Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Philips SE6552B Cordless Answerphone Review (32%)

    Philips SE6552B Cordless Answerphone Review (32%)Looking rather dapper in its sleek, shiny modern finish, the Philips SE6552B cordless answerphone seeks to impress with its modern looks and colour screen – but will it push our buttons?

    One of the unexplained mysteries of modern technology is why mobile phones get slimmer, smarter and more stylish while home cordless phones continue to look like chunky, lumbering Stone Age slabs of plastic with Neanderthal interfaces and squinty screens.


  • Nearly Half Of UK Web Users Have Illegally Downloaded Music

    Nearly Half Of UK Web Users Have Illegally Downloaded MusicA new UK based survey has found that nearly half of web users have used illegal file sharing sites to help themselves to free content.

    A study involving over 1,000 consumers by and music site DrownedinSound (DiS) found that 46% of users had used peer-to-peer sites (P2P), with Limewire (34%) and BitTorrent (25%) being the most popular.


  • Virgin Media Upgrades All 2Mb Broadband Customers To 10Mb

    Virgin Media Upgrades All 2Mb Broadband Customers To 10MbBilled as the ‘UK’s biggest ever upgrade,’ Virgin Media has announced that it will putting all its 2Mb broadband customers into the fast line, ad hooking them up to to a 10Mb line.

    Self-proclaimed as a move that will continue ‘its role as the pacesetter for high-speed broadband,’ Virgin say that the upgrade comes courtesy of some nifty leveraging of increased network capacity to ensure that all its lower level customers can bathe in the speedy glory of a 10Mb line (or thereabouts).


  • Olympus 620 DSLR Offers In-Camera Effects Galore

    Olympus has announced its new E-620 DSLR, sporting a 12.3MP camera sand incorporating features from the recently introduced E-30 in a compact body.

    Pitched at the upper entry-level market, the E-620 offers three-level image stabilisation, a 2.7″ tilt and 270 degree swivel LCD and snazzy features like Art Filters and Multiple Exposures.


  • Philips Ultra-Widescreen Cinema 21:9 TV Gets Official For UK

    Philips Ultra-Widescreen Cinema 21:9 TV Gets Official For UKIf you’re pockets are deeper than the Mariana Trench and you’ve got an aircraft-hangar sized front room, Philips’ fabulous new 56inch 21:9 TV may be just the thing for you.

    Wider than the Mersey tunnel, the 21:9 tele was officially announced a few weeks ago, but it’s taken until now for Philips to hit us mere mortals with the devastating price tag: a hefty £3,500.


  • UMID MBook: Smallest Netbook Yet With 4.8 Inch Screen

    UMID MBook: Smallest Netbook Yet With 4.8 Inch ScreenWhile netbooks continue to offer bigger screens with a corresponding creep in case size, the UMID’s mbook engages reverse gear and is but a mere slip of a thing with a tiny screen.

    Undoubtedly the tiniest netbook yet, the mbook squeezes in the same 1.1GHz Atom Silverthorne Intel CPU seen on regular netbooks, while the touchscreen gets shrunk in the wash down to a mere 4.8-inch number sporting a eyesight challenging 1024 X 600 screen resolution.


  • Dell Inspiron Mini 10 Netbook Launches In UK

    Dell Inspiron Mini 10 Netbook Launches In UKDell has now officially launched their new Inspiron Mini 10 netbook in the UK

    Billed as a “mini-notebook that adds keyboard comfort and even more entertainment-friendly dimensions to the Inspiron Mini family”, the Mini 10 shimmies in between the Mini 9 and Mini 12 in Dell’s current netbook line-up.


  • TealOS For Palm Serves Up WebOS-Lite

    TealOS For Palm Serves Up WebOS-LiteWe certainly felt the love when we reviewed Palm’s Centro smartphone last year, but Palm OS fans have felt rather short changed of late.

    With Palm declaring the old Palm OS officially dead and buried, all the attention has moved to their hot new handset, the Palm Pre and its exciting new WebOS operating system.


  • Universal Chargers For Mobiles On The Way

    Universal Chargers For Mobiles On The WayIf, like us, you have drawers and shelves overflowing with obsolete and unused phone chargers, then a new initiative may banish cable-related angst forever.

    The GSM Association, backed by a charge of mobile phone manufacturers and operators, is leading a move to create a universal charger based on the Micro-USB interface.


  • People Power: Facebook Revolt Sees Off Dodgy New TOS Clause

    Facebook Revolt Sees Off Dodgy New TOS ClauseBrandishing virtual pitchforks, a user revolt against a new Terms of Service (TOS) agreement foisted on Facebook fans has seen the company perform a swift volte-face.

    Faced with growing masses of outraged users and tenacious Twitterers – and with the thread of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC) coming onboard – Facebook crumbled in the face of complaints that their updated terms equated to nothing more than, “We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever.”
