
External static or removable media storage units

  • PC World Says Farewell To Floppy Disks

    PC World Says Farewell To Floppy DisksElectronics giant PC World has announced that it is to stop selling floppy disks once the current stocks run out.

    First introduced by IBM way back in 1969 as a big flapping thing, the floppy disk hit mainstream consumers after Sony released the familiar 3.5 inch format in 1981.

    From then on, floppy disk became the de facto storage standard right up to the late 90s as its feeble storage capacity (1.44MB) failed to compete with an onslaught of cheap memory storage formats including memory cards, USB keys, rewritable CDs and removable hard drives all capable of holding gigabytes of data.

    PC World also commented that the increased availability of broadband and wireless internet connections has more or less consigned small-scale removable storage devices into the technology dustbin.

    PC World Says Farewell To Floppy DisksIn decline since the late 1990s, the floppy once ruled supreme, shifting more than two billion units in 1998 – a figure now down to a measly 700 million last year.

    Of course, you’ll still be able to pick up floppy disks elsewhere for now, but the end is surely nigh for this long serving piece of technology.

    Although we’re tempted to get a bit misty eyed at the fall of the trusty floppy, we still can’t quite forget the long nights spent feeding our Amiga 1200 (and later our PC) masses of floppies containing programs spanned over several disks only to hear the grinding sound of doom right at the end.

    Although we certainly got familiar with the “Non-system disk or disk error – Replace and press any key” error message over the years too, we’ll still miss the things – and they were always a satisfying shape to throw around the office when the network went down too.

    So farewell, dear floppy. You served us well.

    Floppy Disk


  • My Book Pro 500GB Drive: Review (87%)

    Western Digital My Book 500GB Pro Edition ReviewAttractively designed in a rounded sleek metal jacket and sporting a funky blue capacity gauge, Western Digital’s MyBook range of external hard drives are aimed at consumers looking for a stylish solution to their storage problems.

    The drives can be used horizontally or vertically and come in two sizes – 250GB or 500GB, – and three ‘editions’ offering extra features.

    We reviewed the 500GB My Book Pro Edition which offers three ways of hooking up the drive to your PC; FireWire 800, FireWire 400, and USB 2.0.

    All leads were provided in the box, and we tested both the FireWire 400, and USB 2.0 interfaces with no problem.

    Also bundled in the package is the handy EMC Retrospect Express backup and recovery software, with the drive coming with a 3-year limited warranty.

    Western Digital My Book 500GB Pro Edition ReviewSetting up the drive was a cinch: we simply plugged the drive into a USB port our Windows XP machine, and the drive utilities were automatically installed.

    With the drivers installed, we were able to switch to our preferred FireWire 400 connection and the drive was ready for use.

    Blue light fever
    As the name suggests, the drive is hardback-sized, and could sit happily on a bookshelf although the glowing blue capacity gauge on the front might look a tad odd amongst the Mills & Boon.

    Western Digital My Book 500GB Pro Edition ReviewWe loved the glowing gauge though: it fades in and out when the drive is turned on and off and does a nice little shimmy when in use.

    The outer ring displays the power/activity functions, while the inner ring is split into six sections which illuminate as the space is progressively used up. It’s a nice touch.

    Lurking inside the 500GB drive is a 7,200rpm drive with a 16MB cache and a quoted seek time of 8.9ms, and we found it very fast in use and had no problems running video files straight off the disk.

    Right now we can’t imagine filling up that 500GB in a hurry, but for drive space demons, Western Digital has recently announced the My Book Pro Edition II, which crams in two 500GB drives in an extended case to give you a massive whopping 1TB of storage – enough for about a zillion photographs (all right, up to 284,000 photos according to Western Digital’s figures).

    Western Digital My Book 500GB Pro Edition ReviewAlthough the drive is quiet in use, you can certainly feel it vibrating if you’ve got it on the same surface as your machine, so we recommend lobbing it up on to a shelf.

    We loved the My Book so much we went out and bought the thing – so now we won’t have any excuses to not back up our data.

    It’s a shame that there’s no networking option, but with an online price hovering around the £180, the My Book drive still represents remarkable value for money.

    With a choice of three interfaces, we should have no problem using the drive with a variety of desktop PCs and laptops, and unlike many other external hard drives, this one actually looks nice too.

