Michael Robertson, the founder of mp3.com, has been investing him money in many interesting, and rather ambitious ways that we’ve covered, such as a competitor to Windows OS – Linspire; a Skype competitor – Gizmo and the familiar ground of mp3 services – MP3tunes.
Content in its shift to become digital
HD VOD Launched By Verizon FiOS
Just over two years ago we covered the launch of FiOS TV, an IPTV service by US operator Verizon, that operates over fibre optic connections.
HD VOD – High Definition Video On Demand – has now being rolled out to a number of the regions covered by the FiOS TV service – Richmond and Virginia Beach, Va.; Tampa, Fla.; Fort Wayne, Ind.; and Pittsburgh.
(more…)Gibson Robot Guitar: Self-Tuning Guitar
Rockers who are in need of xmas present ideas are going to fall off their bar stools when they see this one which arrives in the shops tomorrow.
(more…)Lost Child Benefit Records: Scamsters And Wags Step In
With the story that the UK’s bumbling HM Revenue and Customs managed to lose two computer discs containing all the nation’s child benefit records along with the personal details of 25 million people, it’s not surprising that cheeky wags and scamsters on the Internet have been quick to respond.
(more…)Google Increases Search Market Share Further
Search engine giants, nay, colossi, Goggle have once again increased their share of the U.S. Internet search engine market, eagerly surging past rivals Yahoo and Microsoft.
(more…)Vista Is Rubbish! (Comic Video)
Yes, we got hold of Vista as soon as it came out, and yes we removed it just as quickly as we installed it because it was RUBBISH.
Given this, you can imagine that given this horrible experience – not unique to us – we find anything funny that take the mickey out of Microsoft and Vista.
When we had a link to a video passed to us by Digital-Lifestyles pal, Tony Greenberg, we just had to share it with you all.
(more…)Amazon’s Kindle Wireless Reading Device: More Details
Further to our earlier story about Amazon’s long-anticipated Kindle e-book reader, some more details have emerged about the device.
Amazon’s Kindle e-Book Reader Gets Official
We first caught wind of Amazon’s ‘Kindle’ wireless electronic book reader back in September, but at the time we weren’t sure if we were dealing with wild speculation, vapourware or the real McCoy.
Well, we guess confirmation doesn’t come any clearer than the front cover of Newsweek Magazine, which features the Amazon CEO proudly showing off the new reader with the caption, “Five centuries after Gutenberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is betting that the future of reading is just a click away.”
(more…)Surf Buds: Social Network For Surfers Launches … Quietly
Back in the early days of the Web, newbies often used to refer to Web browsing as Surfing The Web, well there’s a new service that’s just launched that aims to help real Surfers on the Web.
Surf Buds tells us that they’re the first online social network created just for surfers.
(more…)Real Offer 1-Click Video To iPod Downloads
If you’ve been frustrated at only being able to get video content on to your iPod than Apple has sanctioned for iTunes store release, your waiting is over.
Real has just announced the release of the latest version of RealPlayer, which lets you load up videos from anywhere on the Internet – including Flash-based services like YouTube – straight on to your iPod via your computer, as long as the content doesn’t have DRM protection on it.