
  • Cybernet Zero-Footprint-PC ZPC-GX31 Recalls the Amiga A1200

    Cybernet Zero-Footprint-PC ZPC-GX31 Recalls the Amiga A1200Great nostalgic tears of Commodore-based joy welled up in Chez Digi-Lifestyles when we clapped eyes on the Cybernet Zero-Footprint-PC ZPC-GX31.

    Sharing a near identical form factor to the late, great Amiga A1200, the ZPC-GX31 (hey, snappy name guys!) packs all the PC gubbins into a chunky keyboard-on-steroids case, freeing up the desktop from all the usual cables, boxes and bits’n’bobs.


  • Nintendo Wii Fit Coming To UK. Get Queuing

    Nintendo – the uncrowned kings of creating demand but failing to deliver the ruddy goods – have lined up another item for their fans to get all frustrated about.

  • Google Android Phone Summer Launch Date?

    Google Android Phone Summer Launch Date?Rumours on the web are suggesting that handsets running Google’s eagerly anticipated Android operating system might start shipping earlier than some expected.

    The cat was apparently let out of the bag by Google’s Washington telecom and media counsel, Richard Whitt, who said in a conference call that Android phones could be out as early as summer this year.


  • Intel’s 2go PC Takes On Asus Eee And Elonex

    Intel's 2go PC Takes On Asus Eee And ElonexThe runaway success of Asus’s diminutive Eee laptop and the appearance of £99 laptops like the Elonex low-cost lapster has sent manufacturers scrambling to produce their own cheap-as-chips Tiny Tim lappies.

    Currently motoring up over the horizon is the Intel 2go PC (formerly known as the Netbook), a rugged little number manufactured by CTL, and looking like its aimed at the education market.


  • e-cigarette: Real, Apparently

    We’re not sure how serious this one is – an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette.

    In a land like the UK, where those who wish to smoke in a public building, like a pub, are cast outside the buildings to drag from their cigarettes, come cold, rain or shower – something that gives the nicotine hit without all of the bother might be welcome.

    Ta Da! Here comes the e-cigarette that lets all of those nicotine-nuts get their hit without having to go outside.


  • Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 4/4 – 88%)

    Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 4/4 - 88%)In this final part of our review we check out the software, test the battery and give you our conclusion.

    Palm packs a generous package of software with the Centro including the excellent Documents To Go 10 (for reading, editing, creating and syncing full Office 2007 Word, Excel, PowerPoint and text files), Pocket Tunes for MP3 playback, and all of the usual Palm PIM applications and utilities.

  • Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 3/4)

    Palm Centro Smartphone ReviewYesterday we started getting to grips with the Centro, today we take some calls and check out the camera.

    Taking calls
    As a straightforward phone, the Centro performs very well indeed.

  • Etch-A-Sketch Clock: Fantastic

    Etch A Sketch Clock: FantasticWe love it when people spend huge amounts of effort building machine, or software packages that end up doing something pretty irrelevant. It’s exciting to see how adventurous the human spirit can be.

    Given this, we were delighted to see that ‘angelabuilds‘ (Angela Juan) has build a machine to use an etch-a-sketch as a clock.


  • Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 2/4)

    Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 2/4)Yesterday, we took our first shufti at Palm’s new smartphone. Here we get a feel for the diminutive handset.

    Around the phone
    Looking around the rest of the phone, there’s the trademark convenient silent mode switch at the top, while the left side contains volume up/down buttons and a customisable function key.

  • Tangent Quattro MK2 Retro Internet Radio

    Tangent Quattro MK2 Retro Internet RadioIf you find yourself pining for the smooth wooden lines of your Gran’s old radiogram and great chunky, old-school rotary dials still get you moist, then prepare your heart for a boost in the thumpa thumpa department as you set eyes on the Tangent Quattro MK2 Internet Radio.