    Western Digital My Book 500GB Pro Edition ReviewOur verdict
    Features: 75%
    Ease of Use: 85%
    Build Quality: 90%
    Overall: 87%

    Performance Specifications
    Rotational Speed 7,200 RPM (nominal)
    Average Latency 4.20 ms (nominal)
    Seek Times
    Read Seek Time 8.9 ms
    Track-To-Track Seek Time 2.0 ms (average)
    Serial Transfer Rate
    FireWire 800
    Serial Bus Transfer Rate (1394b) 800 Mbits/s (Max)
    FireWire 400
    Serial Bus Transfer Rate (1394a) 400 Mbits/s (Max)
    USB 2.0
    Serial Bus Transfer Rate (USB 2.0) 480 Mbits/s (Max)
    Physical Specifications
    Formatted Capacity 500,107 MB
    Capacity 500 GB
    Interface Triple Interface
    Physical Dimensions
    Height 6.780 Inches (Max)- 172.2 mm (Max)
    Length 5.630 Inches (Max) – 143 mm (Max)
    Width 2.23 Inches – 56.7 mm
    Weight 2.60 Pounds – 1.2 kg
    Electrical Specifications
    Current Requirements
    Power Dissipation
    AC Input Voltage 100-240 VAC
    AC Input Frequency 47-63 Hz

    My Book Pro Edition

  • New Memory Stick PRO-HG From Sony And SanDisk

    New Memory Stick PRO-HG From Sony And SanDiskSony are expanding their range of Memory Sticks further by adding the “Memory Stick PRO-HG.”

    In a further collaboration with SanDisk, they’re increasing the available speed of transfer to a theoretical 480Mb/s, a significant step up from the previous 160Mb/s of the Duo. It’s no coincidence that 480Mb/s is the theoretical top speed of USB2.

    The technical key to this, is the expansion of the interface from 4-bit to 8-bit and the increase of internal clock frequency from 40MHz to 60MHz.

    The thinking behind the increase of transfer speeds is the consumer demand for media and that media itself is growing in size as its resolution increases. As with all technology, the consumer is impatient for speed, so not waiting for data to be written to the memory card is key. With this increase in transfer speed, a couple of gigabytes of data should be transfered pretty rapidly.

    They plan for the PRO-HG to have a capacity of 32Gb, but there’s a slight caveat with this one. While the design will allow for this, Sony says that it does “not guarantee that Memory Stick PRO-HG 32 GB media will be introduced to the market.” Depends on the demand and price of production, we assume.

    The PRO-HG will be compatible with Memory Stick PRO devices, although transfer speeds will be stepped down to the PRO.

    Unsurprisingly the PRO-HG will feature content protection, which it’s not surprising to hear will continue to be MagicGate, Sony’s previous incarnation.

    While the range of Memory Sticks has lived longer than many competing formats (it was initially announced in 1998), many consumers feel confused by the number of differently named products – Memory Stick, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO, Memory Stick PRO Duo and Memory Stick Micro (M2). The addition of another type will only add to the muddle. While this may be the case, it clearly hasn’t held people back in buying them, as they’ve shipped over 200 million of the little blighters.

    Sony expect to launch it in 2007 – pretty vague huh? One reason for the vagueness is Sony is only starting to license the development of compliant host devices from January 2007.

    Memory Stick PRO-HG Specification.

    Major Specifications of Memory Stick PRO-HG

    Duo size (31 x 20 x 1.6) mm
    Connector Pin
    32GB (format maximum) *4
    Max. Data Transfer Rate
    480 Mbps (theoretical)
    Min. Write Speed
    120 Mbps *1 (As of 8-bit parallel transfer)
    40 Mbps *1 (As of 4-bit parallel transfer)
    Operating Voltage
    2.7 to 3.6 V
    8-bit / 4-bit parallel I/F and Serial I/F
    Max. Clock frequency
    60MHz *5
    Copyright Protection Technology
  • BT Digital Cost Calculator: Value Your Digital Life

    BT Digital Cost Calculator: Value Your Digital LifeBT are pushing BT Digital Vault, their product to store all of your digital data on, to that end they’ve just launched a Web service to calculate the value of your digital output.

    The site lets you enter the number of music tracks, photos and videos that you have and attach a ‘sentimental value’ to each format.

    We threw a few numbers into it and it tells us the total monetary value of our digital doodlings is £3,490.

    We’re confused as to how they’ve come to attach these arbitrary values to the various bits of media – Music tracks – 79p; Photos – 10p; Videos – £12.

    The music pricing is based of the costs of tracks on iTunes. The other two? Photos based on and films,

    Frankly the valuation service is a bit hollow – but may draw attention to the fact that people don’t have a backup.

    Backup your data
    Our view is that you cannot attach a value to the photos of friends and family that you have – they can never be replaced, so we’re all for people looking after their data. BT’s Digital Vault is one way of doing this.

