We’re still reeling after reading this story last week that a federal appeals court in the US ruled that it was fine for US customs agents to go through the content of an airline passengers laptop with no evidence of wrong doing – just because they felt like it.
Your Laptop Is Open Season When Flying To SF, USA
Third Of UK Surfers Using Online Banking
In spite of endless security scares, and reports of dire service, it seems that us Brits are just loving that online banking thing, according to new research from online stat-shufflin’ dudes Comscore.
Their figures for January 2008 show that nearly 11 million users connected to at least one online banking service, adding up to around 33 per cent of the total UK online population.
Hans Reiser, Linux Filing System Creator, Found Guilty Of Murder
ReiserFS creator, Hans Reiser, has been found guilty of killing his wife.
ReiserFS is an open source filing system that has been popular with Linux users.
Reiser moved to sell his company, Namesys, back at the end of December 2006, when he said that he needed the money to pay his mounting legal costs. It’s understood that the sale didn’t occur.
Nina Reiser’s body was never found, but her traces of her blood were found in his house and car.
UK Mobiles: Texting Up, IM Up, Ringtones Down
Telecoms giant Orange are reporting a substantial fall in the demand from customers for ringtones, as punters make use of more powerful multimedia handsets to download full length songs instead.
(more…)BT Statement on Home Hub Wireless Security
Following our story on the vulnerabilities of the BT Home Hub, the most widely used DSL wireless router in the UK, BT sent us this statement last week after we requested it.
Photographers Rights In The UK: A Guide (Part 2)
Yesterday we kicked off our guide by starting to underline your rights as a photographer. Today we continue to look at where you can or can’t take pics.
Wii Fit Tour Analysed and How Consoles Do Get You Fit
Nintendo’s Wii Fit have announced a tour around the UK to show off the Wii Fit and how people can integrate it into getting themselves … well, fit.
When the Wii Fit was recently launched in the UK, it was reported as selling out pretty much instantly, which grabbed a few headlines.
(more…)Ashley Highfield: iPlayer Glory Boy?
How wrong The Times are in their piece praising Ashley Highfield, entitled “Business big shot: Ashley Highfield.”
To label him as the man behind the launch of the BBC iPlayer, misleads their readers.
Ashley might have been the person who stood himself up for interviews, giving the impression that he was the man behind it.
The real accolade for originating the concept of iPlayer and carrying out the original work behind iPlayer falls to Ben Lavender, someone no longer at the BBC.
Photographers Rights In The UK: A Guide (Part 1)
Despite the law being clear on a citizen’s rights to freely take pictures in public places (with a few restrictions) there is growing evidence of the police, police community support officers (PCSOs), security guards and general jobsworths failing to respect the rights of photographers going about their lawful business.