Simon Perry

  • Nokia Store Regent Street, London: Opening

    PLEASE NOTE:We don’t have the phone number for the Nokia Store – Sorry

    Nokia Flagship Store Opening: Regent Street, LondonLast week saw the opening of the Nokia Flagship Store in Regent Street, London.

    It’s their first in the UK and eighth in the world, all following on from the December 2005 opening of their first in Moscow.

    Opening night
    The pre-opening night party was crammed with all sorts of funky music types, mobile world people and journos swigging the plentiful champagne and yummy nibbles.

  • Yahoo To Microsoft: No Thanks, Not Enough Money

    Microsoft:Yahoo Merger Officially Floated - Holy Moly!!!The next twist in the Microsoft wants Yahoo story has just come to light.

    Yahoo has filed a Form 8-K with the US SEC saying that after a jolly good think about it, Yahoo has decided that Microsoft’s unsolicited proposal to purchase them is not in the best interest of Yahoo.

    Their detailed response was …

    After careful evaluation, the Board believes that Microsoft’s proposal substantially undervalues Yahoo! including our global brand, large worldwide audience, significant recent investments in advertising platforms and future growth prospects, free cash flow and earnings potential, as well as our substantial unconsolidated investments. The Board of Directors is continually evaluating all of its strategic options in the context of the rapidly evolving industry environment and we remain committed to pursuing initiatives that maximize value for all stockholders.

    Full filing

  • NFC/ aGPS on a Mobile SIM!

    NFC/ aGPS on a Mobile SIM!BlueSky have a SIM not-only with AGPS on board, but now they squeezed NFC on to it too.

    When the SIM, sitting in your mobile phone, arrived first in handsets they were lucky to hold more than about 50 contact numbers. Those days have clearly changed – drastically.

  • MacBook Air: £250 Discount From PC World

    MacBook AirApple, a company not known for liking discounts to their products, will find that their new uber-slim baby, the MacBook Air is to be offered at a £250 discount in a deal at the UK PC World shortly.

    Extending their ‘get a laptop for free when you sign up for 3 mobile broadband‘ deal, PC World have decide to include the Apple MacBook Air in the list of laptops that the £250 spending can be levied against.

  • Samsung Sponsor Indie Films In US

    Samsung Sponsor Indie Films In USOne area that we keep an eye on is the way technology companies get their brands unrecognised, or attempt to transform them.

    This Samsung sponsorship caught our attention for a couple of reasons – they’re trying to associate with film; they’re choosing non-mainstream films; and it’s with Landmark Theatres, which is owned
    by Marc Cuban and Todd Wagner

  • Sky Files First Loss for Six Years

    Sky Files First Loss for Six YearsThe interim results for UK satellite broadcaster Sky have been announced, with a £36 million pre-tax loss showing for the six-month
    period ending 31 December – its first loss for six years.

    Balanced against the financial loss was otherwise positive news, like their ARPU raising to a record £421 per subscriber, an increase in subscribers and a lowering of the customer churn to 10%. (more…)

  • Archos TV Plus Review-ette

    Archos TV Plus Review-etteArchos today showed their TV product in London to a room full of eager journalists.

  • Fring Adds Mobile File Transfer To VoIP/IM

    Fring, a provider of VoIP on mobiles, has added new functionality in their latest release.

    Beyond the VoIP and IM functions already included, they’ve expanded to allow the interchange of files between subscribers – mobile to mobile, PC to mobile, as well as between mobiles and PCs, if it runs an MSN IM or Skype client.

    There’s no restriction on the type of files that can be sent, or indeed file size, as long as you’ve got storage to receive it. Suggestions are photos – an obvious use, and a considerable saving of use MMS; as well music files – which we suspect will raise the hackles of the music biz; videos and documents complete the list.

  • 32Gb iPod touch & 16Gb iPhone Added

    32Gb iPod touch & 16Gb iPhone Added Apple have today added two new models with increased storage to both the iPhone and iPod touch ranges.

    For those of you who didn’t think the iPhone was quite expensive enough, the 16GB model will cost an extra £60 than the existing 8GB, pushing it up to £329 (inc VAT). The 8Gb will remain at £269 inc.


  • Age Guide: Yet More Personal Data On The Web Age Guide: Yet More Personal Data On The WebOnline directory enquiry service have launched a new service which combines information on the UK Electoral Roll with the data they hold on phone numbers and addresses.

    Those using the service are able to search for a people in the way you would expect with a directory, but by combining the Electoral Roll data with “modelled statistical data,” the expected age of the person is also shown.
