
  • 8m Brits Listen To Online Radio Every Week

    8m Brits Listen To Online Radio Every WeekThe thought of having adverts pumping in our ears mid-podcast gives us the trouser shakes, but apparently more than half of our fellow Brits (58%) would be quite happy downloading advertising-funded podcasts.

    The figures come from Rajar (Radio Joint Audience Research), the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK, jointly owned by the BBC and the RadioCentre on behalf of the commercial sector.

  • Palm 500 Gets UK Release; Centro Spotted, Apple Exec Hired

    Palm 500v Announced; Centro Spotted, Apple Exec HiredWe managed to get past our normal near-pathological dislike for Windows Mobile handsets when were reviewed the Palm 500 a while ago.

    Considerably assisted by Vodafone’s slick custom interface and the impressive location based services, our stone cold hearts warmed to the Palm, despite the lack of a touch screen and, well, a Palm OS inside. After a week with the phone, we concluded that it was one of the best low/mid end Windows smartphones available.

  • Fuji Finepix S100FS Advanced Prosumer Digital Camera

    Fuji Finepix S100FS  Advanced Prosumer Digital CameraTriumphantly roaring down the runway and heading off to the Photo Marketing Association’s annual beano in Las Vegas this week is Fujifilm’s upmarket FinePix S100FS dSLR-like consumer digicam.

    Described as its ‘most advanced consumer digital camera to date,’ the FinePix S100FS is scrambling to grab a fat slice from the lucrative budget dSLR market, shoe-horning a promising feast o’features into a relatively bijou frame.

  • MacBook Air IS Quicker Than An iBook G4

    Speed Report on MacBook Air DisappointThe super svelte and lovely MacBook Air that many people have been drooling over … nay, dreaming of, after having seen it just over a week ago at the MacWorld Keynote doesn’t appear to be impressing with it’s sluggish performance.

    Engadget got hold of one to run some tests on it – Xbench 1.3 to be exact. The test numbers place it at the bottom on the league for speed of current machines.

    Out of interest, and for personal interest, we ran the same tests on an old iBook G4 (more…)

  • Proporta Mobile Survival Kit Emergency Charger Review (85%)

    Proporta Mobile Survival Kit Emergency Charger Review (85%)If you’ve ever been miles away from a plug socket and felt the horror as your phone, PDA or iPod battery plunges deep into the red, the Proporta Mobile Survival Kit might be the perfect accessory for you.

  • iColorFolder Freeware For Windows XP Review

    iColorFolder Freeware For Windows XP ReviewIf you’re fed up looking at all those endless dull yellow folder icons that Windows XP serves up by default in every window, then iColorFolder could be a handy way to provide a bit of sparkle to your system’s directories.

    This open-source freeware app lets you change the look and colour of the folder icons on your system globally, or one by one by right-clicking on each folder.

  • Brando USB Eye Warmer

    Brando USB Eye WarmerLike us, we’re sure that many’s the time you’ve found yourself unable to make progress on a pressing deadline because your eyes felt too cold. Or perhaps you work in a room with an icy breeze and would like something to keep your peepers toasty?

    Well – to paraphrase Charles Aznavour – Thank ‘Eavens For USB Eye Warmers. (more…)

  • Olympus SP-570 UZ Packs “World’s Longest” Digicam Zoom

    Olympus SP-570 UZ Packs With the Photo Marketing Association’s big PMA08 annual in Las Vegas looming, some of the photo big boys have been prepping their new models.

    One of the first out of the blocks is Olympus, who have dropped details of no less than nine shiny new consumer cameras (see full listing below), with the zoom-tastic Olympus SP-570 UZ being the one that caught our jaded eye.

  • Sagem Launches Pre-Pay My511x Mobile

    Sagem Launches Pre-Pay My511x MobileFrench handset makers Sagem Mobile have launched their new My511x handset, soon to be available in the UK on Orange pre-pay contracts.

    We have to say there’s not a lot to get us excited here, but the slim candybar serves up a shiny black facade with flat, back-lit buttons on the keypad and itty-bitty round buttons for other main functions.

  • Lenovo X300 Series Ultralight Thinkpad Leaked

    Lenovo X300 Series Ultralight Thinkpad LeakedDetails of Lenova’s functional-looking new Thinkpad ultraportable, dubbed the X300, have begun to appear on the Internet.

    Finished in IBM/Lenova’s distinctive dark grey, the Vista Ultimate-powered laptop boasts 14″ standard, full-size keyboard, a 13.3in WXGA+TFT screen supporting 1,440 x 900 pixels resolution, powered by a 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. Up to 4GB of DDR2 RAM can be fitted.