For a long time, one option for the music business to save themselves has been to offer an ‘all you can eat’ option for music – pay a monthly fee and listen to all of the music you fancy.
Spotify Mini Review: (91%): Public Launch of Serious iTunes Competitor
Online Advertising Grows At Expense Of Traditional Media
The news may be full of doom-laden talking heads endlessly banging on about the looming credit crunch, but it seems that it’s a case of business as usual for online advertisers, with new research predicting continuing growth.
Google Add Maps to Adverts
Google are ever-keen to merge their services — but in a subtle way — so you don’t realise that they are taking over the world.
The latest trick along this path that we’ve noticed is them putting Google Maps into Google Text Ads.
Yahoo Games: Ad-supported Games On The Way
Yahoo is on the move again after their shenanigans with Microsoft and the possible take over.
Today they’ve announced that they’re getting in to ad-supported downloadable games.
UK Online Advertising Second Biggest In Europe
When it comes to advertising on the web, UK Internet users are the second most valuable audience, according to a survey by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
(more…)Yahoo Takeover News Catchup
The tussle between Yahoo and Microsoft has gone through a couple of extra rounds of late. We thought we’d bring you up to date with the current state of play.
Back in Feb Microsoft offered Yahoo $44Bn. Yahoo said no thanks.
Web Ontrack To Usurp TV As UK’s Top Advertising Medium
The Internet is on track to boot King TV off its throne as the biggest advertising medium in the UK by the end of next year, according to a report published yesterday.
The report by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), PricewaterhouseCoopers and the World Advertising Research Centre, claims that Britain has the most developed online-advertising market in the world, with the UK market notching up a mighty £2.8bn in 2007.
(more…)fipr: Phorm Web Monitoring Illegal?
Ask most people about their views on Phorm and you’ll either get a blank look or people turning purple with rage.
In brief: It’s a ‘service’ that monitors all of your normal Web browsing, with the stated aim of providing personalised advertising to you. All of this monitoring is made possible under agreements with ISPs, including BT, Talk Talk and Virgin Media.
(more…)Web Creator Speaks Out Against Phorm Net Tracking
Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has voiced his concerns over the future of the Internet, saying that consumers need to be protected against systems designed to track their web based activity.
(more…)BT Sponsor Isle of Wight Festival 2008
BT have been taking people to the Isle of Wight during Cowes week with rather enjoyable sailing events both for press, customers and as team building events. Of course they also sponsor the Island’s sailing wunderkind Dame Ellen Macarthur through, BT Team Ellen.
Well it looks like the Island has really got under their skin, as today they’re officially announcing that they’re the primary sponsors of this year’s Isle of Wight Music Festival.