BT and Sony have announced the release of Go!Messenger, software that runs on Sony’s handheld PSP, enabling Video, Voice and Instant Messaging communications.
Go!Messenger: IM, Video And Chat On PSP
VoipFone Offers VoIP on Your BT Phone
Here’s an interesting twist, melding old telecoms with new.
Voipfone, UK VoIP providers, have started offering a VoIP service on a ‘normal’ BT landline.
(more…)BT Gives Ebbsfleet 100Mbps Broadband
We’re not sure what the residents of humble Ebbsfleet in Kent have done to deserve this, but they’re set to be the first residential location in the UK to be connected to a high speed fibre-optic cable network, serving up the UK’s fastest broadband service.
(more…)UK Broadband Could Fall Into Internet Slow Lane
Broadband industry bigwigs are meeting with government bods to see what can be done to stop good ol’Blighty falling into the “slow lane”.
Although over half of UK homes are hooked up to a broadband connection, motoring along at an average speed of four megabits a second (Mbps), this looks decidedly stately compared to the ultra-fast networks proposed in other countries.
(more…)Competition: Two Pairs Of Philharmonia Tickets And BT Internet Radios – Just Whistle
All of you culture vultures and sophisticate wannabes, here’s a chance to fill your boots.
We’ve teamed up with BT and the Philharmonia Orchestra to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a BT Internet Radio and a pair of tickets to see the Philharmonia Orchestra perform Bartok, Ravel and Debussy on Thursday, 18 October, 2007.
At the Royal Festival Hall … complete with access to the Member Bar. Talk about posh!
(more…)Win Tickets For A Private Screening Of Friday’s England Rugby Match – On Top of BT Tower!
We’ve teamed up with BT Total Broadband to offer four pairs of exclusive tickets for a private screening of England versus South Africa rugby match this Friday, 14 September, 2007.
The winners will enjoy a prime view of the action of the world cup match with a private screening at the top of BT Tower with VIP hospitality.
What sort of VIP treatment? The prize includes a drinks reception, Wine Tasting, South African and English themed menu, interview with Celebrities, the live screening and a post-match analysis from experts. Pretty good bundle eh?
(more…)BT Offer Local Numbers for VoIP
BT are to offer those who sign up for their Business Broadband Voice service – VoIP to you and me – an option of having a local phone number connected to it. At a charge, naturally.
BT is calling the service “Geographic Numbers”, ie what you’d normally have if you had a landline phone line from them.
(more…)BT Launch Winter Range In Style
Kudos to BT for putting on an impressive launch for their new range of techie goodies coming out for the winter season.The launch was 34 floors up near the top of London’s landmark building, the BT Telecom Tower (still known to old folks as the GPO Tower or the Post Office Tower), with the press launch taking place inside the revolving restaurant.