

  • Xbox Soundtracks Competition: UK Bedroom Musicians Awake!

    Xbox Soundtracks Competition: UK Bedroom Musicians Awake!Life as a bedroom DJ or budding band member has taken a number of twists over the last few years. After ages of playing to themselves (or in some cases, with themselves), they now find that the world wants to know them.

    Microsoft are casting their large net out to pickup up some music skillz, which they’ll use to fit specially composed tunes to Xbox 360 game trailers.

    Entering sounds like a cinch. Simply grab a trailer or two from the site (there’s twelve available), apply your musical talents to it and re-upload it.

  • Gmaps Pedometer For Walkers

    Gmaps Pedometer For WalkersWe’re big fans of walking and cycling, so when we heard about gmap pedometer we donned our virtual Goretex walking boots and hiked straight over to the site.

    Like many of the best Web apps, this one is dead simple to use, and uses Google’s superb mapping application to help record how far you’ve travelled.

  • International Software Piracy Rate Remains At A Third

    International Software Piracy Rate Remains At A ThirdIt looks like the battle against software piracy remains in choppy seas, with piracy rates remaining stuck at 35 per cent for the third consecutive year.

    According to research from IDC conducted on behalf of the Business Software Alliance (BSA), things aren’t all bad, with the piracy rate dropping in sixty-two countries out of the 102 studied.

  • Palm Treo 750v Review (74%) – Part 3/3

    Palm Treo 750v Review Part 1/3In part two we looked at call quality and some of the functions of the Treo 750v, today we finish with software, connectivity and our conclusion.

    In line with its business aspirations, the 750v comes with mobile versions of Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Picsel PDF Viewer and Windows Media Player. Unfortunately, the Treo’s d-pad wasn’t fully integrated with some of these apps, so the trusty stylus had to be launched out of its silo from time to time.

  • MSDict Concise Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus Review (77%)

    MSDict Concise Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus Review (77%)If you’ve ever found yourself flummoxed at meetings by high fallutin’ hotshots impressing the boss with fancy words, or if your crossword solving skills are letting you down, MobiSystem’s MSDict Concise Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus could prove a handy travelling companion.


  • NetLog Euro Social Network Gets €5m For Future Expansion

    NetLog Euro Social Network Gets €5m For Future ExpansionNetlog, who claim to be “the first truly pan-European social networking site,” have had a couple of changes recently.

    Firstly they’ve rebranded themselves from FaceBox (perhaps the fear of legal action from FaceBook or confusion between the two might have been behind it), to a more relevant Netlog.

  • Commodore Gaming PCs Released In UK

    Commodore Gaming PCs Released In UKCommodore – a name sure to turn old skool gamers of a certain age all misty eyed and nostalgic – has released a range of high end gaming PCs.

    The top spec’d Commodore GX and Commodore xx models will only be available from their online store, while the Commodore g and Commodore GS range will sold in retail outlets from May.

    Sadly, the trusty old Amiga OS is nowhere to be seen, with all the machines running the Windows Vista operating system.

    Commodore Gaming PCs Released In UKThe top of the range XX model has a price tag sure to induce “Gordon Bennett!” exclamations, serving up a £2,900 baseline spec featuring an Intel Core2 Extreme Quad-Core processor QX6700: 2.66GHz 8MB Cache, ASUS P5N32-E NVIDIA nForce 680i SLI motherboard, 2x NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB SLI graphics cards, 2x 500GB 7200 RPM SATA Raid 0 hard drives and 2GB of 1066MHz RAM, running on Windows Vista Home Premium.

    And that’s without a monitor, keyboard and mouse and just a two year service and parts warranty.

    For those with extra voluminous pockets, machine requirements can be customised further online, with additional options like a BluRay writer, extra RAM and bigger drives pushing the price into the stratosphere.

    Commodore Gaming PCs Released In UKMad for it gamers might also warm to Commodore Gaming’s ‘C-kins’ designs which let users select one of a 100 flashy, scratch-proof, PC case paint jobs created using a patented dye process.

    “We’re extremely excited and proud to offer our range of exceptional gaming machines and since PC gaming and online gaming is about instant entertainment, this is what we intend to deliver with machines that will satisfy everyone from the casual gamer to the professional,” piped Bala Keilman, CEO for Commodore Gaming.

    Commodore says it plans to roll out a European store in mid May, accompanying retail outlets in UK, Germany, France and the Benelux.


  • £25,000 Winnings For Getting To 100

    £25,000 Winnings For Getting To 100In this decimal-obsessed society that we live in, there is a general amazement when someone reaches 100 years old.

