
  • EasyNote XS £350 UMPC Launched By Packard Bell

    Packard Bell Launch £350 EasyNote XS UMPC With looks that only a chemically enhanced mother could love, Packard Bell’s EasyNote XS teensy-weensy ultra-mobile PC has been given a UK launch.

    Claiming to offer all the features of a notebook in a really small package, the EasyNote XS packs a 800×480 resolution TFT screen into its cuddly 230x171x29mm dimensions, and weighs in at a bag-untroubling 950g.

  • Only 1 Per Cent Of Brits Want An iPhone

    Only 1 Per Cent Of Brits Want An iPhoneApple’s well-oiled publicity machine may well have ensured that half the planet knows all about their innovative iPhone, but when it comes to dipping in their pockets and buying the thing, it seems us Brits are distinctly sniffy, with a recent YouGov survey discovering that just one per cent of Britons polled would be buying an iPhone.

  • Cybook’s Gen3 E-book Reader Hits The UK

    Cybook's Gen3 E-book Reader Hits The UKNow available for purchase and ready to take on the Sony PRS-505 is Cybook’s Gen3 e-book reader, an ultra-light reading device based on ‘E ink’ screen technology.


  • T-Mobile Shadow Looks To Take On The Blackberry Pearl

    T-Mobile Shadow Looks To Take On The Blackberry PearlT-Mobile have today announced the Shadow, a low-cost, consumer-focused Windows Mobile 6 smartphone with a slide-out keypad heavily ‘inspired’ by the BlackBerry Pearl.

    Just like the one seen on the hugely popular Pearl, the slide-down keypad is five keys wide with each key offering two letters, with the phone using Tegic’s XT9 predictive software for speeding up text input.

  • 3 Skypephone Available From 29 October

    3 Skypephone Available From 29 OctoberAs we expected the 3 Skypephone has been announced today.

    It’s a fully-featured 3G Internet phone with Skype built-in, giving Skype to Skype calls and Skype instant messages over the 3G network – all for no payment for calls. To call up the Skype functions, there’s a Skype button in the middle of the handset.

    The handset also has Web access built in and the ability to play music from the 3 MusicStore, giving the ability to play over 500,000 tracks.

  • i-mate Ultimate 9502 And 8502 Smartphones Announced

    i-mate Ultimate 9502 And 8502 Smartphones AnnouncedSmartphone kings i-mate have shuffled out two new high-end Ultimate smartphones, both packing QWERTY keyboards.

    The 9502 packs in more features than a Friday night multi-screen cinema, offering a high resolution touch screen display, tri-band 3.5G, 802.11b and 802.11g Wi-Fi, integrated GPS, Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR and quad band GSM with EDGE.

    The beefy handheld features a 2.8″ VGA (640×480) touch screen that slides out Sidekick-stylee, with a 39-key Qwerty keypad lurking below.

  • Dell Remains #1 in US, Apple Hits 3rd Place – But Not For Long

    Dell Remains #1 in US, Apple Hits 3rd Place - But Not For LongDell remains the King Of The Hill of PC sales in the United States, owning a hefty 29.1 percent of the market ahead of nearest rival Hewlett-Packard, at 25.7 percent.

    The figures come from the latest quarterly PC shipment report from Gartner, who placed a surging Apple in third place with 8.1 percent of the US PC market (in a similar report, rival analysts IDC put Apple’s share at a smaller 6.3 percent of the U.S. market).

  • Samsung Announces 5 Megapixel Cameraphone With Optical Zoom

    Samsung Announces 5 Megapixel Cameraphone With Optical ZoomSamsung has pulled on the little rope and sent the velvet curtains shimmying asunder to reveal the Samsung G800, triumphantly declaring it the world’s first 5 megapixel camera phone with 3x optical zoom.

    Although the quality of phone cameras has been increasingly steadily recently, most come burdened with the digital zoom, which is, frankly rubbish.


  • Tesco: Bringing Open Source To The Masses?

    Tesco: Open Source Pioneers?Wow, Tesco’s Online are knocking out brand-new computer complete with Linux-loaded on it.

    Who would have guessed that the company that started their online shop totally reliant on using the Microsoft Web browser to be able to use it would shifting so radically.

    OK, so the 80Gb eSys ePC is only driven by an Intel Celeron processor running but it is running at 2.66GHz and comes with Ubuntu Version 6.06, Open Office – all for £139.93.

    Open source for the masses?

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  • Yamaha PJP-25UR VoIP Conference Call Sound Station

    Yamaha PJP-25UR VoIP Conference Call Sound StationAnyone who’s ever sat through long conference calls with a load of people sat around a table will be familiar with occasionally having to lurch over the desk to talk into the ‘sound station’ thingy.