Simon Perry

  • MySpace Mobile Vodafone Deal: Further Details And Opinion

    You may have seen the announcement of the tie up between Vodafone Europe and MySpace Mobile we ran a short while ago.

    MySpace Mobile Vodafone Deal: Further Details And OpinionWe think this is a pretty big story, so we’ve been chatting to Vodafone and Myspace to get further details and thought we’d fill you in.

    The UK will be the first market in Europe that Vodafone will release it in. The dates of the release are being very closely guarded. We tickled and cajouled in an attempt to get it tied down further, which resulted in us finding out it will be the second half of the year. Perhaps later, rather than sooner.

    There will be a subscription fee, as is the case in the MySpace Mobile deal with Cingular in the US. The details of costs are currently unannounced.

    MySpace Mobile runs on its own application, not through standard Web access. We’re not aware that this has been seen in the wild, so the completion of it may account for the yet-undisclosed release date for the Vodafone service.

    Access to the app will be via the yet unannounced ‘selected handsets’ and it will be available for download from Vodafone Live!

    While it might initially appear to be a great deal for Vodafone to capture the youth as customers, there may be clouds on the horizon. In a recent visit to a youth club, it was surprisng to see all of the collected 13-16 year olds using BeBo, with not one on MySpace. When asked why, they replied that they just found setting up and running BeBo a lot easier than MySpace. We can only assume that Vodafone did some decent research on who actually uses it, rather than what MySpace told them … didn’t they?

    It’s not clear how much of a market there will be for this. As mobile phones handle Web browsing increasingly better, the need for a dedicated application drops away, as people simply use their Browser on any network. It’s been seen that a well-written dedicated mobile apps can still maintain an advantage – like Google’s mobile email client – due to the restricted interface intrinsic with mobile keyboards.

    What will the features be?
    The details of what MySpace-ers will be able to do …

    MySpace Mobile Features:

    * Upload and View Photos
    MySpace Mobile allows Vodafone customers to select photos stored on their mobile device and upload them to their MySpace profile. They can also view photos already uploaded on any MySpace profile.

    * Respond to Mail
    Vodafone customers don’t have to wait to log on to a computer to read and reply to their MySpace messages. From their mobiles, they have the ability to send messages to their MySpace friends, read and reply to messages sent to them.

    * Manage Your Community of Friends

    MySpace Mobile allows customers view and manage friend requests. They can also perform basic friend searches giving users the opportunity to “click-to-add “friends into their network. They simply locate a MySpace profile they wish to add as a friend, and then select to add this user as a friend.

    * Post Comments or Blog Entries
    Update your blog live throughout the day by posting new entries on the move, or make comments to other users’ blogs or MySpace profile pages. To post a blog or comment, people simply view the appropriate section and click “Post” to create the entry. Users can save their work at any time, and any information entered will update both the mobile service and the online MySpace profile page.

    * View Friends
    Customers have the ability to view the friend list of any MySpace profile. The friend list contains a text listing of the friends, which when selected would show the profile picture along with a link to that user’s MySpace page, and the ability to add the friend to your MySpace contact list for quick bookmarking.

  • Vodafone Europe Gets MySpace Mobile

    Vodafone Europe Get MySpace MobileVodafone Europe has signed an exclusive deal with MySpace to get MySpace Mobile on their service.

    Although currently exclusive, MySpace are remaining elusive as to the length of the agreement. When we asked, they declined to be drawn on how long the exclusivity with Vodafone would last, preferring to tantalise with “our ambition is to get MySpace on as many platforms as possible.”

    MySpace addicts will be able to feed their cravings when not glued to the computers.

    To tantalise potential subscribers further, Vodafone will pre-load it on to ‘selected handsets.’

    Vodafone Europe Gets MySpace MobileMySpace did a similar deal in the US with Cingular back in December 2006. In that deal Cingular charged their subscribers an extra $2.99/month, plus data charges for the privilege.

    At the time of going to press it is unclear if there will be a similar charging scheme with Vodafone.

    The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

    More details shortly.

  • At The w880 Launch – Brief Notes

    At The w880 Launch - Brief NotesBrief notes from the launch of the W880.

    First in a new line for them – a slim Walkman phone – 9.4mm thin/thick – slimmer than a CD case.

