
The new digital ways content was becoming distributed

  • Whitehaven Jericho Primary School: Goodbye Analogue Assembly (Podcasts)

    Whitehaven Jericho Primary School: Goodbye Analogue Assembly (Podcasts)The Jericho Primary School in Whitehaven today held a ‘Goodbye analogue’ assembly on the eve of tomorrow’s digital switchover, where analogue TV transmissions will be turned off for the first time in the UK.

    The headteacher and staff couldn’t have been more helpful, as members of the press from around the world converged on the school for the morning.

  • UK Analogue Switch Off: Whitehaven Diaries 2

    I suspect that you’re not going to be surprised to hear that the local paper for Whitehaven is called the Whitehaven News.

    It may surprise you that they’ve has been knocking out news stories since 1852 – making it all the more incredible that it’s now at the leading the charge for digital Switchover in this fair town.

    I picked up the paper today and thought it would be worth having a dissection of its Digital TV coverage and advertising.

  • BBC Hooks Up With Adobe For Flash iPlayer

    BBC Hooks Up With Adobe For Flash iPlayerVast tracts of London, UK and San Jose, California were engulfed in a buzzword blizzard as the BBC and Adobe Systems announced a strategic relationship around the delivery of Web video content.

  • UK Analogue Switch Off: Whitehaven Diaries 1

    UK Analogue Switch Off: Whitehaven Diaries 1I was knocking around Whitehaven yesterday afternoon after a journey that started for me on Sunday evening when I left the Isle of Wight.

    As I’ve come nearly the full length of the country to cover something that could, if we were a less caring publication, be done from behind a desk with a hot drink in our hands, I thought it would be worthwhile giving a break down of why Whitehaven has been chosen for Analogue switch off/ Digital switchover/whatever you want to call it.

  • Whitehaven Analogue Switch-Off Coverage Ahoy!

    Whitehaven Analogue Switch-Off Coverage AhoyWe’re dragging our sorry bones up to Whitehaven, Cumbria to join the media bandwagon to witness the first UK town to have their analogue TV signal to be turned off.

    We’ve covered the build up to this pretty extensively, as it’s a major change to the way that television is received by ‘normal’ punters – yes it’s happened in quite a few other places already, like Berlin, but this is our home turf.

  • Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader Announced

    Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader AnnouncedWe were always a bit skeptical about the whole idea of eBooks – we’ve always felt more comfortable with a battered old coffee- stained paperback – but a couple of long train journeys and hideous airport delays made us appreciate the value of having a couple of electronic books loaded on our phone (courtesy of the free Plucker reader and the superb free Project Gutenberg library).

  • Cloud Unlimited Music Service For iPod Touch Coming

    Cloud Unlimited Music Service For iPod Touch ComingThe Cloud, Wi-Fi providers in the UK, are launching a new service for iPod Touch users across the country.

    Never slow to innovate, The Cloud is offering the service for £3.99 a month from 1 October, with no minimum contract.

  • SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian Phones

    SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian PhonesThose who have Nokia Nseries and Eseries phones will be able to buy software, SlingPlayer, to play the video content from their homes to the handsets, wherever they are, from their Sling Boxes.

    Quick resume on Sling Box: plug one into your TV at home and any programmes that you can watch can be viewed remotely, either on a computer, or portable device. Not only can you change channels remotely, but control the DVR functions.

  • London Rules The Business Wi-Fi Charts

    London Rules The Business Wi-Fi ChartsWhen it comes to Wi-Fi, London is the big cheese of wireless connectivity according to mobile services firm iPass.

    iPass’s new research found that London had the highest level of hotspot use by business folks, with four times as many besuited Wi-Fi sessions than the number two and three cities, New York and Chicago.

  • 1 Million TVs To Sell Over Christmas: Digital UK

    Digital UK estimates that over one million TV sets will be sold in the UK this Christmas.

    Electronic retailers and TV manufacturers will be licking their lips at the prospect.

    Xmas is traditionally a time when lots of people buy a new TV – whether it’s because they want to make sure that they get at least one decent chrissy present, or that they have nothing to say to the people who will be coming around, and therefore need a new TV isn’t clear.