Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Spotify Mini Review: (91%): Public Launch of Serious iTunes Competitor

    Spotify Mini Review: (91%): Public Launch of Serious iTunes CompetitorFor a long time, one option for the music business to save themselves has been to offer an ‘all you can eat’ option for music – pay a monthly fee and listen to all of the music you fancy.


  • Future of Web Apps In London This Week

    Future of Web Apps This WeekExcitement is rising in the Digital-Lifestyles offices for the upcoming Future of Web Apps event in London later this week.

    The conference is running this Thursday to Friday, 9-10 October, with workshops running through out the Wednesday.


  • MySpace And Facebook Dominate Mobile Social Networks

    MySpace And Facebook Dominate Mobile Social NetworksIndustry giants Facebook and MySpace are the most popular social networking websites for mobile phone users, according to figures released by ABI Research.

    Their survey found that nearly half (46 per cent) of people signed up to social networks have also whipped out their mobile phones to access the sites.


  • Wi-Fi Devices to Near One Billion by 2012

    Wi-Fi Devices to Near One Billion by 2012The whole wide world is going wild for wireless according to a new study which predicts that embedded Wi-Fi chips could end up in almost a billion consumer electronics devices by 2012.


  • Vodafone Launches Books on Mobile Service

    Vodafone Launches Books on Mobile ServiceMobile operator titans Vodafone are letting rip with a literary blast blasting the book world with their new service bringing books to mobile handsets.

    The service will offer books to perambulating punters at a cost of a fiver to a hefty fifteen quid (what?!), with the cost of purchases lobbed on to the user’s monthly Vodafone bill. Thanks to nippy 3G/HSDPA technology a three-hour audio book can be downloaded in three minutes, and with shiny new smartphones like the iPhone and Android serving up bigger screens, reading a book on a phone becomes less of a chore.


  • MySpace Music: 1 Billion Songs Streamed “In A Few Days”

    MySpace Music: 1 Billion Songs Streamed MySpace is claiming that its MySpace Music service has already streamed well over a billion songs since launching on September 25.

    The company are being a little vague with the details but it seems that the billion song total was reached only a ‘few days’ after launch.


  • Sony PRS-700 E-Reader Announced, Kindle 2 Leaked

    Sony PRS-700 E-Reader Announced, Kindle 2 LeakedSony has announced their second generation e-reader, the PRS-700, which looks to grab a piece of the action stirred up by Amazon’s innovative Kindle e-reader, which is also rumoured to be updated shortly.


  • Looking For The Ultimate Netbook (8.9″ Screen Edition)

    Looking For The Ultimate Netbook (8.9After weeks of deliberation, we worked out that netbooks with 10″+ screens were just too big for our needs, so our attention drifted to smaller screened models.

    The first gen Asus Eee’s with their paltry 7″ screen were immediately discounted as we didn’t fancy indulging in a scrolling frenzy every time we looked at a website, which left the 8.9″ models for consideration.


  • Search Like It’s 2001 On Google

    Search Like It's 2001 on GoogleGoogle has been going ten years this year and to mark the occassion they’ve released a version of their database as of ten years ago.

    First thing that you’ll notice is that it’s got an old school Google logo – not exactly sure if that’s the accurate one, as drop-shadows might have been beyond them.


  • First Loyalty Points For Music Service Launched In UK

    First Loyalty Points For Music Service Launched In UKA new way of getting music has launched in the UK.

    As Nokia launches their ‘music with phones’ offering today and T-Mobile/Google offered music for the G1, we’ve heard of another company using music to tempt people towards their product.

    Nectar, who provide a loyalty card which gives points against purchases, have launched Nectar Music Store in the UK. We understand that it’s the first in the UK using loyalty points as track-buying currency.