    BT Digital Cost Calculator: Value Your Digital Life

    One of the major advantages of an online backup service is you are protected against fire in your home, that may well wipe out backup that you hold at home.

    BT offer a free service, the ‘Basic,’ which lets you store up to 2Gb of data, but you have to manually copy the data up there. With a price like that, why would you refuse? You’ll need to sign up for the service before 8 Jan 2007, after that you’ll only get 1Gb.

    The pay-for service is £4.99/month, but gives 20Gb of storage and an automated backup manager. It’s this that provides the essential feature of any backup system – the ability to not to have to think about it – your data just gets backed up. Sadly the software only works on PCs though.

    BT are far from unique from offering this, as there are many other services around.

    Other services
    One example that has been running for very many years is Iron Mountain Connected Backup, or as it used to be. Back in our PC days, we used the service on a daily basis as it was just so simple of use – the backup occurred automatically as the machine was shutting down. Prices range from $10 – $75/month for their 30Gb service.

    When you look at the amount of storage BT offers for its price, it looks quite a bargain against the Connected Backup.

    Vault Calculator
    BT Digital Vault

  • Brando USB Christmas Collection

    Brando USB Christmas CollectionIf you’re having problems thinking of that perfect technological widget to make your Christmas go with a seasonal swing, look no further than Brando’s fabulous feast o’ festive trinkets.

    USB LED Snowman
    First up is a USB LED Snowman, who doesn’t do a great deal apart from add a seasonal touch to your desktop by cycling through a range of colours.

    He has got a nice hat mind, and he only costs $10.

    Brando USB Christmas CollectionUSB Fibre Optic Christmas Tree II
    Going upmarket a tad, the $14 USB Fibre Optic Christmas Tree II apparently, “actually looks like a miniaturised version of the real Christmas tree” and comes in its own little pot.

    Like the USB Snowman, it doesn’t do very much apart from cycle through pretty colours, but it is perhaps a little more dignified than a clattering USB Snowman Drummer (see below).

    Brando USB Christmas CollectionUSB LED Music X’mas Tree
    For office workers keen to impress, there’s no denying that the USB LED Music X’mas Tree pulls out the stops, offering 12 – yes twelve – built in Christmas songs, cycling colours and a “shining golden star” on the top. Beautiful.

    And it’s yours for just $15, squire.

    Brando USB Christmas CollectionUSB Drumming Santa
    The real showstopper of Brando’s collection has to be the top-of-the-range USB Drumming Santa.

    Billed as “bringing happiness at Christmas” their $18 USB Drumming Santa Claus (Snowman version also available) looks set to redefine festive tack with an all-out assault of PC-powered lights and music.

    Plug him into the nearest USB port and whoop with joy as he drums along to a selection of five Christmas songs, complete with synchronised blue lights.

    Imagine the delight of your co-workers when you leave that running all day!

    Brando Christmas Collection

  • USB Foot Warmers And Gloves

    USB Foot Warmers And GlovesWith the evenings drawing in and artic breezes circulating around your workstation, it may be time to invest in some handy USB-powered warming devices.

    First up is the USB Foot Warmers, designed to get your tootsies toastie within minutes.

    The USB Foot Warmers are covered in soft brown and white fake fur backed by a ‘leather fabric’ base with the slippers being warmed through a compact, ultra-flexible heat panel lurking in the lining of the base. The heat panel can be removed for washing.

    Once the slippers are plugged into a USB port, this panel will immediately begin to heat and will remain at comfortably warm until unplugged. Or your machine crashes.

    The foot warmers come with a 107cm-long USB cable (how long before the user wanders off and drags the PC with them?) and it has to be said that the whole ensemble is quite exceptionally unstylish.

    The USB Foot Warmers are available from the Gadgetshop for fifteen quid. No thanks Santa!

    USB Foot Warmers And GlovesUSB G-Gloves for girlies
    Somewhat more attractive – but equally daft – are the USB G-Gloves from our favourite purveyor of frivolous goods, Brando.

    In case you didn’t know, the ‘G’ stands for ‘Girls’ who Brando hope will be wooed by their knitted (real wool!) pastel colour schemes on offer.

    The gloves feature an open ended design that lets girls show off their nail varnish do some typing, with the gloves offering two USB-powered heating levels.

    Each mitten comes with two built-in warming pads that heat by 10 degrees n five minutes, and you can pick up a pair for $22 (£13).

    Brando also do a men’s version, but they weren’t the mean’n’macho, black-leather, studded affair we’d hoped for.

