

  • Sky Anytime on PC: One Million Films In A Year

    Sky Anytime on PC downloaded its one millionth film on the 14 January neatly marking its first year of operation.

    The Sky Anytime on TV service is the renamed Sky By Broadband service, which delivers select Sky’s TV content over a broadband connection to a PC.

    Sky Anytime: One Million Films In A Year

    Figures for the film downloads could have been larger if Sky hadn’t had to pull the service back in September after their chosen DRM-restriction system, by Microsoft, was cracked.

    We’re assuming that the million films that have been downloaded have been paid for, making it a pretty big bonanza, given the films are a wallet-emptying £3.95 each. Once subscribers have paid up, they’re given access to it for seven days, but are restricting to 48 hours viewing window after the first viewing.

    Dawn Airey, BSkyB’s managing director of channels and services, was keen to say her piece about it … “We’re delighted that customers have taken to Anytime with such enthusiasm. Sky Movies is the UK’s most popular movie service and we’re able to use broadband to give customers more flexibility in how they watch. The fact that in this first year we’ve already seen 1m movie downloads is testament to customers’ willingness to embrace new technologies and get more from Sky.”

    Sky report that the service has gained a quarter of a million registered users in its first year of operation.

  • Big Brother’s DRM Nightmare

    Big Brother's DRM NightmareBackstory
    Forgive me. I forked over money to Channel 4 to become a paying Season Pass sucker for the Celebrity Big Brother live stream.

    My dearest, a less-than closet BB fan, persuaded me to watch CBB on the launch night – something made all the more peculilar by the fact that I don’t watch TV anymore (apart from The Simpsons at 6pm on Channel 4, of course).

    Big Brother's DRM NightmareTo be frank, by the end of the program I was grateful to her. The sight of the fantastic disdain of Ken Russell made it worthwhile in itself.

    What got me reaching for my credit card was the sheer hilarity of seeing Jade Goody enter the house – post her journey through crowds of frantic screaming BB fans, proceeded by her 50-yard car drive and obligatory press photo pose – to a house with three grumpy, quiet people who didn’t jump up and down when they saw her enter. It couldn’t have been further from her expected truth.

    Her face was priceless – well, I thought it was at least worth £5 to see it for a while longer, showing a mixture of confusion and pain.

    Big Brother's DRM NightmareIt appeared that finally Endemol had got a quality production team behind this one, lead by an intelligent director.

    Hence my giving money, enabling this rubbish to make huge profits for those concerned.

    __Using DRM … it _does_ suck
    Once I’d registered and paid for it, the first surprise was not to be sent a direct URL to access the stream. Instead the process is long and painful as you have to drag yourself through the Channel4 site to find the stream.

    Here’s a run down of the hoops they get you to jump through …

    *Deep breath now* –

    Big Brother's DRM NightmareNavigating through their home page to the CBB page; click on the “Watch 24/7” link; then the “Already own the pass” link. This pops up a new window with a form requesting sign up detail (despite the link being specific about already owning a pass).

    After some searching you’ll notice, at the top of the window, a single word link for Login; which, once clicked, you’ll be asked for your email and password.

    Finally the video player appears – hurrah!

    Don’t be fooled, the agony isn’t over yet, this is where the DRM pain begins.

    Despite having logged in a number of times already, you’re told that you do not have rights to play the content.

    Big Brother's DRM NightmareClicking Yes takes you to yet another Web page, grandly entitled License Acquisition. Here you’re requested to login _again_.

    Once you’ve bashed the keys in the right order, you’re requested to “wait a moment,” as the licence is “obtained”. Eventually you’re offered to click the Play button.

    Finally, finally you get to the steam.

    That’s bad enough to do once, but adding insult to injury, the worst of it is that each and everytime you want to watch a stream, you’ve got to go through this bullshit.

    Summary – DRM Don’t Work
    From the experience above you can see that the current version of DRM – Microsoft’s naturally – just doesn’t work for the consumer.

    Big Brother's DRM NightmareIt’s not from lack of trying on their part either, Microsoft have been plugging away at their DRM solution for many years and, we have to assume, this is their latest as to get to view the streams, there’s a requirement to ‘upgrade’ your Windows Media Player to the latest version.

