Tudou, the Shangahi-based video sharing site that is reported to stream over 15 billion minutes of video every day — thrashing YouTube’s 3 Bn — has just launched an HD service.
The new digital ways content was becoming distributed
Tudou launches HD service
Sky Max: Actually Going Unlimited
As you’ll know, many broadband providers sell you unlimited boradband service that are actually … limited.
Under the guise of a Fair Use Policy (FUP), you are slapped on the wrist if you download more than they’ve deemed as fair. After a few slaps, they’ll cut you off.
XD-E500: Toshiba XDE DVD Niggles At Blu-ray
Toshiba haven’t given up trying to needle Sony and the rest of the Blu-ray companies.
Their latest idea is XDE.
Rock The Net CD: UK Release 25 August
Indi Music Worldwide Fights For Net Neutrality. UK release of Rock The Net CD designed to bring attention to the cause.
Net Neutrality
We’ve been covering Net Neutrality for over two years now.We think it’s essential that the Internet is free and open. It’s vital that the speed of arrival of each data-packet that travels over the Internet is not dependant on if the ISP makes the decision to slow down its arrival.
Kindle E-Book Reader: ‘The Apple iPod Of The Book World’
We’ve never been particularly wowed by its clunky, mid-90s appearance, but we’re certainly digging the functionality of the Amazon Kindle e-book reader, and according to CitiGroup analyst Mark Mahaney it may prove to be a bigger smash than first expected.
Blu-ray Failing To Prove A Hit
Punters are failing to feel the love for the shiny new high tech Blu-ray format, with many happy to stick with their trusty old DVD players, according to a recent survey.
In a survey of 1,000 consumers, ABI Research found that over half had “other priorities” to shelling out for a Blu-ray player, although just under a quarter said that they were likely to buy one sometime next year.
LG GSA-E5ON Slim Portable CD/DVD Rewriter Review (76%)
It’s all well and good strutting around town with your snazzy slim’n’light ultraportable laptop but if there’s no optical recorder lurking inside you’re going to feel a bit of a chump when you need to back up content or access material on CD or DVD.