  • Vonage V-phone Gets To The UK

    Vonage V-phone Gets To The UKVonage have launched a new means of making VoIP calls on you PC – a USB stick with headphone socket.

    The invite to Vonage’s event to launch the V-phone billed it as ‘The World’s smallest phone.” Whether you feel that is a marketing spin or correct is personal interpretation.

    It’s not a phone in old understanding of it … but frankly, what is? The USB stick has Vonage Talk software pre-loaded on it, with a detachable stereo earpiece/microphone and you’ll be left with 250Mb of usable memory. You also get a new Vonage phone number. All for £20.

    With it, you can use any PC as a way to send and receive phone calls on a Vonage – even PCs without the Vonage software installed. To use it, just plug the neat USB stick in with the the headphone, the software temporarily runs and you’re ready to go. When you’ve finished chatting, simply software-eject the USB stick and remove it. There’s nothing left on the machine.

    Skype has done a similar thing through a deal with SanDisk to have their software on their Cruizer USB stick. We’ve used it and found it pretty impressive. The only thing missing is the headphone socket.

    We think this kind of approach – temporary software – will become more common as computing become ubiquitous and more a utility than rarity.

    Vonage V-Phone

  • SanDisk Launches V-MATE Video Flash Memory Card Recorder:IFA

    SanDisk Launches V-MATE Video Flash Memory Card Recorder:IFAAlthough there’s no shortage of gadgets like smartphones, PDAs, iPod and PSPs that are capable of playing back video, getting footage on to the fellas can be a bit of a pain.

    “Today’s increasingly mobile consumer wants to be able to watch their favourite shows and videos, whenever and wherever they want,” insisted Wes Brewer, SanDisk’s vice president of consumer product marketing, and he reackons the new SanDisk V-Mate is a simple and practical solution to the problem.

    Video hungry gadget freaks can simply hook up analogue audio or video outputs to the device, slap in the memory card from their multimedia handset and the Sandisk will record the content straight to the memory card.

    SanDisk Launches V-MATE Video Flash Memory Card Recorder:IFAUsers can connect the V-Mate to the AV output of their video recorder, set-top box, Freeview, DVR, DVD player, TV or other device and use the V-Mate’s remote control to configure the device, plus record and access content via a TV-based interface.

    The SanDisk offers multiple programming slots for entering channel, date and start/stop times to schedule recordings, with users being required to select their playback device to ensure the recordings are playback compatible.

    The box also comes with an infrared emitter which can automatically turn on the TV tuner box (cable/satellite/terrestrial receiver or VCR) and select the right channel when programmed to record.

    There’s also a mini-USB port on board for connecting the unit to a desktop/laptop PC.

    Being designed for the wee small screen of portable multimedia devices, the SanDisk offers a maximum recording resolution of just 640 x 480 – perhaps not great for your 72″ HD plasma screen at home, but just dandy for yer average smartphone.

    At this low resolution, punters should be able to grab around three and a half hours of video footage per gigabyte – ample time to keep you entertained on even the most delayed of commuter journeys.

    “We are hoping to replace the VCR with this product,” a Sandisk spokesman enthused. “It will be like having a video recorder in your pocket.”

    The 5.1″ x 2.6″ x 0.8″ V-Mate is compatible with a ton of memory card formats: SD, MMC, MMCplus MMCmobile, SDHC, MiniSDHC, MicroSDHC, Memory Stick PRO, Memory Stick Duo and Memory Stick PRO Duo, and the device is expected to go on sale in October for $130 or so.

  • Brando 52 in 1 USB Bluetooth Card Reader

    Brando 52 in 1 USB Bluetooth Card ReaderIf – like us – you’ve been using digital cameras and electronics gizmos for years on end you might now be the proud owner of a huge pile of memory cards in a host of different formats, with a ton of cables scattered around the office.

    With limited USB ports available on laptops, most of us have had to invest in a card reader, and although we were pretty impressed with the Targus 14 in 1 USB Card Reader we reviewed last year, compared to Brando’s brand new, read-anything-that-moves USB Bluetooth Card Reader, it’s positively Spartan.