    We also have to assume that Channel4/Endemol and Microsoft worked together to get the Big Brother streaming working. Say what you want about Big Brother, but it’s a high profile TV ‘event’, so important for them to have it working correctly.

    Even after all of this effort, the end user experience is truly atrocious, so bad, that you feel anger every time to access the stream, and let’s not forget, people are paying for the privilege of being insulted like this.

    With the difficulty of this process, it’s no wonder that people still try to get their content from file sharing networks to avoid DRM.

  • LG-SH110 LG phone From Korea

    LG-SH110 LG phone From KoreaWith Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘Slip Sliding Away’ surely on perpetual loop in the factory, LG have released yet another natty phone that’s big on that super-slidey thang, the 3G LG-SH110.

    Clad in a fashionable all-black stealth finish, the phone boasts a colour QVGA display which – if you’re not down with acronyms – stands for ‘Quarter Video Graphics Array’ and translates into a 320 × 240 resolution display.

    And that’s quite a big screen for such a wee phone.

    LG-SH110 LG phone From KoreaRustling though the minimal specs offered thus far, we can tell you that Messrs LG have wedged in a 2.0-megapixel camera coupled with a secondary VGA camera for video calling, with the screen able to show your own face and the caller recoiling in horror at your gurning mug.

    Judging by the grinning, preening ladies clutching the phone with such ecstatic delight, LG are keen to big up the SH110’s multimedia abilities, with the phone offering an MP3 player, Music Sharing and Bluetooth support, with a pair of wired headphones bundled in the package.

    LG-SH110 LG phone From KoreaHSDPA connectivity offers super nippy 1.8Mbps connectivity with visio-conference functionality hoping to tempt business bods.

    If all this has tempted you to whip out your wallet with gusto, put your money away, squire – as with most of LG’s goodies there’s no confirmed UK release date and there quite probably never will be. Boo!

    [From Akihabaranews]

  • MySpace Face Four Child Lawsuits

    MySpace is being hit with compensation claims by the families of four children who allege sexual assault by adult MySpace members after finding out personal information about them on their MySpace pages.

    The families from New York, Ohio, South Carolina and Texas have filed seperate cases in Los Angeles. They’re being represented by Arnold & Itkin LLP of Houston, Texas and Barry & Loewy LLP of Austin, Texas.

    MySpace Face 4 Child Lawsuits

    They allege “negligence, recklessness, fraud and negligent misrepresentation” by News Corp. and MySpace.

    These cases don’t appear to fall into the ‘oh this might have happened’ category. Three of the cases have lead to the incarceration of the attackers, one whom is serving ten years in Texas. In the other case the two men have been arrested and are awaiting criminal prosecution.

    MySpace Face 4 Child LawsuitsNot the first claim
    This isn’t a first for Barry & Loewy LLP. Back in June 2006 they filed the first lawsuit of its kind against MySpace, for a 14 year old girl who was also allegedly assaulted after contact through MySpace.

    They claimed MySpace was “negligent in protecting teenage users despite numerous warnings of the dangers” and “had full knowledge that sexual predators were contacting young children on the website but did nothing to stop it.” The financial claim was $30 million in damages.

    Concerns like these aren’t new to MySpace. Back in Feb 2006, parents were voicing their concerns.

    MySpace have taken action. In December last year MySpace took action to kick off known sexual predators.

    Be careful
    Cases like these will bring into focus the potential dangers to those who reveal details about themselves online, although with a few simple rules, horrible incidents such as these should be avoidable. Most of them being the same rules you would apply in normal, non-online life.

  • Nintendo Wii _Does_ Get You Fit

    Mickey DeLorenzo is a man on a mission – to prove that it’s possible to lose weight just by playing his Nintendo Wii.

    He’s been the same weight for the last two years and while maintaining his normal diet, complete with the usual Christmas indulgences in food and drink, he managed to lose nine pounds and nearly 2% of his body fat by playing for 30 minutes a day.

    He’s been pretty fastidious in his self-monitoring over the six week period, keeping a close eye on his Weight; Body Mass Index (BMI); Calories burned per session/per game; Body fat %; Heart Rate at rest; Wii Fitness Age; and Additional Notes/Soreness.

