
  • New Apple Keyboards: Stunning

    New Apple Keyboards: StunningThere’s been rumours buzzing around about a new keyboard from Apple for the last 2-3 weeks and today, we got to see it.

    It does looks insanely good. It’s ultrathin anodized aluminium enclosure has low-profile keys that pop out of the shiny metal.

  • LG-SC330: LG Lines Up The Ladies

    LG has lined up a bevy of beaming babes to loll about on the ground and look improbably over-enthusiastic about a range of new colours for their LG-SC330 phone.

    The compact slider (also known as the KC3500/LC3500 depending on where you buy it) has now shaken off the dull black and white colour scheme forced on it by The Man and gone colour crazy – and look at the hot chicks it’s attracting already!

  • New iMac launched

    It looks like Apple has done it again, this time with their latest incarnation of the iMac.

    Apple has stuck with the same format for the last few generations of iMac – everything in the screen, sitting on a stand – clearly reducing the bulk of the case with each iteration.

    As components become more integrated, so the depth of the screen becomes slimmer. This time they’ve use the old trick of keeping the side of it thin, had have the back on it expanding deeper.

    It looks very good on it.

  • Nokia Prism Mobiles Go Toblerone Crazy

    Nokia Prism Mobiles Go Toblerone CrazyStraight out of the we’re just soooo ker-ay-zee school of phone design comes Nokia’s new “Prism” fashion handset collection which is now ready to launch in Europe.

    Already to be seen amongst the fashionistas of China, the tres quirky Prism range comprises of two handsets, the top-of-the-range 7900 and its (ahem) “quirky sibling,” the cheaper 7500.

  • Lenovo Announces Linux ThinkPads And £100 PCs

    Lenovo Announces Linux ThinkPads And £100 PCsFollowing in Dell’s footsteps, Lenovo has announced that it will start selling its ThinkPad notebooks with the open source Linux operating system preloaded.

    Commercial buyers and individual customers will now be able to specify SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 from Novell on Lenovo’s range of notebooks from the fourth quarter of 2007 – including those in the popular ThinkPad T Series.

  • O2 i-Mode Scrapped, Bursting Their Bubble

    O2 i-Mode Scrapped, Bursting Their BubbleThe UK’s number one mobile company O2 has dumped its flagship i-mode mobile Internet service after failing to attract enough customers – just two years after launching the service.

    The ‘umbling turnaround came about after the company revealed that it had only managed to woo 546,000 customers to sign up to their i-mode service in the UK and Ireland. That may sound quite a respectable figure, but it only adds up to just 3 per cent of their 18 million customer base.


  • Fujitsu Creates A Colossal 231″ Screen

    Fujitsu Creates A Colossal 231Not that long ago, a 24″ CRT TV screen sat in your living room would mark you out as a well-wedged consumer, drawing envy from lesser mortals squinting at bedsit portables or bog standard 20″ units hired out from the once mighty Radio Rentals.

    Come the 90s, impressively well dimensioned Plasma and LCD screens started to take a hold in upmarket homes, with the slimline, stylish goggleboxes expanding to wall filling screen sizes of 37″, 42″ and upwards.

  • BT Launch Winter Range In Style

    BT Launch Winter Range In Style
    Kudos to BT for putting on an impressive launch for their new range of techie goodies coming out for the winter season.

    The launch was 34 floors up near the top of London’s landmark building, the BT Telecom Tower (still known to old folks as the GPO Tower or the Post Office Tower), with the press launch taking place inside the revolving restaurant.

  • Tape 2 PC: Ion USB Cassette Deck: First View: UPDATED

    We popped off to the Firebox “Xmas in July” do last week and we saw loads of goodies that they’ll be bringing out between now and christmas.

    Tape 2 PC: Ion USB Cassette Deck: First View

    The first that we’ll bring to you is the Ion Tape2PC. We all know about the Ion Audio USB turntable and how popular they’ve been.

    Not one to stay still Ion have now moved on to capturing other digital media.

  • Philips SoniCare FlexCare: First Look: UPDATED

    Philips SoniCare FlexCare: First LookIf you thought that your sonic toothbrush gave you the ultimate teeth clean, you haven’t heard about the latest sonic brush from Philips – the SoniCare FlexCare.

    Philips have worked hard to try and improve on, what felt for us to be just about as clean as it was possible to get. The new handset has got 80% less vibration, it’s 30% smaller, 16% lighter and has an impressive 77% reduction in energy consumption when compared with the Philips Sonicare Elite.

    This thing is bonkers. When we gave it a go recently, we could not believe the pure zing we felt in our mouths post-brush. You’ll find that once you”ve used it, it will be hard to go back to anything less.