
  • Sony X Series Walkman Takes On Apple’s iPod Touch

    Sony X Series Walkman Takes On Apple's iPod TouchSony has hoisted a vast box of its new X Series Walkmans into the air and given them a hefty kick towards the general direction of consumers at a UK launch today.

    Looking to take on the mighty iPod Touch, the new Walkmans look pretty good to our eyes, sporting a 3in touch-screen and coming in 16GB or 32GB flavours, capable of ferreting away up to 7,000 songs or 40 hours of video.


  • Sony Ericsson Walkman W995 8MP Cameraphone Announced

    Sony Ericsson Walkman W995 8MP Cameraphone AnnouncedWith a deft tug on the velvet rope, Sony Ericsson’s curtains have swished to one side to reveal their new Walkman W995 smartphone, promising punters nothing less than a “complete on-the-move entertainment experience”.


  • Sony Vaio P Review: Hands On With The Netbook/Lifestyle PC (Part 2/2)

    Part one of our Sony Vaio P Review was wowed at shiny colours; initial impressions on opening it and amazing screen resolution. Here’s the concluding section.

    Sony Vaio P Review: Hands On With The Netbook/Lifestyle PCsKeyboard impresses
    If the display didn’t exactly knock us out, the keyboard was an unexpected treat. Although it’s clearly substantially smaller than a full laptop keyboard (Sony say that it’s 88 percent the size of their Sony Vaio TT keyboard, which is already smaller than a regular keyboard), it’s extremely well designed. We managed to get up a fair rate of knots on the thing with few errors and would feel comfortable typing out quite a few emails on it.


  • Sony Vaio P Review: Hands On With The Netbook/Lifestyle PC

    We think this is the first serious review of the Sony Vaio P, it’s not a just a couple of quick paragraphs, but a more in depth examination for what it’s like to use. We hope you enjoy it.

    Sony Vaio P Review: Hands On With The Netbook/Lifestyle PCsWe’d already dribbled and drooled all over the first press photos of Sony’s gorgeous new Vaio P Series netbook, so couldn’t miss the opportunity to check it out at the UK launch event at the famous champagne bar at St Pancras station.

    Our first impressions – once we got over the disappointment of the promised free champagne being replaced by a warm cup of coffee (! :) ) – was overwhelmingly positive.


  • UK Video Game Sales Soar 23%: Wii Sales More Than 360 + PS3

    Wii On Course To Overtake XBox 360 This YearUK sales of video game hardware and software in 2008 have lept to £4.034 billion, so say industry body ELSPA.

    Looks like fans of video games are refusing to listen to the doom-sayers and have been buying video games in ever larger numbers taking software sales to £1.905 billion.

    Now the detail …


  • Sony VAIO TT 11.1″ Notebook – World’s Lightest Blu-Ray Laptop

    Sony VAIO TT 11.1Woooargh! Look at this beauty!

    This laptop has such mean, bad boy looks that it could probably take out Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Yul Bryner in WestWorld in a single flip of its foxy carbon black lid.


  • MBW-200: Sony Bluetooth Watches For Women

    Sony introduce Bluetooth watches for womenSony have introduced Bluetooth watches for women that have control over mobile phones.

    We all know that lots of women keep their mobile phones in the handbags rather than stuff them in the back pockets like men do and most of them don’t clutch them in their mits a-la Paris Hilton.


  • Sony Alpha 900 World’s First Full-frame 24.6 Megapixel DSLR

    Sony Alpha 900 World's First Full-frame 24.6 Megapixel DSLRVast reservoirs of drool have started to form around the desks of photographers in Chez Digi-Lifestyles after the full details of Sony’s flagship new Alpha 900 digital SLR were released.


  • Sony Ericsson G705 Smartphone Announced

    Sony Ericsson G705 Smartphone AnnouncedWe’re liking the look of Sony Ericsson’s new G705 high end smartphone.

    A sleek, slide out number, the G705 packs a 2.4-inch display with automatic screen rotation taken care of by an onboard accelerometer. There’s also WiFi, aGPS with Google Maps for Mobile, a built-in FM radio, an RSS reader for grabbing your news on the move, email client and a full HTML browser – all delivered at “turbo 3G speeds.”


  • W302 Sony Ericsson Walkman Launched

    W302 Sony Ericsson Walkman LaunchedOf the phone released today, the W302 is bottom of the range, a quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE handset that comes with a 2-megapixel camera, 3D games, FM radio and Bluetooth stereo A2DP with just a 512MB Memory Stick Micro card lobbed in the pack.
