Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Sony Vaio P Review: Hands On With The Netbook/Lifestyle PC

    We think this is the first serious review of the Sony Vaio P, it’s not a just a couple of quick paragraphs, but a more in depth examination for what it’s like to use. We hope you enjoy it.

    Sony Vaio P Review: Hands On With The Netbook/Lifestyle PCsWe’d already dribbled and drooled all over the first press photos of Sony’s gorgeous new Vaio P Series netbook, so couldn’t miss the opportunity to check it out at the UK launch event at the famous champagne bar at St Pancras station.

    Our first impressions – once we got over the disappointment of the promised free champagne being replaced by a warm cup of coffee (! :) ) – was overwhelmingly positive.


  • Nortel Files For Chapter 11

    Nortel Files For Chapter 11Wowser. Nortel, (ex-?)networking giant, have filed for Chapter 11 due to financial difficulties.

    In their words …

    Nortel made this decision with the unanimous authorization of its Board of Directors after thorough consultation with its advisors and extensive consideration of all other alternatives. This process will allow Nortel to deal decisively with its cost and debt burden, to effectively restructure its operations and to narrow its strategic focus in an effective and timely manner.


  • BBC To Launch Visual Radio Player

    BBC To Launch Visual Radio PlayerThe BBC is set to revolutionise radio listening with the introduction of a new “visual radio player” this month.

    The technology is set to be trialed for a week on Radio 1’s Chris Moyles weekday mornings show (6.30am to 10am) and on the Annie and Nick show on Sunday evenings (7pm to 10pm), and will let users listeners head off to the DJs website and get a load of “complementary visuals.”


  • Blu-ray Content Market Soars In US And UK

    Blu-ray Content Market Soars In US And UKThe popularity of Blu-ray went ballistic during 2008, with sales and rentals of Blu-ray content discs almost tripling in the US and quadrupling in the UK.

    US sales notch up $750 million
    Laughing in the face of an overall downturn in the U.S. home entertainment market, the entire Blu-ray Disc market in the U.S. totted up to a hefty $750 million last year, up from $270 million in 2007.


  • Plasma TV Screens Set To Get The Push In Europe

    Plasma TV Screens Set To Get The Push In EuropeThe pen-pushing Eurocrats in Brussels are ready to ban large screen plasma TVs if a new EU standard goes through this spring.

    The EU is displeased with the vast energy needs of plasma screens, which are thought to hog four times as much power than regular screens, and produce four times as many carbon emissions.


  • Best of CES 2009: Our Choice

    Best of CES 2009: Our ChoiceWith the dust settling on last week’s annual CES tech fest, we take a look at some of the gadgets and gizmos that caught our eye.

    Top of the pile – and incidentally a recipient of CNet’s ‘Best In Show’ and ‘Peoples’ Voice’ awards – is the hugely innovative and exciting Palm Pre smartphone. Just when we thought Palm were ready to slide into oblivion, they pulled out a stunning new phone with an interface that makes even the iPhone look out of date.


  • Palm Pre: WebOS Videos To Watch

    Palm Pre: Videos To WatchYou may well have seen our enthusiastic story on the first viewing of the Palm Pre last week.

    To give you some more insight in to the Palm Pre, we’ve gathered a few video that show the interface – WebOS – that many people have been enthusing about.


  • Brits Spend Over £100m Online On Christmas Day

    Brits Spend Over £100m Online On Christmas DayTaking time off from stuffing their faces with turkey and mince pies, nearly 4m Britons waddled away from the dinner table to go online and spend more than £100m on Christmas Day.

    According to figures issued by the IMRG, around 3.8m consumers turned their backs on Wallace & Gromit and the Dr Who special to log on and splash out a record breaking £102m online – an average of £26.80 per shopper.


  • Palm Pre: Hitting Back With Stunning New Phone And WebOS

    Palm Hits back With Stunning New Pre Phone And WebOSWe must admit that our expectations were running low for Palm’s do-or-die press launch yesterday, but we’ve been left blown away by their hugely impressive new Palm Pre handset and WebOS operating system.

    Palm Pre handset
    Featuring a 3.1-inch accelerometer-sensed 320 x 480 multi touch display with full QWERTY keyboard in portrait orientation, the phone packs in all the features conspicuously absent from previous Palm OS handsets, including 802.11b/g WiFi, GPS with turn by turn mapping, Bluetooth with stereo A2DP and EV-DO Rev. A 3G.


  • Whopper Sacrifice: Confusing Facebook App

    Whopper SacrificeBurger King has releases a rather strange Facebook App – Whopper Sacrifice.

    In exchange for you un-friending (burning) your Facebook ‘friends,’ it gives you credit towards a Whopper. Burn ten and they’ll give you a burger in the US.
