Mike is at the London end of the Apple announcement today, bashing away LIVE as things happen.
Started early by the looks of it.
[17:55:26] Bloke currently waffling on about their 500 resellers in EMEA
[17:55:37] big crowd too
[17:56:21] loads of “we’re great” blather going on
[17:56:38] Right: it’s started
[17:57:56] showing footage from Apple borg crowds around the world
[17:58:12] actually it’s just SF
[17:58:38] got to be around 700peeps here
[18:00:44] whooping from SF
[18:01:37] Jobs on screen – makes joke about rumours of his death being exagerated: cue more whooping
[18:02:11] 8.5m songs now on iTunes, 2600 Hollywood movies
[18:02:41] 65m user accounts shopping
[18:03:03] now #1 music distributor in US