Solid State Drives (SSD) have been discussed for a long time in the industry and the release of the MacBook Air raised it into the minds of the general public, as there was an option to have one instead of the more normal hard drive.
Simon Perry
pSSD: SanDisk Moving To SSD For Low-cost Laptops
Second iTunes Festival London Announced
Apple are ‘keeping it real’ again this year, with the second iTunes Music Festival. It’s an opportunity to actually see the people who normally just trickle out of your iPod headphones for speakers.
This year’s event will be at Koko in Camden (nee the Camden Palace), between 1 – 31 July. It’s all opening with N*E*R*D on 1 July. There’s 60 bands playing in total with other artists performing include The Ting Tings, CSS and Chaka Khan. Cost £110m In 2007/8: BBC Trust
The BBC Trust published their findings of the review of the Web site.
This is the first time the BBC Trust had carried out its review, as it’s operating under new Charter arrangements. Previously reviews of BBC services were a job for the Secretary of State.
eBay Wife Auction Gets Police Caution: Internet Freedoms Eroding?
It looks like there could be something seriously wrong happening in the world of the Internet. Police are taking action against individuals for seemingly the most ridiculous reasons.
UK Rural Broadband Overtakes Urban
It’s been announced that, for the first time, rural broadband installations across the UK have overtaken those in Urban areas, according to Ofcom.
The whole of the UK breaks down to 59 per cent of households in rural areas now have broadband compared to 57 per cent of urban areas.
Beware: Charity Disaster Phishing Scams
It’s a sad reflection on today’s society that at times of human suffering there are those who will try to take advantage of the situation for their own gain.
The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) and other IT security organisations are warning that there are a number of phishing scams that are using donation appeals for the recent major disasters in Burma and China.
Freshtel Announce Tesco Mobile VoIP Trial
As predicted last week on Digital-Lifestyles, Tesco has announced a Mobile VoIP deal with Freshtel, initially a trial.
More details were disclosed at the press conference yesterday.
The most significant feature of the service is that calls will be able to be made from the existing mobile number. This is the first time we’ve heard of a mobile VoIP service offering this. There’s normally a separate number issued when you sign up for a mobile VoIP account.
Mac Aqua Built In Silverlight!
A Microsoft developer, Intersoft in Indonesia, has developed a Mac Aqua clone … in Microsoft’s Sliverlight.
The product, WebAqua, doesn’t hide its similarity to Apple’s Aqua interface, it even celebrates it with phrases like, “perfect for helping you bringing Mac-OS look and feel to your next-generation Web application.”
Google News Now Has Video Embedded
Google extends video playback to Google News.
We’ve known for a while that Google Search has been displaying video results with the ability to expand and play within the search results – in fact it was about a year ago.
Chengdu Earthquake: More Citizen Video: Devastation And Flight on Motorbike
Further to our pieces on normal people taking photos and videos of the actual earthquake in Chengdu and it effects, we’re grateful to Garth who sent us this video.