Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • View DVI Monitors 2Km Away Using Fibre-Extender

    View DVI Monitors 2Km Away Using Fibre-ExtenderIf you like using your computer while looking at the screen through a telescope, Gefen has the product for you.


  • Vodafone Drop DRM for MP3

    Vodafone Drop DRM for MP3Another one falls.

    Vodafone have announced that they are switching their music catalogue from Universal Music, Sony Music and EMI away from DRM-protected music to MP3 format.

    This makes Vodafone the first global mobile operator to do it.

    Not only will these tracks but DRM-free in the future, but people who have bought DRMd tracks already will be able to change them to MP3 for FREE. Are you listening Apple? No DRM-dropping tax.


  • Nokia Shimmy Out Three New Music Handsets

    Nokia Shimmy Out Three New Music HandsetsNokia – currently reeling from a mighty slip in their market share – are hoping their fortunes will improve with the release of three shiny new music handsets, the 5030, 5330 XpressMusic and the 5730 XpressMusic.

    The entry level Nokia 5030 can proudly big itself up as the first Nokia handset to feature an internal FM Radio antenna, which means you won’t have to faff about using the headphone cable as an antenna.


  • Samsung To Launch S5600 And S5230 Smartphones In Europe

    Samsung To Launch S5600 And  S5230 Smartphones In EuropeMayhem temporarily broke out around the Samsung offices when no gratuitous pretty girl to hoist aloft their wares could be located.

    Brows furrowed deeply as sales managers panicked that product launches and production schedules would have to be postponed, but happily a scantily-clad foxy brunette was soon located and the photo shoot went ahead.


  • BeBook 2 Looks To Take On Kindle eReader

    BeBook 2 Looks To Take On Kindle eReaderLooking to take the Kindle 2 around the the back of the bike sheds and give it a bit of a duffing up is the BeBook 2 by Dutch firm, Endless Ideas.

    The company aim to have their second-generation eBook reader out in the second half of 2009 and are looking to capitalise on their rivals reluctance to travel to European shores. Despite Kindle being up to version 2 over in the land of hamburgers and high fives, Brits are still yet to get their grubby mitts on one.


  • Social Network Sites Continue To Grow As Facebook Flourishes

    Social Network Sites Continue To Grow As Facebook FlourishesA detailed study by tech spods Nielsen Online has found that UK users spend one in every six online minutes browsing social media and blogging sites.

    Facebook continues to be the don of social networking sites globally, visited monthly by thirty per cent of users in the nine markets tracked in the study (UK, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, and the US) with Facebook’s global audience now a phenomenal 108.3m users.


  • Venezuela “El Vergatario” Multimedia Handset: £10

    Venezuela Venezuela is to offer what has to be the cheapest multimedia mobile phone on the planet with the “El Vergatario” handset due to be sold for just $14 (around a tenner).

    You might think that something so cheap is going to be a hefty lump of beastliness with only the most basic features, but it seems that it’ll pack in a few decent features, including an MP3 player, radio and even a camera.


  • HTC Magic G2 Available On Vodafone UK Next Month

    HTC Magic G2 Available On Vodafone UK Next MonthVodafone UK is set to offer the newly unveiled HTC Magic mobile phone as early as next month, with the handset already listed on their site as “arriving in April.”

    The second Google Android platform-based smartphone, the HTC Magic is known worldwide as G2 device and will be available exclusively through Vodafone and offered to their customers in the UK, Spain, Germany and France.


  • Apple Unapproved Cydia App Store For iPhones Emerges

    Apple Unapproved Cydia App Store For iPhones EmergesExpect Apple’s over-worked legal department to go into overdrive if the strictly non-official Cydia App Store ever appears online.

    The Wall Street Journal has reported that a developer is planning to launch the Cydia service soon, and it will sell hundreds of iPhone applications for “jailbroken” iPhones.


  • ThruYou: Remix Cluture’s Latest Incarnation

    ThruYou: Remix Cluture's Latest IncarnationRemix culture has just found its latest incarnation.

    Kutiman, a member of a collective called bacon oppenheim, has taken music videos found on YouTube and blended the audio and used the visuals to create individual versions of tracks – essentially using YouTube as a box of samples to pick from to create some great tunes.
