
  • Amazon’s Kindle Wireless Reading Device: More Details

    Amazon's Kindle Wireless Reading Device: More DetailsFurther to our earlier story about Amazon’s long-anticipated Kindle e-book reader, some more details have emerged about the device.


  • UK iPhone: Detailed Review: Its Web Browser, iPod-ness & Google Maps

    Previous instalments of this comprehensive UK iPhone review were the build of the iPhone & its interface and how it is to use it as a phone, texting on it and emailing.

    UK iPhone: Detailed Review: Its Web Browser, iPod-ness & Google MapsWeb Browser
    Although it’s touted as being the first to do full, real, web pages, Opera Mini 4 isn’t far behind on this front. But again, the touch UI brings it to life. Zooming and scrolling means you can navigate complex pages in orders of magnitude faster than Opera.

    There’s some irritations in the browser. It often re-fetches a page, when you’d expect it to use a cached version – such as when you go ‘back’. Opera Mini is way faster here, neatly sliding the previous page into view.

  • Hauppauge Debuts “Dolby Headphone” Wireless XFones

    Hauppauge Debuts Hauppauge have announced the availability of their new wireless 2.4Ghz headphones called ‘the XFones,’ sporting “Dolby Headphone” technology.

    Looking a bit like the headsets worn by those blokes who wave those funny sticks about when a plane is taxiing (airport workers, not lost ravers), the chunky silver headphones pack a tiny USB transmitter offering a 10m range

  • Amazon’s Kindle e-Book Reader Gets Official

    Amazon's Kindle e-Book Reader Gets OfficialWe first caught wind of Amazon’s ‘Kindle’ wireless electronic book reader back in September, but at the time we weren’t sure if we were dealing with wild speculation, vapourware or the real McCoy.

    Well, we guess confirmation doesn’t come any clearer than the front cover of Newsweek Magazine, which features the Amazon CEO proudly showing off the new reader with the caption, “Five centuries after Gutenberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is betting that the future of reading is just a click away.”

  • UK iPhone: Detailed Review: As A Phone, Its Texting & email

    Yesterday’s UK iPhone review covered the Physical characteristic of the iPhone’s and its User Interface.

    UK iPhone: Detailed Review: As A Phone, Its Texting & emailThe Phone

    There’s not a lot to say here yet. It works. A giant on screen keyboard means that manual dialling is error free, and the contacts list is incredibly quick to navigate. If you get a lot of voicemail, the visual voicemail feature will come in handy – the ability to see your voicemails as a list to choose from.

    And, as well as being able to cherry pick the message you actually want to hear, you can stop, rewind, replay, just by dragging a slider. This comes into it’s own when someone has left a tediously long message, with one key bit of information right in the middle of it.

  • UK iPhone: Detailed Review

    UK iPhone: Detailed ReviewWe’re all to aware that many sites have reviewed the iPhone, but the vast majority of them have been done by American sites.

    Following last weeks UK release we thought it would be interesting to have a look at it through UK eyes, after all, nationalities use devices differently – a great example being the UK obsession with SMS texting, compared with the US not really seeing its value.

  • Nokia’s N82 5MP Wi-Fi Phone

    Nokia's N82 5MP Wi-Fi PhoneLeaking all over the web like a war-torn sieve are the press shots of Nokia’s new N82 mobile phone, which is expected to recieve its official launch today (Weds, 14th Nov).

    The specs are yet to be confirmed, but from what we’ve heard so far, it looks to be a bit of a juicy fella, running on S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 and serving up quad-band GSM, 2100MHz HSDPA for Europe and offering twin cameras and Bluetooth connectivity.

  • Google Android SDK: Slicker Than A Beaver’s Behind

    Slicker Than A Beaver's BehindThe Google-led Android project we reported last week has stepped up a gear with the release of the first version of its software developer kit (SDK).

    A gaggle of videos have been released out into the wild, with boffin types enthusing about the fabness of the new mobile operating system and showcasing some of its benefits and features.

  • KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro Mobile Phone

    KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro MobileGot 0.25 million Euros rattling around in your pockets and looking for a new mobile phone? KMD-edition will be more that willing to help you out.

    They’ve just released a range of phones that are certainly not for the average man in the street, and not just because of the cost.

  • Two Million Mobiles In The Bin At Christmas

    Two Million Mobiles In The Bin At ChristmasIn a shameful indictment of our wasteful, throwaway society, around 2 million mobile phones – many of them perfectly usable – are expected to be thrown away over Christmas.

    The findings come from a recent Tesco Mobile survey which discovered that almost 11 million Brits expect to shell out for a new mobile phone over Christmas, with 20% of them just lobbing the old one in the bin.