    By his own description, he played it in a “semi-aggressive way.”

    I moved my feet, I used full body motion, and I swung my arms to mimic the real thing. If you just stand there and make small moves or sit on the couch and play, I don’t think you’ll see much, if any results regarding exercise.

    Oh the pain
    It wasn’t without pain, but as they used to say in the 80s, no pain, no gain.

    He got hit with two types of pain – physical pain as well as tech pain. On the physical pain side, he report that “my first 3-5 days were brutal. I was sore from shoulder to wrist, I even went as far as purchasing an Icy/Hot patch to sooth my pain.”

    The tech pain was him smashing the screen off his girlfriend’s laptop during a game of Wii bowling. We suspect this accident then lead to further physical pain inflicted by his missus.

    The details that he presents on the site are pretty extreme, with obligitory graphs too. Those things combined with the subject make it ideal Digg food, and as we write this, we see the article has been Dugg 3655 times.

    I did a similar test with the Sony EyeToy a couple of years back, using Kung Fu that came with EyeToy Play. It really got me feeling good, but my appoach was _far_ less scientific. Reading this gives me the impetus to try it again.

    Nintendo must be jubliant about this story – providing the perfect excuse for children to pester their parents to buy a Wii.

    Hats off and well done Mickey.

  • Nintendo Rake In Record Sales

    Nintendo Rake In Record SalesThe Nintendo DS has emerged as the top selling gaming device in both the US and the UK during 2006.

    According to figures from the NPD Group, the DS outsold the Wii and PlayStation 3 (PS3) over the bumper Christmas holiday period in the US, with 1.6 million Nintendo DS’s flying off the shelves during December, adding to a total sales figure of 9.2 million units.

    By comparison, Sony’s much hyped PS3 only managed to sell 490,700 units in December, hindered by supply and production problems.

    Nintendo Rake In Record SalesAmericans certainly went waheey for the Wii, with 604,200 consoles shifted in December, backed up by brisk business for extra games.

    NPD found that Wii owners bought three extra titles on average, with a huge 86 percent forking out for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

    Nintendo Owns Europe
    Across the pond in Europe, Nintendo managed to shift 500,000 Wiis during December, while in the UK a hefty 200,000 of the next-gen consoles found themselves in the clammy excited hands of game-crazy Brits.

    Nintendo Rake In Record SalesDespite the bumper sales, Wii’s still remain as rare as a Cardiff City away win, with Nintendo Europe MD Laurent Fischer admitting that the company is still “facing stock shortages.”

    Record sales
    According to UK market monitor Chart Track, UK consumers also bought more than 500,000 Nintendo DS handheld consoles, making it the UK’s biggest games machine last year.

    With the Wii whipping up a sales storm and the DS registering record sales on both sides of the Atlantic, Nintendo look set to notch up their most successful financial year ever.

    [From PC Advisor and Reg Hardware]

  • Image Spam Creates Growing Problem

    In just six months, image spam has become so prevalent that it now represents a hefty 35 per cent of all junk email, according to internet security firm F-Secure.

    Image Spam Creates Growing ProblemIn ye olde days, spammers just used to send out bucket loads of text-based emails, but these were proving progressively less effective against smarter anti-spam software employing tricks such as dictionary-based content filters.

    In an attempt to bypass content filters, spammers have taken to sending text displayed in a GIF image, coupled with random text content nicked from legitimate web sites.

    Image Spam Creates Growing ProblemAll spam is annoying, but with its bundled images, this new technique adds a double whammy of gobbling up more precious bandwidth to deliver its spam-tastic cargo.

    According to F-Secure, spam makes up 90 per cent of all emails worldwide, with image spam hogging 70 per cent of the bandwidth.

    “Image spam is a serious and growing problem. It also is taking up 70 per cent of the bandwidth bulge, on account of the large file sizes every single one represents,’” commented Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure.

    Image Spam Creates Growing ProblemSadly, the root of the problem with spam is the chumps who keep on responding and buying the dubious wares on offer (a bit like the mad fools who come down to Brixton to buy ‘drugs’).

