Steve Kennedy

  • FOWA London 2008 Review

    FOWA London 2008 ReviewFOWA or the Future of Web Apps, took place at the Excel in Docklands on the 8-10th of October 2008 with the conference running on Thu/Fri.

    FOWA was all about Web 2.0 or maybe even Web 3.0 or maybe that’s Web 4.0? Which ever way, it’s about the future of Web apps. You’ll have noticed that the clue is in the name.


  • Siemens C475IP DECT Cordless VoIP Phone Review (77%)

    Siemens C475IP DECT Cordless VoIP Phone Review (77%)The small box that the system comes in is deceiving. It contains a DECT phone and basestation, but when you examine the basestation alongside the expected phone connector, there’s a an Ethernet connector too.

    The basestation is both a normal telephone answering machine and a VoIP capable device which can be used with up to 6 VoIP accounts/services.


  • LloydsTSB Mobile Banking Mini Review (80%)

    LloydsTSB Mobile Banking Mini Review Many financial institutions have long promised the ability to bank via your mobile, well now it’s a reality, at least for LloydsTSB customers (so presumably also for HBOS customers soon following their recent acquisition).

    The mobile banking app is a Java application that should run on most mobile phone, well ones that support Java.

    The application isn’t very exciting, it’s just a series of menus and each menu give access to a variety of sub menus and eventually your banking details.


  • VoIP Providers Must Provide Access To 999 Services

    All providers of electronic communication networks are governed by the Communications Act 2003 which contains several general conditions and around 21 of these relate to communication networks.

    Anyone running a communications network has obligations under the General Conditions and General Condition 4 (GC4) relates to emergency services.


  • Apple Macworld Keynote: The Detail Part II

    Here’s the wrap up of the announcements from The Steve (by our Steve, funnily enough) at MacWorld, continuing from our previous piece.

    Apple Macworld Keynote: The Detail Part IIiPod Touch
    The iPod Touch gets the same technology as the iPod (i.e. new Google MAPS, Webclips and customer home screens), however it also gets apps from the iPhone such as Mail, Weather and Notes. Google MAPS will use WiFi to get location information.

    All new iPod Touch’s come with the new software, unfortunately existing owners will have to pay $19.99 (£12.99/EU 17.99) to get it.


  • Apple Macworld Keynote: The Detail Part I

    Apple Macworld KeynoteApple once again held a live link-up between the Moscone Center in San Francisco and the BBC in Wood Lane allowing UK and other European media and guests to see Steve Job’s keynote (London guests including Charles Dunstan of Carphone Warehouse, who seems to be building an intimate relationship with Apple).

  • What’s Apple Going To Release At MacWorld Next Week?

    We covered Apple surprisingly announcing the new 8-core Mac Pro launched at CES … in advance of MacExpo, their usual launch-fest.

    Apple never announces anything in advance, but there are many rumours circulating on the various Mac user sites which we’re brought together for you.

    What's Apple Going To Release At MacWorld Next Week?Ultra-portable
    Most people probably won’t remember Apple’s foray into the PDA market with the Newton. It flopped, though it was incredibly advanced for the time. It’s now time for an ultra-portable to come back on to the scene.

    It’s likely to be a MacBookPro type device with a touch-screen/ stylus. There may only be solid state memory, so it starts quickly.

  • Mac Pro Gets 8 Processor Cores

    What's Apple Going To Release At MacWorld Next Week?It’s Macworld Expo time again (well next week from Jan 14th through Jan 18th in The Moscone Center, San Fran). Apple tend to use MacExpo for new product announcements with Mr Jobs in his familiar jeans and black turtle neck jumper delighting the Apple fans.

  • Seagate Spins New Disks: Overview

    Seagate Spins New Disks: OverviewRecently Seagate announced several new and updated disk models and systems.

    Pretty difficult to get excited about hard drives, but hey, let’s give it a go.

    Seagate is probably the leading disk manufacturer and is a profitable business (several disk companies have merged or died in recent years), but Seagate looks to still be going strong and innovating in various areas.

  • Nominet Registrar’s Open Day

    Nominet Registrar's Open DayOn Thu 5th July Nominet (the domain registry for .uk) held an open day for registrars (people who register domains). This was a chance for Nominet to explain what they do, and what services are available currently and what will be introduced in the future.