Although many will try to deny it (while over-eagerly craning a neck at a passing steam-hauled special), an awful lot of British blokes do have something of an obsession with railways.
Content in its shift to become digital
Technology, Trains And Trainspotting
Pet Shop Boys Integral: Anti ID Card Song, With QR Codes!
Those krazy kids, The Pet Shop Boys, have released their new single.
Why are we interested? Two reasons, it’s drawing attention to UK ID Card – which we think are are serious blow for the future of civil liberties in the UK – plus the video has also got QR codes in it – letting people find out further info just by point their camera phone at it.
(more…)Wiinstrument: Wii Drumming On Mac: Video & Podcast
We’ve all see Wii-motes being used for all sort of strange purposes, well this one is useful.
A bunch of students at University of Potsdam, Germany have written a programme that lets you use your Wiimote and nunchuck to trigger sounds, such as drums and cymbals on a Mac. It’s not just drums that can be triggered, but any MIDI sound.
The accelerometer in the Wii-mote senses how hard the drums are being played, varying the loudness and harshness of the sound. It’s wire-free as it uses Bluetooth to connect.
(more…)Charlatans To Give Away Their Single
The Charlatans plan to give away their forthcoming single.
If the news from earlier in the week about Radiohead letting their fans choose how much to pay for their next album didn’t make you sit up, you could well spit out your coffee when you hear what Alan McGee and the Charlatans are planning to do.
(more…)CampaignTV Launched By Labour Friends
With rumours of a possible election in the UK, we wonder if there’s a co-incidence that one of the Labour parties media strategist has launched a Web site called, whose major focus is on politics.
Don’t expect too much balance in the politics on offer, but they’re not hiding that away either. In their words, “CampaignTV is the first free to view, independently-owned Labour-supporting internet TV channel.” That’s fair enough, as there’s plenty of pro-Conservative Web site around.
(more…)Radiohead Tell Fans: “Pay What You Want”
Radiohead have long been known as a band who like to do things differently, and their approach to selling their long-awaited seventh studio album certainly breaks new ground, with fans invited to pay whatever they like.
(more…)4 Gigapixel Picture: The Devil’s Tower
When we first saw the photographic results of a 4 gigapixel camera a couple of years ago, we nearly exploded.
Some clever clogs in the US had taken an ex-Cold War satellite and started snapping shots with it.
The amazing thing was the resolution – 4,000 pixels per inch. Yes, you read that right. See why we had such a strong reaction, eh?
(more…)BBC Vision Goes Multi-Platform. For Real This time?
The BBC is to bolster multi-platform commissioning. “Again?” I hear you cry.
Do you remember back as far as 2002 when Ashley Highfield, then Head on New Media at the BBC, was telling everyone who would listen … or write about him … that the BBC wouldn’t commission any new programmes unless they had an interactive media element built into them?
(more…)SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian Phones
Those who have Nokia Nseries and Eseries phones will be able to buy software, SlingPlayer, to play the video content from their homes to the handsets, wherever they are, from their Sling Boxes.
Quick resume on Sling Box: plug one into your TV at home and any programmes that you can watch can be viewed remotely, either on a computer, or portable device. Not only can you change channels remotely, but control the DVR functions.