Twinity: Berlin Virtualised In A Game

Twinity: Berlin VirtualisedWe all know how popular virtual worlds are, with the best known examples being Second Life and World of Warcraft.

These worlds are all very well, but they’re set in a fictional world. Not a bad thing for many people, but some players will hanker for more reality.

Get Real
This is where Twinity comes in. Twinity plan to accurately model cities from around the world and they’re starting with one of our fave cities, Berlin.

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Talent Arcade: Edinburgh Interactive Festival Hosts Channel 4 Introduction To The Games Industry

Talent Arcade: Introduction To The Games Industry At Edinburgh Interactive FestivalIf you’re hot on the idea of getting in to the gaming industry — and who wouldn’t be, they just lie around all day playing video games, right? (joke) — getting yourself up to the Edinburgh Interactive Festival this year might be a good start.

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Netflix On Xbox 360 Exclusively: Analysis

Netflix On Xbox 360 ExclusivelyNetflix and Microsoft have signed a deal to stream films and TV programmes to the Xbox 360.

Starting in the autumn, over 10,000 films and TV episodes available to Xbox Live Gold subscribers who are Netflix subscribers, all for no additional cost.

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Scrabble Aims To Outshine Scrabulous On Facebook

Years late to the party, Hasbro and Mattel look to oust the unofficial Facebook hit app.
Scrabble Aims To Outshine Scrabulous On FacebookThe unauthorised Scrabble rip-off ‘Scrabulous’ continues to be a phenomenal hit on the social networking site Facebook, despite the best efforts of copyright owners Hasbro and Mattel to get the application closed down.

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Virtual Trainers In A Virtual Mirror: Video

Virtual Trainers In A Virtual Mirror: VideoHere’s an interesting video that we grabbed at IFA last year.

The concept? Rather than shops needing to have huge stock of every trainer available, all that would be needed is for a stock of virtual trainers.

This gives the shops a number of advantages. The shops can be considerably smaller, saving money on expensive ground rent; they’ll be able to sell trainers that they don’t have in stock; trainers that don’t even _exist_ can be sold – how good is that for a business?

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