    “We will never rid ourselves of spam until people stop buying the products advertised in these mails. Spam obviously works, otherwise it would not be so prevalent,” said Hypponen.

    Say it like it is, Mr Hypponen!


  • Second Life Going Open Source

    Wow. Linden Labs, the owner, creator of online gaming smash Second Life have announced that they’ll be placing their front end software, The Viewer, under an open-source GPL license.
    Second Life Going Open Source
    We think it’s a pretty brave move, which Linden Labs will lead to innovation in the front end – highly likely, given the passionate and highly technical nature of a large number of their players, or Residents, as they call them.

    The move marks Linden Lab’s continued commitment to building the Second Life Grid as an open, extensible platform for development, rather than a closed proprietary system.

    Linden Labs are right to recognise that their income comes from the $9.95 subscription fee, not the software that is used to access the ‘world.’

    Going open source was inevitable and vital in the view of Linden Labs, as CTO Cory Ondrejka explained, “Open sourcing is the most important decision we’ve made in seven years of Second Life development. While it is clearly a bold step for us to proactively decide to open source our code, it is entirely in keeping with the community-creation approach of Second Life.”

    Second Life’s open source code
    Linden Labs blog entry

  • Firefox Use Up 50% In 2006

    Firefox Use Up 50% In 2006The open source Mozilla Firefox browser enjoyed a whopping increase of nearly 50% during 2006, according to Web measurement firm, Net Applications

    Fuelled by the release of Version 2.0 in October, the freebie Firefox browser registered a massive rise in usage last year, bumping its market share to 14% of all computers online at the end of 2006.

    This marks a 46% increase on its 9.6% share of the browser market at the beginning of 2006.

    Firefox Use Up 50% In 2006For every winner there has to be a loser or two, and in this case it was Microsoft, who saw their market share slump to 79.6% from 85.1% at the start of 2006, despite the release of an update to Internet Explorer last year.

    AOL’s Netscape also ended up feeling like a chump, with their market share slipping from 1.24% down to a teensy weensy 0.9%.

    Flying high on Apple’s increased sales throughout the year, the Mac Safari browser rose up to grab 4.2% of the market, up from 3.1% at the beginning of 2006.

    Firefox Use Up 50% In 2006Elsewhere, Opera grew its share to match Netscape, up from 0.6% at the beginning of the year.

    Much of Opera’s growth has come through partnerships with mobile phone and game console makers (such as Nintendo), striking deals to bundle the browser with their devices.

    [From Computerworld]

  • Genius! Internet App For Palm Treos: Review (83%)

    If you’ve ever needed information fast from the Web when you’re on the move, Genius! by Hobbyist Software could be just what you’re looking for.

    Genius! Internet App For Palm Treos: Review (83%)Designed for Palm Treo 600/650/680/700p users, Genius! gives you fast access to mobile-optimised sites, via a tabbed interface offering, ‘information,’ ‘shopping’ and ‘translation’ categories.

    So if you’re out shopping and wondering if the pushy salesman really is offering you a bargain, you can just type in the product name (or product code, title, ISBN or brand) into Genius! and choose a price comparison site from the dropdown menu.

    Pressing ‘go’ will open up a page full of results from the appropriate mobile optimised Website, saving you the hassle of opening up the Palm’s browser, looking for the right site, typing in the product name and then waiting for the results to download.

    Genius! Internet App For Palm Treos: Review (83%)Devious cheating pub quizzers will like the ‘information’ tab which will quietly send your question to fact-filled sites like google, wikipedia and and bring up a Webpage with the answer already showing.

    The interface also offers nippy, direct access to translation Websites, stock quotes, weather, directions and local info, with downloadable ‘plugins’ letting users customise the program to their preferences.

    A bookmark management tool lets users edit and delete bookmarks with the option to select Google Optimiser to return results in a format enhanced for small screens.

    Genius! Internet App For Palm Treos: Review (83%)Although it’s not one of those programs that is likely to change your life, power users regularly accessing the Web via their Palm Treos may find this an invaluable addition to their handheld – and at around a fiver ($9.99), it’s well worth a punt.

    Features: 80%
    Ease of use: 80%
    Value For Money: 85%
    Overall: 83%
    Genius! by Hobbyist Software