Simon Perry

  • Ford Ennals: DigitalUK Boss To Leave

    Ford Ennals: DigitalUK Boss To LeaveThe boss of the organisation that is over-seeing the switch over from analogue to Digital TV in the UK, Ford Ennals, has announced that he is to step down in the new year.

    He’s been with the organisation since May 2005, when Digital UK was launched, but announces his departure just days after Whitehaven fully switched to Digital TV, back on 14 November.

  • Vista Is Rubbish! (Comic Video)

    Vista Is Rubbish! (Comic Video)Yes, we got hold of Vista as soon as it came out, and yes we removed it just as quickly as we installed it because it was RUBBISH.

    Given this, you can imagine that given this horrible experience – not unique to us – we find anything funny that take the mickey out of Microsoft and Vista.

    When we had a link to a video passed to us by Digital-Lifestyles pal, Tony Greenberg, we just had to share it with you all.

  • Skype Bombshell: 0207 SkypeIn Numbers Must Change

    Looking for an alternative for Skype In?
    Read our VoIPFone review.

    Skype Bombshell: 0207 SkypeIn Numbers Must ChangeSkype has just written to owners of 0207 SkypeIn numbers to tell them that their number will have to change by 20th December 2007 – a mere month away. 0207 is the dialling prefix for Central London.

    Although worded in a very friendly way, this bombshell email will not be welcomed by those who rely on SkypeIn to bring calls in to their business.

  • Showcenter 250HD: Pinnacle Launches HD Media Player

    Showcenter 250HD: Pinnacle LaunchesPinnacle have announced the launch of their Showcenter 250HD. It’s a device that’s been designed to let you enjoy your digital media, but away from your computer.

    You’ll probably have guessed from the HD suffix that the Showcenter 250HD supports HiDef video, as it does with HD resolution photos.

  • Surf Buds: Social Network For Surfers Launches … Quietly

    Surf Buds: Social Network For Surfers Launches ... QuietlyBack in the early days of the Web, newbies often used to refer to Web browsing as Surfing The Web, well there’s a new service that’s just launched that aims to help real Surfers on the Web.

    Surf Buds tells us that they’re the first online social network created just for surfers.

  • Real Offer 1-Click Video To iPod Downloads

    Real Offer 1-Click Video To iPod DownloadsIf you’ve been frustrated at only being able to get video content on to your iPod than Apple has sanctioned for iTunes store release, your waiting is over.

    Real has just announced the release of the latest version of RealPlayer, which lets you load up videos from anywhere on the Internet – including Flash-based services like YouTube – straight on to your iPod via your computer, as long as the content doesn’t have DRM protection on it.

  • Stewart Purvis Joins Ofcom

    Stewart Purvis, news super-hero and friend of DL, has been appointment as the new Partner for Content and Standards at Ofcom.

    The Content and Standards Group oversees regulation of television and radio quality and standards and compliance with the Broadcasting Code.

    He’s a hard-bitten newsman who has a strong understanding of technology and the changes that it is bring to the world of media.

  • MyFootballClub Announces Team They’re Buying

    MyFootballClub Announces Team They're BuyingThe UK football club that is being bought by Web site, MyFootballClub has been announced today.

    MyFootballClub (MyFC) is a revolutionary Web-based idea that will see the decisions of the management of the club – transfers, player selection and all major decisions – carried out by the paid-up members of the site – perhaps one of the only true forms of democracy still left. Thinks of it as fantasy football, but with a real team.

  • KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro Mobile Phone

    KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro MobileGot 0.25 million Euros rattling around in your pockets and looking for a new mobile phone? KMD-edition will be more that willing to help you out.

    They’ve just released a range of phones that are certainly not for the average man in the street, and not just because of the cost.

  • YouTube Multi-Upload App & 1GB Size Increase

    YouTube Multi-Upload App & 1GB Size IncreaseThere’s a couple of changes going on at YouTube that are worth highlighting – mainly because they look like they’re a big improvement, particularly for those who upload many videos at once.

    Once a app has been downloaded, YouTube-ers will be able to batch upload videos, rather than having to do them one after the other.