

  • Opera Mini 4.1 Browser Hits Beta

    Opera Mini 4.1 Browser Hits BetaSelf-crowned by Opera as the most popular mobile browser in the known universe, the latest update, Opera Mini 4.2, has now been released in beta.

    The Java-powered browser attempts to give mobile users something akin to a desktop surfing experience by displaying a small image of the full web page which can then be scrolled and zoomed into.


  • WordPress 2.6 Killed Our Love Of WordPress

    Wordpress 2.6 Killed Our Love Of WordPressWe’d been faithful and steadfast to WordPress for a very long time. Over the years, the increasing numbers of people that asked for recommendation for a blogging tool, we’d enthusiastically promote WordPress as the tool of choice.

    We’ve held the WordPress faith until we upgraded Isle of Wight News site, VentnorBlog, a sister site of Digital-Lifestyles, to version 2.6.

    It was a total disaster. Two major problems struck for us.


  • Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party With Canonical, Mark Shuttleworth

    Ubuntu 8.10, Intrepid Ibex, Release PartyLast night a party was held at Waxy O’Connors of London’s Leicester Square, celebrating the release of the popular Linux variant, Ubuntu 8.10 aka Intrepid Ibex.

    Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that is based on the principals of “free” as in beer and speech. It was set-up in Oct 2004 by Mark Shuttleworth so last night was also a 4 year birthday party and he was there to celebrate.

    Mark Shuttleworth used to run secure certificate company, Thawte, in South Africa and solid the company to Verisign in the peak of the dotcom boom for around $0.5bn. He moved to London in 2001 and then went on to fly as a cosmonaut to the International Space Station in 2002 (well, you have to spend your cash somehow).


  • Twitter: WSJ Says It’s Now Mainstream: Is That A Good Thing?

    Twitter: WSJ Says It's Now Mainstream: Is That A Good Thing?We know that Twitter gets under people’s skin, leading some of them to tweet their little sock off across many subjects from their view of emerging new business idea, through their inner most thoughts, to their love of sandwiches. Some people even get their houses to Twitter, like IBM Tech Boffin, Andy Stanford-Clark, on the Isle of Wight.


  • Developer / Startup Match Making In London On Wednesday: Register Quick!

    Developer / Startup Match Making: Hurry UpUPDATED:Ben has been in touch to tell us the first event has sold out (Well done!). There have been expressions of interest in doing more of them, so stay tuned and we’ll keep you informed.

    Here’s a quick note to the London software developers out there.

    There’s an event this coming in London on Wednesday, 29 October, which is bringing together Developers and Startups – two sets of people who don’t normally socialise with each other, outside work dos.


  • Wikitude: Android App With Augmented Reality: Mind Blowing

    Wikitude: Android App With Augmented Reality: Mind BlowingSometimes you see an application and you know that you’re seeing the future.

    * Also see the interview with Philipp Breuss, the man behind Wikitude.

    Wikitude is such a product. It runs on a Google Android, is location-aware and shows you information about the buildings that you point the camera at.


  • Opera Mobile Hits v9.5 Beta For Windows Mobile

    Opera Mobile Hits v9.5 Beta For Windows MobileFirst launched in 2000 claiming to be “the first mobile browser to bring the full Web to the small mobile screen,” Opera Mobile has now hit 9.5 beta for Windows Mobile.

    Based on Opera’s latest core rendering engine, Presto 2.1, the company claims that their new browser is both the most standards-compliant mobile browser in town and their fastest release to date, with “noticeable speed improvements over Opera Mobile 8.65 and IE Mobile.”


  • Xara Xtreme V4 Graphics package – Review (Part 2 – 88%)

    Xara Xtreme V4 Graphics package - Review (Part 2 - 88%)In part one of our review we started to look at what Xara Xtreme has to offer. Read on to find out what we thought of the package as a whole.

    As a DTP editor, Xara still has a way to go before it can compete with the big names, but it costs only a fraction of the price of Quark and Indesign and, as a cut price alternative, there’s certainly enough typographic and layout control on tap for many designer’s needs.


  • Xara Xtreme V4 Graphics package – Review

    Xara Xtreme V4 Graphics package - ReviewProudly billing itself as the ‘world’s fastest graphic program,’ Xara continues to serve up an enticing mix of unbeatable speed and real graphics power at a bargain basement price.

    We’ve been using the vector and bitmap illustration package program since it first appeared back in 1994 as Xara Studio, and instantly appreciated its super-speedy processing and no-nonsense, simple interface, backed by comprehensive help files and handy movies to get users started.


  • Windows New OS To Be Called Windows 7

    Windows New OS To Be Called Windows 7Anyone hoping that the next version of Windows was going to regale under a snappy moniker is in for a bit of a disappointment, with the word coming from the Redmond massive that the seventh version of Windows will go under the name of, err, Windows 7.
