
  • Barclays PIN Sentry Disaster

    Barclays PIN Sentry DisasterBarclays Bank have cut off some of their business customers from making payments to new suppliers, by forcing them to use PIN Sentry hardware that they don’t yet have.

    The PIN Sentry is Barclays attempt to stop their customers accounts being hacked and having payment sent to fraudulent accounts. Something that would appear to be a good idea … if their current customers had the device in their hands and were able to use it.

  • Broadband Soars As Dial Up Dies

    Broadband Soars As Dial Up DiesFor many, the curious Kraftwerk-like random blast of electronic beeps and squishes made by a dial up modem connecting with their ISP was the soundtrack to their Internet access, but now it looks like that sound is going the way of the steam whistle.

  • Brits Aren’t Feeling The iPhone iLove

    Brits Aren't Feeling The iPhone iLoveDespite the explosion of hype that surrounded the UK launch of Apple’s iPhones, the Great British Public have failed to match the gusset-moistening levels of excitement that followed the US launch, with moderate sales and punters distinctly cool about the price.

    A recent report in the Register based on ‘reliable sources’ found that the UK’s sole carrier O2 had activated just 26,500 iPhones since its launch two weeks ago, a figure way short of the 100,000 units anticipated by some pundits.

  • Sony Shifts One Million Slim PSPs In Japan

    Sony Shifts One Million Slim PSPs In JapanSony has announced that their less-lardy version of its PSP handheld gaming device has been eagerly scooped up by over one million gamers in Japan, notching up one million sales in September.

    The slimmer, lighter version managed to fly past the one million mark in just eight weeks – a big improvement on the original PSP which took two and half months to notch up the milestone sales figure.

  • UK Broadband Could Fall Into Internet Slow Lane

    UK Broadband Could Fall Into Internet Slow LaneBroadband industry bigwigs are meeting with government bods to see what can be done to stop good ol’Blighty falling into the “slow lane”.

    Although over half of UK homes are hooked up to a broadband connection, motoring along at an average speed of four megabits a second (Mbps), this looks decidedly stately compared to the ultra-fast networks proposed in other countries.

  • Lost Child Benefit Records: Scamsters And Wags Step In

    Scamsters And Wags Step InWith the story that the UK’s bumbling HM Revenue and Customs managed to lose two computer discs containing all the nation’s child benefit records along with the personal details of 25 million people, it’s not surprising that cheeky wags and scamsters on the Internet have been quick to respond.

  • Google Increases Search Market Share Further

    Google Increases Search Market Share FurtherSearch engine giants, nay, colossi, Goggle have once again increased their share of the U.S. Internet search engine market, eagerly surging past rivals Yahoo and Microsoft.

  • 0207 SkypeIn Scandal: Cost Made Skype Drop Numbers

    Looking for an alternative for Skype In?
    Read our VoIPFone review.

    Skype Bombshell: 0207 SkypeIn Numbers Must ChangeAs you know, we – and a lot of other people – aren’t impressed with Skype’s plans to cut off many of their 0207 London SkypeIn customers.

    We’ve been following this story up through various avenues, one being the company that provided the 0207 number to Skype in the first place.

    We had an interview with Don McQueen, CEO of GCI Com who provided the 0207 numbers to Skype when they started the service 2-3 years ago.

  • Ford Ennals: DigitalUK Boss To Leave

    Ford Ennals: DigitalUK Boss To LeaveThe boss of the organisation that is over-seeing the switch over from analogue to Digital TV in the UK, Ford Ennals, has announced that he is to step down in the new year.

    He’s been with the organisation since May 2005, when Digital UK was launched, but announces his departure just days after Whitehaven fully switched to Digital TV, back on 14 November.

  • Homophobic Pastor Aims To Take Over Microsoft

    Homophobic Pastor Aims To Take Over MicrosoftA seriously homophobic pastor of an American evangelical church has pledged to ‘take over Microsoft’ by encouraging millions of God-botherers to buy shares and overthrow the company’s longstanding policy of championing gay rights.