
  • Google Launches Google Health For Medical Records

    Google Launches Google Health For Medical RecordsSearch engine giants Google have progressed another step on their plans to dominate, well, just about everything, with the launch of Google Health, a health information service that combines their high tech search technology with a user’s online personal health records.

  • The Worst Web Site Of The Year?

    The Worst Web Site Of The Year?Currently being lauded as a prime candidate for the Worst Website of 2008 is this eye-sucking monstrosity at Havenworks. com.

    Described by a visitor to the Web Pages That Suck website as “too awful to even even think of a comment,” the site as Havenworks looks like it was designed by a hyperactive, colour-blind designer in 1996 and manages to fail on just about every count when it comes to user friendliness.

  • Firefox 3 Gets First Release Candidate

    Firefox 3 Gets First Release CandidateMozilla has released its first Release candidate (RC1) for the third version of its hugely popular Firefox Web browser.


  • Americans Spend Over A Day A Month Online

    Americans Spend Over A Day A Month OnlineWhen it comes web surfing, the US are the world leaders with the average user spending almost an hour a day on the web – nearly twice as long as Australians, according to data from Nielsen Online.

  • Parents Access Web More Than Kid Free Couples

    Parents Access Web More Than Kid Free CouplesParents are far more likely to be regularly accessing the Internet than childless adults, according to new research.

    The study, by the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA), also claimed that the online activities of parents is influenced by the age of their offspring.

    The EIAA Digital Families report confirmed the ruddy obvious – that people with kids generally stay at home more than adults without genetic luggage – and that for parents the Internet is a nifty resource for information and entertainment when you’re stuck in the house.

  • Pay To View Funeral Web Service Launched In UK

    Pay To View Funeral Web Service Launched In UKWe thought it was an April Fools’ joke when we first saw it, but it seems that pay-per-view funerals really are about to go live in the UK.

    The service lets mourners unable to attend attend services log in from their PCs, watch the ‘action’ and pay their last respects via the Internet – for a price, natch.

  • Yahoo Shine Site Targets Female Demographic

    Yahoo Shine Site Targets Female DemographicWe’re not sure if women should be patronised or pleased, but Yahoo is launching a new site aimed at the “key demographic” of laydees aged between 25 and 54.

    Called ‘Shine’ and launched this very day, the site’s main function appears to be to offer new opportunities to flog targeted advertising for consumer-packaged goods, retail and pharmaceuticals.

  • Online Shopping: 85% Of Global Web Users Whipping Out Their Wallets

    85% Of Global Web Users Whipping Out Their WalletsThe whole blinkin’ world is going online shopping crazy, with more than 85 per cent of the planet’s online population using the Internet on to make a purchase.

    The figures – which reflect a 40 per cent increase in the market over the past two years – were revealed in the latest Nielsen Global Online Survey on Internet shopping habits.

  • Opera Take A Double EU Pop At Internet Explorer

    Opera Take An Double EU Pop At Internet ExplorerMulti-platform Web browser company Opera have filed a complaint with the European Commission citing Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.

    The approach is two pronged – abuse of Microsoft’s dominant position in tying its browser to the Windows operating system and, second, hindering interoperability by not following accepted Web standards.

  • Software Filters Out ‘Stupid’ Web Postings

    Software Filters Out 'Stupid' Web PostingsIn an attempt to remove copious amounts of dumbness off web forums, a new open source application is being developed to detect and filter out “rampant stupidity in written English.”