Palm TreoIn Part One, we looked at some of apps which prove on the Treo, in this final part we cover entertainment and working on the move.

    To keep me topped up with the latest news, I also fired up QuickNews to speedily download some RSS feeds as our train hurtled through the East Sussex countryside.

    Miraculously, apart from a few phone calls and texts, I managed to leave my phone well alone for most of the evening, but after my girlfriend had retired to bed, weary of my Adnams Ale-fuelled waffling, the Treo was on hand to provide some entertainment.

  • Travels With A Palm Treo (Part 1/2)

    Travels With A Palm TreoWith the unexpected offer of a weekend away at the coast suddenly popping up, I quickly packed my bag with my gadget essentials – Palm Treo 650, GPS unit, Ricoh GX100, Nikon D80 and various chargers – and headed to the station.

  • Sony Goes Super Shiny With Vaio CR Series Laptops

    Sony Goes Super Shiny With Vaio CR Series LaptopsSony has officially unveiled their new range of VAIO CR-Series laptops.

    Looking shinier than a shiny button with a highly reflective finish, the laptops look absolutely lovely and come in a range of attractive colours, excitedly christened with marketing department-spawned names like, “Blazing Red”, “Indigo Blue”, “Pure White” and “Luxury Pink”.

  • Say Goodbye To Boring Fans With The LED Art Fan

    Say Goodbye To Boring Fans With The LED Art FanWhen it comes to what Alan Sugar might angrily dismiss as “useless tut,” this LED Art Fan must be a prime candidate to be fired.
    Utilising no less than 42 LEDs mounted on its blades, the LED Art Fan hurtles along at a fair old whack to create an animated image through what the fellas in white lab coats describe as ‘persistence of vision’ – i.e. the process by which your retina retains an image long enough to create the illusion of a solid image.

    The notion of a humble fan having memory still strikes us as more than a little odd, but this Chrome Art-Deco number comes stuffed with 5MB onboard storage, letting you keep up to 128 individual images ready for spinning up.

  • Diamond Multimedia Unleash Radeon HD 2900 XT 1GB Graphics Card

    Diamond Multimedia Unleash Radeon HD 2900 XT 1GB Graphics CardTop notch multimedia gear shifters Diamond Multimedia have announced their new Diamond Radeon HD 2900 XT 1GB, a super-beefy graphics card boasting no less than one gig of GDDR4 onboard memory with an ultra-wide 512-bit memory interface.

  • Palm “Gandolf” Phone Rumours

    Palm has provided a rich source of rumours in recent times, with months of speculation about possible buyouts culminating in the company selling a 25% share to Silicon Valley private equity firm Elevation Partners last week.

    Currently doing the rounds of several sites are hot rumours (and a blurry pic) of a new low cost Palm smartphone sporting a new form factor and expected to be available on both Palm and Windows platforms.

  • Resco Explorer 2007 for Palm OS (v3.01.2) Review (90%)

    Resco Explorer 2007 for Palm OS (v3.01.2) Review (90%)We felt the pocket-throbbing love big time for the Pocket PC version of the file utility application Resco Explorer, so when we heard that the Palm version had enjoyed a major upgrade, we were hot to hotsync.

    A veritable Swiss army knife of file management functionality, Resco Explorer is a must-have app for advanced Palm users who like to get under the hood of their handhelds and take command of their files.