    Mr Alec Holden from Epsom, Surrey clearly understood this when he placed a £10 bet ten years ago with UK bookie William Hill that he would survive a century.

    Today he’s celebrating his 100th birthday, a letter from the Queen and his £25,000 winnings.

    His view on the recipe for success? Porridge for breakfast, don’t worry about anything, do as little work as possible and keep breathing!

    Alec keeps his mind active by playing chess against his computer everyday and also runs a chess club.

    Listening to him on Today on Radio 4 this morning he sounded bright and sprightly taking a very positive view of his age saying that he’s looking forward to “starting off again at 100.”

    Although William Hill is down £25,000, they’ll be making saving all of the advertising that they’ll be getting from this story.

    Interesting to hear from them that they are no longer take bets of getting to 100, but are pushing out the year out to 110.

  • Facebook Searches For Its Identity

    Facebook Searches For Its IdentityThe Internet has undergone a revolution in the past few years, and one of the major trends we’ve seen is that of social networking. I suspect that a substantial proportion of those reading this are a member of one or more social networks, and those who are not are surely aware of the phenomenon which MySpace and others represent.

    Whilst I have used MySpace, Bebo and other social networks in the past, the one which I have found consistently useful (if that is the right choice of word) is Facebook. This site began in the US as a way for students at the same college to communicate with each other and organise their social lives together online, and has since come to universities everywhere and most recently, with the advent of region-based ‘networks’, to everyone. Certainly in my social circle, Facebook is gaining real traction, probably surpassing market leader MySpace as the place to join.

    How do FaceBook and MySpace Differ?
    In many ways the two services could not be more different. A subtle difference is the emphasis which Facebook places on keeping in touch with those who one already knows. MySpace, on the other hand, is quite keen to help you meet new people. The Facebook approach sits more nicely with the way most people like to interact with others; MySpace demands what you could call a social paradigm shift, if you are to take it seriously. Whilst that is not a criticism of MySpace (I know someone who is ostensibly head over heels at the moment with a person he met entirely over MySpace), it does mean that the barrier to Facebook adoption is considerably lower than that of its larger rival – an important fact given the relatively low overall percentage of the population using social networking sites currently. Future growth in the space will predominantly come from those outside the current 16-25 year olds that make up the majority of their users, who are more happy to be flexible with how their social lives operate. Facebook is more equipped to meet the needs of those who are not so flexible.

    Facebook Searches For Its IdentityCustomisation
    Another key difference is way in which MySpace users are able to customise their profile pages, whereas Facebook users are allowed no such features. Whilst the claimed potential to achieve self expression by creating an appalling design for one’s profile page is a mystery to me, I do see the appeal of the widgets platform MySpace offers.

    For the uninitiated, widgets are small boxes containing content from a third-party provider. That could be an embedded YouTube video, the contents of an RSS feed or even a dynamic app, such as livechat2im, which allows a visitor to a profile page to have an instant messaging chat with the owner directly through the page. None of this is possible with Facebook at the moment, although Mashable reported a rumour this week that Facebook is considering implementing widgets. Pete Cashmore argued that widgets is currently the key functionality MySpace has which Facebook does not, and that it would be the best way to ‘steal the social networking crown from MySpace’.

    I’m not sure I entirely agree with Pete. I think it is in a better position to grow in the medium term future than MySpace is, but it is continuously under pressure to get quick growth by trying to steal users from MySpace. Building a ‘better MySpace’ probably isn’t the way forward if it is to ultimately overtake MySpace, and rumoured features such as its classified ads service seem to indicate that Facebook is aware of that. Facebook needs to be clearly different from MySpace, and adding widgets would possibly damage that.

    Who will win long term?
    I will end with a prediction; in five years, if Facebook doesn’t pander to the temptation to be like MySpace, it will be significantly bigger in terms of users and pageviews than the Murdoch-owned rival.

    Huw Leslie is editor of UK-based Web 2.0 and software blog GizBuzz. He is a co-founder of Oratos Media and Klaxis, and his personal blog is For Crying Out Loud.

  • MySpace News Now Live: Very Quiet

    MySpace News Now Live: Very QuietFollowing the anticipation of the Beta launch of MySpace News, we thought we’d pop over and have a look at what the service is like and how well it’s doing.

    It’s obviously early days, but wow is it quiet over there … you can almost hear the tumble-weed running through it.

    It may pickup at the weekend when MySpace fans/fanatics spend their whole weekend bashing messages to their ‘friends’, or then again they may be mixing with real people and getting their bodies into the sun.

    Maybe we’re on to something that the MySpace crowd just isn’t interested in news.

    MySpace News