Video Services

  • YouTube Multi-Upload App & 1GB Size Increase

    YouTube Multi-Upload App & 1GB Size IncreaseThere’s a couple of changes going on at YouTube that are worth highlighting – mainly because they look like they’re a big improvement, particularly for those who upload many videos at once.

    Once a app has been downloaded, YouTube-ers will be able to batch upload videos, rather than having to do them one after the other.

  • iPlayer: BBC DOES Want Open Platform: OSC

    iPlayer: BBC DOES Want Open Platform: OSCWe met with Mark Taylor, President of the Open Source Consortium (OSC) last night, directly after his meeting with the BBC to discuss opening-up the iPlayer to run on more platforms than just the Microsoft browser.

    It appears that the meetings were positive and boiled down to two points, the BBC feels they haven’t communicated their desires for iPlayer properly and that they want the iPlayer to run on an open platform.

  • Skype/Logitech HQ Video Service London Launch (Video)

    Skype/Logitech Video Service London LaunchIn the velvety red surroundings of what felt a bit like an underground porn cinema, an invisible DJ was pumping out a selection of ultra-bland house music as the large screen displayed nonsense quotes from Lewis Carrol’s, ‘The Mad Gardener’.

    Kah! Those Kerrr-azy Skype folks!

  • Mydeo/ Best Buy: Investment And Partnership

    Mydeo/ Best Buy: Investment And PartnershipMydeo, a UK company that lets people securely share video clips on the Internet, has today announced a partnership and investment by electronics retailing giant Best Buy.

    Best Buy sell 40% of all camcorders sold in the US, a major benefit for Mydeo, putting them right in front of the people who will be shooting video and looking for a place to host it. The deal was kicked off by an introduction by Microsoft’s Emerging Business unit.

  • Skype HQ Video: Who Will Benefit?

    Skype HQ Video: Who Will Benefit?Did you have any idea that 1 in 4 of all Skype calls are video chats? We were stunned that it was so high, we hear that it’s shifted from 1:5 over this summer.

    As families spread further around the world, ‘connecting’ to them become even more important – and using high quality video gives the ability to melt those thousands of miles to a matter of inches, as you feel more like that they are just the other side of the screen.

  • Skype HQ Video: The Logitech Cameras

    Skype HQ Video: The Logitech CamerasThere are three Logitech cameras to choose from to get Skype HQ video running, each equipped with Carl Zeiss Optics and RightLight – which makes the most of the light available to create the best image – but with different strengths.

    The Quickcam Pro 9000 is primarily targeted at desktop machines with the benefit of autofocus and the ability to take 8Mpx photos.

    Retail cost £70.

    QuickCam Pro for Notebooks also has autofocus, comes with a 2Mpx resolution, not surprisingly is aimed at mobile users and comes with a travel pouch.

  • Skype High Quality (HQ) Video Launches

    Skype High Quality (HQ) Video LaunchesSkype HQ (High Quality) Video officially launches today following its beta release earlier in this month.

    It’s a significant increase in the quality of video that Skype can handle.


  • Skype: Over 10 Million Online Today

    There’s plenty of people and publications saying that Skype has been a failure for eBay.

    Word to the wise – have you noticed that today it’s crossed the 10 million line today. That’s 10m people running the software concurrently. Pretty strong support in anyone’s book, we’d have said.

    What with that and the introduction of the Skype High Quality video service coming out soon, it’s hardly a slouch is it?

  • New US Law Could End Social P0rn Sites

    New US Law Could End Social P0rn SitesRegina Lynn has an informative and impassioned piece on Wired about a proposed US law that will extend requirements currently placed on porn studios to include online social networks, such as YouPorn.

  • Joost Goes Public: Comment

    Joost Goes Public: CommentWe’ve been watching Joost since the days it was The Venice Project.

    Well yesterday it left its invite-only beta stage, opening up for all to sign up. Given the large interest we saw in people wanting to sign up for the Joost beta when we offered it, we imagine that the take-up will be strong.