    Comes complete with 1Gb memory stick (M2) which can hold 900 full length tracks, with the equivalent to 90 cds. It features the latest version on Walkman player 2.0 (the 850 has it already). They’ve tried to simplify the navigation, which is especially important with 900 tracks and 18 hours of music playback.

    Software features: TrackID disc2phone and playnow; 2mpx camera; 3G with video calling too.

    It’s already in production – Shipping in February 2007 (* We suspect a dig at Apple).

    There’s a W88c with it just for China as there’s no 3G China

    It was designed in the Tokyo design studio with the software being done in Sweden.

    At The w880 Launch - Brief Notes At The w880 Launch - Brief Notes

  • Apple Inc and Apple Corps, Now In Love

    Apple Inc and Apple Corps, Now In LoveLove has broken out between the two Apples – computers and music.

    Appropriate with Valentines Day arriving soon – and that it’s the name of the relatively recent Beatle’s album.

    We’ve spoken to Apple Corps (music) insiders and learnt that there was genuine shock at them losing the last round of the UK trademark dispute with Apple Inc. (Computers as was – they’ve now dropped the computers part of the name).

    Today’s announcement replaces the 1991 agreement between the two and ends up with Apple Inc owning all of the trademarks related to “Apple” with them licensing back certain trademarks to Apple Corps, “for their continued use.”

    Apple Inc and Apple Corps, Now In LoveThe terms of settlement are confidential.

    With this trademark dispute out of the way, the tables are now clear for a potential deal between the two Apple’s for selling the Beatles music online through iTunes. Some have spoken about the 14 February being the date of the announcement, fitting in with the Love theme again.

    Our Apple Corps insider is keeping his cards close to his chest on this one. But if we hear … you’ll be the first to know.

  • Experiment: Ramping Alexa Ranking

    Experiment: Ramping Alexa RankingAlexa ranking is something that some people judge their very existance by. They’re not concerned that their family is safe and secure around them, not that they’re in good health, or even take delight in how many friends they have close by. But how important Alexa tells them they to the Internet community – how much the Internet loves them.

    They live and die by the rises and falls of their Alexa ranking.

    It’s sad, but it’s true.

    This leads to the perpetuation of Alexa-ranking watching, and feverish downloading of the Alexa Toolbar on to all and any machines that might be used.

    You see, the way that Alexa finds out which Web sites are being visited, is by watching which sites are visited by people who have installed the Alexa Toolbar and reporting this information back to Alexa. Thus the virtuous circle is completed and the Alexa ranking created.

    There are flaw with this method of judgement. The most fundamental being that the official Alexa toolbar is only available to run on Windows machines running ie6 and above.

    Ramping the Ranking
    Many have postulated that a site’s Alexa ranking can be manipulated simply by getting the world and his wife/partner to install the Alex toolbar on their machine and browser to the target site.

    It’s understood that within certain Venture Capital firms employees being instructed to visit their client sites in an attempt to boost their Alexa ranking. Not doing so will lower the value of their investment.

    We’ve even hear of people setting up farms of PC’s equipped with Alexa-plugedin Browsers automatically refreshing access to the target web site, again to pushing the ranking up.

    The Challenge
    We though it would be an interesting test to see if we and you, can affect the Alexa Ranking of Digital-Lifestyles.

    If you’re up for a bit of unscientific fun, read on.

    If you’re an Internet Explorer user, download the Alexa toolbar. Firefox users might get some joy from here. User of other browsers are going to miss out on the fun.

    When it’s loaded, pop over to the Digital-Lifestyles site even more frequently than you normally do and let’s see what change we can make to our current 71,247 ranking.

    Come on, it’ll be fun.

  • Sony W880i Ai: Tuesday Euro Launch?

    Sony W880i Ai: Euro Tuesday Launch?Sony Ericsson have let it be known via press invites that there’s a number of new handsets being released in Europe next Tuesday.

    What they are and where it’s going on is currently being held close to the chest, but there’s rumours going around that one of them might be the W880i Ai.

    There’s some shots purporting to be it floating around on a Swedish site called Mobil.

    If the shots are to be believed, it looks mighty svelte, appearing only just bigger than a Bic lighter and as thin as you like.

    It’s understood that it feels really solid, with a covering of metal conveying a feeling of quality.

