Simon Perry

  • Whitehaven:THE OFF SWITCH: Process Podcast

    Whitehaven:THE OFF SWITCH: Process PodcastTonight at 2am THIS SWITCH is going to be turned off, ending the BBC 2 transmission and marking the start of the UK turning off it’s analogue TV service.

    As you can see, the jolly wag engineers have wished it a fond goodbye, by draping bunting over it and the BBC analogue rack that is being decommissioned.

    The two shiny new racks (see below) replacing it, will, after some swapping of rather large coax cables, take over pumping five digital channels in the space that is left by the analogue channel going dark.

  • Whitehaven Switchover: Town Crier Rings Out The Digital Changes

    Whitehaven: Town Crier Rings Out The Digital ChangesThe services of the local Town Crier were brought in today to ring out the message that Analogue is ending in Whitehaven today and Digital TV is coming.

    Standing in the beautiful grounds of St Nicholas church, dressed in his fine robes, he regaled us and those standing around with a fine demonstration.

    Just a bit of fun we thought you’d all appreciate.

    Audio after the click.


  • Whitehaven Jericho Primary School: Goodbye Analogue Assembly (Podcasts)

    Whitehaven Jericho Primary School: Goodbye Analogue Assembly (Podcasts)The Jericho Primary School in Whitehaven today held a ‘Goodbye analogue’ assembly on the eve of tomorrow’s digital switchover, where analogue TV transmissions will be turned off for the first time in the UK.

    The headteacher and staff couldn’t have been more helpful, as members of the press from around the world converged on the school for the morning.

  • UK Analogue Switch Off: Whitehaven Diaries 2

    I suspect that you’re not going to be surprised to hear that the local paper for Whitehaven is called the Whitehaven News.

    It may surprise you that they’ve has been knocking out news stories since 1852 – making it all the more incredible that it’s now at the leading the charge for digital Switchover in this fair town.

    I picked up the paper today and thought it would be worth having a dissection of its Digital TV coverage and advertising.

  • UK Analogue Switch Off: Whitehaven Diaries 1

    UK Analogue Switch Off: Whitehaven Diaries 1I was knocking around Whitehaven yesterday afternoon after a journey that started for me on Sunday evening when I left the Isle of Wight.

    As I’ve come nearly the full length of the country to cover something that could, if we were a less caring publication, be done from behind a desk with a hot drink in our hands, I thought it would be worthwhile giving a break down of why Whitehaven has been chosen for Analogue switch off/ Digital switchover/whatever you want to call it.

  • Whitehaven Analogue Switch-Off Coverage Ahoy!

    Whitehaven Analogue Switch-Off Coverage AhoyWe’re dragging our sorry bones up to Whitehaven, Cumbria to join the media bandwagon to witness the first UK town to have their analogue TV signal to be turned off.

    We’ve covered the build up to this pretty extensively, as it’s a major change to the way that television is received by ‘normal’ punters – yes it’s happened in quite a few other places already, like Berlin, but this is our home turf.

  • Competition: Two Pairs Of Philharmonia Tickets And BT Internet Radios – Just Whistle

    Competition: Two Pairs Of Philharmonia Tickets And BT Internet Radios - Just WhistleAll of you culture vultures and sophisticate wannabes, here’s a chance to fill your boots.

    We’ve teamed up with BT and the Philharmonia Orchestra to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a BT Internet Radio and a pair of tickets to see the Philharmonia Orchestra perform Bartok, Ravel and Debussy on Thursday, 18 October, 2007.

    At the Royal Festival Hall … complete with access to the Member Bar. Talk about posh!

  • The Archers? Podcast? Are You Serious?

    The Archers? Podcast? Are You Serious?The Archers, a BBC radio soap-opera that has been running for over 50 years, has now become the latest podcast from the BBC.

    There will be gasps of shock echoing around the UK at this news.

  • Jalipo: Pay-per-minute Sports Video Launched

    Jalipo: Pay-per-minute Sports StartingJalipo, an online video service, has announced that they will now be carrying televised sporting events.

    As opposed to the more usual way of paying for the pleasure of watching sports events – on a subscriptions or pay-per-view basis – Jalipo will be charged on a pay-per-minute basis.

  • Madonna, Material Girl In $120m Live Nation Rumour

    Madonna, Material Girl In $120m Live Nation RumourThe WSJ is reporting that the ever-innovative Madonna has been in negotiations with a number of parties about her forthcoming years in the music industry.

    She’s going to be exiting her Warner Brothers contract soon, and it’s understood that Live Nation, a concert promoter, is trying to woo her with a 10-year / $120 million deal that would cover three albums, concerts, merchandise and licensing her name for use on products.

    As we’ve reported, there’s been some major shifts in the music industry of late, such as Radiohead giving fans the option of name their own price for their latest album, and Alan McGee talking about giving the Charlatans records away.