    Brando’s new reader manages to accommodate an astonishing 52 formats and, for your enlightenment and enchantment, here’s the full list:

    CF I, CF II, Extreme CF, Extreme III CF, Ultra II CF, HS CF, XS-XS CF, CF Elite PRO, CF PRO, CF PRO II, IMB MD, Hitachi MD, MagicStor, MS, MS PRO, MS Duo, MS PRO Duo, MS MG, MS MG PRO, MS MG Duo, MS MG PRO Duo, Extreme MS PRO, Extreme III MS PRO, Ultra II MS PRO, HS MS MG PRO, HS MS MG PRO Duo, HS MS PRO, HS MS PRO Duo, MS ROM, MS Select, SD, *MiniSD, HS Mini SD, Extreme SD, Extreme III SD, Ultra II SD, SD-Ultra-X, Ultra speed SD, SD PRO, SD Elite PRO, HS SD, MMC, MMC 4.0, HS MMC, HS RS MMC, RS MMC, RS MMC 4.0, DV-RS MMC, SM, SM ROM, XD, *T-Flash.

    Brando 52 in 1 USB Bluetooth Card ReaderThe USB 2.0 reader also conveniently doubles up as a Bluetooth hub, allowing you to wirelessly transfer data between Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones and PDAs.

    Being a device from our favourite weird’n’wonderful gizmo makers Brando, there’s also some totally pointless eye candy on offer, with the device cycling through “multi moody colours” – perfect if you’d like to host a mini disco by the pencil sharpener on your desk.

    Brando claim a receiving/sending range of 20m, with the supplied cable measuring in at 64cm.

    Brando 52 in 1 USB Bluetooth Card ReaderCompatible with Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP, the 63x63x15mm reader weighs in at 76g and is powered by the host computer’s USB slot.

    It’s as cheap as chips too, priced at just US$25.

    We only wish that electronics manufacturers would stop inventing bloomin’ new formats every other day and made these multi-readers obselete….


  • Belkin Announces N1 Wireless Equipment

    Belkin Announces N1 Wireless EquipmentBelkin showed off their new 802.11n draft 1.0 equipment today. They’ve announced an access point and wireless card to go with it, both should be available in the shops by September. Following that, an ADSL router will follow along with a USB adapter and PCI card.

    802.11n is designed to make set-up easier, so the user no longer gets to choose channels, it’s all done by the system to optimise the available spectrum. The router also displays coloured error symbols on the display to indicate problems (like security not being enabled, or devices that are disconnected).

    N1 ahead of the pack?
    Belkin have waited for the 802.11n dust to settle rather than jump on the preN bandwagon. This should give them a big advantage in terms of interoperability – though there’s still no guarantee that their equipment will meet the final 802.11n specification which isn’t due for ratification until late 2007/early 2008.

    What they have done, is ensured the equipment works with various chipsets (Aetheros, Broadcomm and Marvell) that are used within their units. When Netgear initially launched their preN routers and cards, their Broadcomm based kit wouldn’t talk to their Marvell based systems (well they would but only using 802.11g). If their own software works well, there’s a chance that their systems might interoperate with N kit from other vendors.

    It’s all about speed
    802.11n offers real speed improvements over 802.11b (11Mb/s) and 802.11g (54Mb/s). The wireless rate is 300Mb/s which should give around 150Mb/s useable bandwidth. Belkin were showing around 110Mb/s which is better than wired fast Ethernet (2 HD streams were being sent to two different systems and there was bandwidth to spare for their new Skype phones and other generic 802.11g laptops).

    Currently users should probably stick to buying all their N equipment from one vendor but it should allow greatly improved connectivity speeds.

    Belkin Announces N1 Wireless EquipmentIf it’s just for connecting to the Internet, the Internet connection is going to limit the speed so upgrading isn’t worth it, but for distributing video and music around the house, the speed increase will make a difference.

    Another advantage is the use of MIMO (multiple in, multiple out) which uses multiple aerials to transmit and receive the wireless signal. It’s a complicated technology, but sort of acts like a radar beam which is steered so better signals between the router and the PC.

    Another Skype Phone
    Coming in around October is the Belkin Skype phone. It looks rather like a SonyEricsson phone. It can do almost everything a PC Skype client can, obviously call other users, but it also displays your balances etc (though you have to go to the Website to buy credit).

    Various wireless networks can be set-up on the phone, but it doesn’t have a browser so using from a public hotspot that requires Web based authentication won’t work.

    It’s easy to use and small. Charges via USB.

    N will be the way to go
    Though 802.11n is still a draft specification and likely to change, it can offer much higher data rates and is perfect for moving large datastreams around a building – like video. Belkin have done well to wait and may reap interoperability benefits for having done so. The router looks nice and the easy set-up will be a boon for users struggling with complicated WiFi networks.

    If it really does all work we’d give it an 80% score.

    The Ethernet router version (avail September) will have an RRP of £149.99 inc VAT.

  • Digital-Lifestyles

    Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

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