
  • Google TextAds Now On YouTube

    Google TextAds Now On YouTubeWe’ve been keeping our eyes on the growth of advertising on YouTube – first there were text adverts on top of the YouTube videos, then they tried placing video adverts on the YouTube home page.


  • Video Adverts on YouTube Homepage

    Video Adverts on YouTube HomepageWe know that Google is driven by advertising, right?

    Well, since buying YouTube, they haven’t plastered the site with advertising, as a less savvy company might do, but they have played around a few times with raising revenue including adding promotions, supposedly linked to the video playing, at the bottom of the video, but above the playing controls.

  • Stereo Bluetooth Headphones: Motorola S9 Campaign Launches

    Stereo Bluetooth Headphones: Motorola S9 Campaign LaunchesMotorola have a new campaign to push a set of their stereo BlueTooth music headphones, the Motorola S9 or MotoRokr S9 as they’re sometimes called.

  • Yahoo Advertising To Merge In Shake Up

    Yahoo Advertising To Merge In Shake UpYahoo has announced that it is going to shake up the structure of their advertising departments, merging its web search and display advertising.

    Executive vice president of global sales at Yahoo, Gregory Coleman (pictured), was on hand to deliver the follow wise words, “When combined, the two organisations will deliver profoundly better results than when delivered separately.”


  • Google, Sina Sign Search And Ad Deal: China

    Google, Sina Sign Search And Ad Deal: ChinaIn a long line of partnerships deals, designed to improve their standing – and income – within Mainland China, Google has signed a deal with China’s number one portal,

  • TV, Music and Marketing: Their Current Response To Digital Media (pt 3/3)

    We know Tech is hitting all media businesses, but how are they currently responding?

    Howard Scott has already covered North One TV and Sony BMG. Today’s final piece covers Kempster, their work with European football and the conclusion.

    Highlighting through italics are ours.

    ESA Sponsorship Forum 2007 Talking Tech Write UpAmy Kemp, Kempster
    In 1994 the World Cup Sponsorship was managed using a fax machine. Zoom to the present day and you can see how quickly things are changing (for the better!) Amy sees a big challenge for sponsors in the digital age being how do they carve out a unique position for themselves and their offerings when the playing field is so level?

  • TV, Music and Marketing: Their Current Response To Digital Media (pt 2)

    We know Tech is hitting all media businesses, but how are they currently responding?

    Howard Scott covered North One TV yesterday; today it’s Sony BMG; and the final piece tomorrow is Kempster, their work with European football and the conclusion.

    Highlighting through italics are ours.

    ESA Sponsorship Forum 2007 Talking Tech Write UpDuncan Bird, VP of Futures, Sony BMG
    Duncan Bird is an ex-Leagas bod, just like me – so he’s got to be cool, right?

    For Duncan, change in anything is good and is often the best way to learn. For Sony BMG, the music industry is in a state of constant change, and as an example, the Justin Timberlake album (got you copy yet? No? Strange!) sold in 71 different formats. That’s a big change from CD, Tape and Vinyl!

  • Big Brother Slashes Phone Voting Costs: What About Previous Years?

    Big Brother Slashes Phone Voting CostsThe dreadful television programme, that those involved have tried as hard as possible to turn in to an ‘event’, Big Brother, comes on to some UK TV screens tonight. That isn’t of interest really, is it?

    What is worth noting is how Channel 4 and Endemol have dropped the price of the phone calls that the show relies on to provide the votes that influence if contestants stay or leave the programme. Being ‘interactive’ with the audience they call it.

    By way of a background to the price reductions, it’s relevant to understand that the UK has seen a large and considerable kerfuffle about how TV stations and production companies have been ripping off viewers who have called in to premium rate phone lines. Often the calling contestants had no chance of winning.

    Big Brother Slashes Phone Voting CostsThe call price drops
    This year eviction votes on Big Brother will drop from 50p per call to 25p (from a BT landline). Of this, 10p will go to charity and the reminder to Channel 4 for ‘administrating’ the calls.

    Big Brother SMS voting will be dropped completely.

    External vote monitoring
    There have for years been unsubstantiated claims that the voting for Big Brother has been rigged by the production team to try and spice up things when it’s looking too flaccid.

    This year the voting will be monitored by an external law firm.

    Summary: Investigate Previous Years Voting
    All of these changes that are being made around Big Brother appear like they’re being made to clear the decks before this years show.

    With these moves, especially the SMS voting, is it just us who thinks that there are questions to be answer about the previous years voting, if those votes cast were properly taken account of and whether income generated over those years was legitimately gained.

  • TV, Music and Marketing: Their Current Response To Digital Media

    We know Tech is hitting all media businesses, but how are they currently responding?

    Howard Scott went along to a meeting, Talking Tech, organised by the European Sponsorship Association to investigate the current state of play – covering the world of TV, Music and entertainment marketing.

    Today’s piece covers North One TV; tomorrow, Sony BMG; and the final piece, Kempster, their work with European football and the conclusion.

    Highlighting through italics are ours.

    ESA Sponsorship Forum 2007 Talking Tech Write UpESA Talking Tech
    Another day, another conference. A couple of weeks back I attended the ESA Sponsorship Seminar entitled Talking Tech. Even though the title was “Talking Tech” I didn’t let that put me off.

    It was aimed at the Sponsorship industry with a slant to how digital tools (lots of reference to new media, but is it still new?) have/can/will later that side of the marketing business.

    The panel of speakers for the event had some interesting people on board, and in my usual style I’ll go through each of them in turn now.

  • Adverts Appear On YouTube: First Step

    Adverts Appear On YouTube: First StepFollowing the purchase of YouTube by Google, we just knew that there would be advertising coming to YouTube sometime soon.

    Many were surprised that there weren’t commercial banners to the top of the page, but they missed the obvious – Google is a master of online advertising and acts smart.