Mike Slocombe

  • Half The Planet Owns A Mobile Phone

    Half The Planet Owns A Mobile PhoneThey’ve only been around 30 years, but such has been the impact and growth of the mobile phone that half the planet will be carrying one in the next few months.

    According to Mobile Intelligence data, the period from Jan 2001 to 2010 will see mobile ownership go from just 13% of the population to 70% by the end of the decade.

  • HP iPAQ 210 Enterprise PDA

    HP iPAQ 210 Enterprise PDAWe know that PDAs are supposed to have gone the same way as Sarsaparilla bars and 8 track cartridges, but HP’s much-delayed shiny black iPAQ 210 seems worthy of a look after

    Packing an almighty 4 inch 640 x 480 touchscreen LCD, the iPAQ comes with more connections than Clapham Junction, offering both CompactFlash and SD (with SDHC and SDIO support) slots, 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.0 EDR, and USB 2.0 and docking options in the shape of a 24-pin iPAQ connector and Mini-USB connector.

  • Wii On Course To Overtake XBox 360 This Year

    Wii On Course To Overtake XBox 360 This YearThe Nintendo Wii looks set to overtake Microsoft’s XBox 360 as the dominant console system this year, according to the white-coated analyst bods at research firm iSuppli.

  • Daily Mail Launches Free SMS Service

    Daily Mail Launches Free SMS ServiceWhining middle-Englanders, polyester slack-wearing Conservatives, nostalgic old duffers and social climbing Home Counties types will soon be able to send outraged texts for free, thanks to a new service from Associated Newspapers’ Daily Mail.

  • Toshiba Set To Dump HD-DVD. Shares Surge

    Toshiba Set To Dump HD DVD. Shares SurgeAfter a long battle with its rival Blu-Ray, Toshiba has admitted that it is considering throwing in the towel and getting the hell outta of the high-definition DVD business.

  • Elonex Unveil £99 Laptop

    Elonex Unveil £99 LaptopMover over Asus and tell Eee the news – there’s a new bargain basement laptop in town, in the shape of the Elonex One, set to retail for under a hundred quid.

    The super, nay ultralow cost laptop is set to be wowing Brummies when it’s introduced at The Education Show in Birmingham on 28th February.

  • Symbian Shift 77.3m Units In 2007

    Symbian Shift 77.3m Units In 2007Apple may be busy shuffling facts about to make their modest iPhone sales sound more impressive, and Microsoft may be bragging about the 14.3m Windows Mobile phones sold in the last 6 months, but when it comes to sheer volume of sales, they’re right at the back of the class compared to Symbian OS.

  • Green Paper: Ban UK Illegal Downloaders

    Green Paper: Ban UK Illegal DownloadersThe government is scheming new plans to slap down illegal music downloaders hard, with the ultimate threat of having their Internet access cut.

    Under a leaked Green Paper draft consultation, it’s been mooted that Internet service providers should be obliged to take action over users downloading pirated material, with a “three strikes” rule giving them an e-mail warning, followed by suspension, and then termination of their contract.

  • Nokia High End N96 Announced

    Nokia High End N96 AnnouncedFeaturing more bells and whistles than a loved up gang of NuRave Morris dancers, Nokia have unveiled their new Nokia N96 high end handset at the Mobile World Congress 2008 in Barcelona.

    Billed as being optimised for video and TV, the N96 sports a beefy 2.8″ 16m colour TFT, QVGA (240×320 pixel) resolution screen, 16GB of internal memory and support for high-quality videos in a wide range of formats, including MPEG-4, Windows Media Video and Flash Video.

  • Microsoft Buys Danger, Sidekick Makers

    Microsoft Buys Danger, Sidekick MakersMicrosoft’s wad may have failed to woo Yahoo yesterday, but they’ve had more luck flashing the cash at the software firm Danger Inc, makers of the software that powers T-Mobile’s hugely successful SideKick web phone.