The tussle between Yahoo and Microsoft has gone through a couple of extra rounds of late. We thought we’d bring you up to date with the current state of play.
Back in Feb Microsoft offered Yahoo $44Bn. Yahoo said no thanks.
The tussle between Yahoo and Microsoft has gone through a couple of extra rounds of late. We thought we’d bring you up to date with the current state of play.
Back in Feb Microsoft offered Yahoo $44Bn. Yahoo said no thanks.
The online retailer, Better World Books – company that resells used books and donates some of the proceeds to fund global literacy projects – has stepped up operations and has brought in its first outside investment as part of a program of expansion.
Better World Books currently collects and resells used books from university bookstores and libraries, and donates an average of 10 percent of book’s price to various nonprofit literacy groups.
We’re all keen on doing our part on not destroying the planet these days – and quite rightly too.
For quite a while, we’ve known that much electrical equipment uses a lot of electricity in standby mode – sometimes, with things such as PVRs, actually more power!
A company calling itself Bye Bye Standby released its new Energy Saving Kit back in September 2007 in the UK.
Today they’ve made it be know that the US equivalent product is now increasingly available.
Swivel action corporate types are five times more likely to declare that they are “very satisfied” with their OS if they’re tip-tip-typing away on a Mac OSX machine rather than one running Microsoft’s Windows Vista, according to a report by ChangeWave Research.
Online trailers are now proving to be a vital part of a new film’s marketing, with a short web teaser able to generate a substantial buzz prior to a movies release.
The latest Indiana Jones sequel – due to open on May 22 – has been trailed online for nearly a month, with millions of fans clicking through to get an eyeful of the promo.
The Disney-ABC Television Group in the US has released a Video on Demand (VoD) service. Not exactly news for DL is it? We’ve been reporting this type of thing for years.
Here’s the news. What ABC have done, in an inexplicable move, is _remove_ functionality that is standard in VoD services normally. They’ve decided to take away the ability to Fast-Forward.
One area that we keep an eye on is the way technology companies get their brands unrecognised, or attempt to transform them.
This Samsung sponsorship caught our attention for a couple of reasons – they’re trying to associate with film; they’re choosing non-mainstream films; and it’s with Landmark Theatres, which is owned
by Marc Cuban and Todd Wagner.
The ever-irreverent News Biscuit has hit upon a story that could well be a traffic monster for them – combining Internet porn and the current presidential race.
Those tricky laugh generators have penned a piece which tells us that some of the presidential hopefuls have realised that, as there are soooo many Internet p0rn addicts, it’s worthwhile them sacrificing the female liberal vote – would would be outraged at such an idea – to get hold of the p0rn maniacs.
The US public are getting out the popcorn and lapping up Internet video, with over 75 per cent of US Internet users watching a streaming or progressive download video during November, 2007.
In their new report, research firm comScore noted that each user is averaging 3.25 hours of video watching per month, with Google sites – including YouTube – cranking up their video market share by more than two percentage points during October to November, earning them nearly a third (31.3 per cent) of the market.