
Content in its shift to become digital

  • Is The Love Affair With Apple Over? WWDC Fans Subdued

    Is The Love Affair With Apple Over? WWDC Fans SubduedWatching The Keynote by The Steve at yesterday’s WWDC, Apple Developers Conference in San Francisco, it was notable that the normal level of insane adulation was absent.

    Don’t get us wrong, we’re still huge Mac fans, but many times where it was clear that The Steve was expecting at least applause – on past experience, it’s more common for the audience to stand on their chairs whooping as if witnessing the second coming – the audience gave no reaction at all.

  • Apple Releases Safari Browser For Windows

    Apple Releases Safari Browser For WindowsThe browser wars just kicked off again as Apple’s CEO announced a new Windows rival for market leaders Microsoft Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

    Declaring himself ready to “dream big,” Steve Jobs declared that he wanted his company to expand on the the 4.9% market share currently enjoyed by his Safari browser, which until now has only been available on the Apple platform.

  • China Tackles Internet Porn

    China Tackles Internet PornThe month of May saw a month-long crackdown on Internet porn in China. The combined forces of 10 ministries lead the closing of 300 domestic porn and ‘salacious’ sites being closed down.

    Li Baozhong, head of the official press watchdog and deputy director of the national anti-porn and anti-piracy office also reported that they’d blocked 4,000 links to porn sites and filtered out more than 10,000 ‘online porn games’ – we’ve no idea what these porn games could be.


  • Study: U.K. Most Active Internet Users In Europe

    Study: U.K. Most Active Internet Users In EuropeOnline stats firm comScore have been busy with their rulers, clicky counters and tape measures to bring us curious folks ‘the first comprehensive review of European Internet activity.’

    Their cool-sounding ‘comScore World Metrix’ study reveals that Europeans *heart* the Internet, with an average of 122 million Europeans aged 15 or older being online during an average day in April 2007, compared to 114 million in the U.S.

  • Google Scoops Up FeedBurner

    Google Scoops Up FeedBurnerThe hungry beast that is Google continues to pick off juicy morsels from the Internet, swallowing up ‘web feed’ firm FeedBurner as they seek to boost their ad network and Web publishing services.

    Feedburner currently manages more than 763,000 “live feeds” every day, delivering content from over 400,000 publishers, ranging from small independent publishers to big name news agencies and the Chicago-based company’s tools make it easy for users to access constant updates from their favourite bloggers, news sites and podcasters through a simplified web interface.

  • Alan Johnston Video Online

    Alan Johnston Video OnlineMuch relief for the relatives and friends of BBC Journalist Alan Johnson as a video of him speaking, apparently in good health, has appeared on the Internet.

    Many sites are now carrying it, like the BBC itself and The Telegraph, but in typical media fashion they have chosen to edit the video. We’ve embedding the video below.


  • First BBC Show Broadcasting In Second Life Tonight

    First BBC Show Broadcasting In Second Life TonightTonight sees the first BBC TV programme broadcast in Second Life – The Money Programme.

    Not surprisingly, the subject will be virtual worlds with two sections being covered – free to enter worlds like Second Life and pay for services, or Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMORPG), like World of Warcraft.

  • TV, Music and Marketing: Their Current Response To Digital Media (pt 3/3)

    We know Tech is hitting all media businesses, but how are they currently responding?

    Howard Scott has already covered North One TV and Sony BMG. Today’s final piece covers Kempster, their work with European football and the conclusion.

    Highlighting through italics are ours.

    ESA Sponsorship Forum 2007 Talking Tech Write UpAmy Kemp, Kempster
    In 1994 the World Cup Sponsorship was managed using a fax machine. Zoom to the present day and you can see how quickly things are changing (for the better!) Amy sees a big challenge for sponsors in the digital age being how do they carve out a unique position for themselves and their offerings when the playing field is so level?

  • Sells For £140m To CBS Sells For £140m To CBSUK music service has been sold to US media giant CBS, whose empire covers TV, radio and Web. is the darling of the ‘new’ Internet kids, as it is based on buzzword-tastic technology. While that’s true, it doesn’t take away from the fact that it is really rather good, using the listen preferences of everyone else on the service to automatically pick the tracks that probably match the music that you like.

    Its major strength is that it throws in tracks that you may well have never found under your own volition – vital in a world where personal playlists can kill variety.

    At £140m ($280m) the BBC are calling it the “largest-ever UK Web 2.0 acquisition.” Quite how that’s defined is anyone guess, but it is a lot of lolly, so trebles all round.

    One of the founders, Martin Stiksel told the BBC that “this move will really support us to get every track ever recorded and every music video ever made onto,” quite an ambition, but as he added, “with a strong partner like CBS, this is now within our reach.”

    It’s planned that the site and company will continue to operate separately under it’s own branding.

    Stiksel also bigged up the UK’s capital city, by saying “being in London has helped us; it’s the best place to do things with music full stop. It’s the place that leads the world.” Hurrah!


  • Basilisk II PSP: Running PSP Mac 7.5 OS: Video

    Basilisk II PSP: Running PSP Mac 7.5 OS: VideoWe know you love it when people port software on to unlikely platforms, so thought you’d like to see this video of the old (pre-osx) Mac operating system running on an Sony PSP.

    How real it is, isn’t 100% clear, but it appears to be running a PSP version of Basilisk II, an open-source Macintosh Emulator project, called, unsurprisingly, Basilisk II PSP.
    (Video follows) (more…)