    We think it looks pretty hot, but the only thing that holds us back from near-total lust is the size and make up of the numeric keys, that have more than a passing similarity to a 1970’s calculator. Without having our hands on it, it’s unclear how friendly it will be to texting at high speed.

    Specs are unclear, but it looks like two cameras, one facing forward, the other, a 2mpx facing back. Walkman branding makes it pretty clear it has music-ness included.

    It looks like it’s 3G, which makes it all the more remarkable that it’s so tiny.

    We’re really interested in its almost-neon-type interface.

    Last, but not least, it looks like it’s heading to the US, as it’s got FCC approval.

    Tune in next Tuesday for more details following the press launch, until then have a look at Mobil for more shots of it – and get a handkerchief to catch the drool.

    Sony W880i Ai: Euro Tuesday Launch?

    The official I Want My W880 site.

    Well done to those at Mobil for the photo scoop and Thanks to Hugo for the pointer.

  • 220,000 PS3’s At UK Launch

    Sony Computer Entertainment UK’s managing director, Ray Maguire, has put a figure on the number of PlayStation 3 machines (PS3) that will be available at its UK launch, on 23 March.

    220,000 PS3's At UK LaunchTowards the end of an interview with SPOnG (the Super Players On-line Gamebase), he revealed his estimation to be 220,000 units, with the hope of getting a few more units if, “he goes down on bended knee.”

    His rough maths to get to this figure is based on one million units being delivered to Europe as a whole for launch, and the UK having a 22% slice of that, making it the single largest market in Europe.

    Maguire was keen to point out that it will be the largest launch the games industry has had to date, “Probably over four times PlayStation One, and close to double the amount of PS2s. So, it’s going to be a logistical nightmare – that’s a lot of trucks to get around.”

    PS3 fanboys will also be excited to hear that, “Product is already on its way, on ships, at the moment, and there is more being generated every single day.”

    The other point of interest will be the confirmation that the UK price for the 60Gb will be £425, despite the wails from prospective UK owners. There will be no lesser model (20Gb) sold in the UK, as there are in other places around the world.

    The success of the PS3 is not a done deal however. The xBox 360 has been selling well for over a year and the Nintendo Wii has done pretty well too. Our observations at the GameOn exhibition recently saw much of the public interest directed towards the Wii rather than the PS3.

  • MP3Tunes Oboe: Now Unlimited Free Storage

    MP3Tunes Oboe: Now Unlimited Free StorageOboe, the online music service is increasing its previous 1Gb of free music storage to unlimited storage to some of its registered users.

    The bold move was signalled when we received an email notification today that our account had been given the magic blessing.

    MP3Tunes takes a different approach to iTunes and other on-computer music management software. Rather than have all of your music stored on the machine you are listening to it on, the music is stored on the Internet.

    To listen to the music you can either use their application; or plugins for Browsers (Firefox or ie); or media players (iTunes and Winamp). Access to the music is also free.

    This brings the advantage that your music can be played by any Internet-attached computer or device that you might have to hand, including TiVo, Nokia 770 and Series 60 phones.

    MP3Tunes Oboe: Now Unlimited Free Storage

    Uploading music is done using their Oboe Sync 2.0 software which runs on Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Mac OSX and Linux.

    They’re not sniffy about the music file formats either, with a comprehensive selection supported (MP3, MP4, M4A, M4P, AAC, WMA, OGG, AIF, AIFF, MIDI). Pointedly it is also stated that “Digitally Restricted Files may not play.”

    The unlimited service, previously called Premium, used to cost $40/year. As with their previous offering, there may limits on the size of each file that you upload, but at time of going to press, this remains unclear.

    MP3Tunes Oboe: Now Unlimited Free Storage

    A bit of history for you …
    Mp3Tunes was started by Michael Robertson, the founder of, the trail blazing music service that started in 1998 and eventually had to close after a concerted legal attack by the music business.

    In 2000 started, a service very similar to the Oboe service offered now offered by MP3Tunes. We hope that their new service doesn’t suffer the same end.

    We think this move to an unlimited service could just start to put a dent in the dominance of iTunes, particularly in Europe, where legal pressure is building on them.

    Being able to access music collections from work as well as home, without having to physically carry them, is a big boost.

    As far as sustaining the service, because clearly there’s a fair cost in offering something like this, we assume the income will arise from the sale of additional music to the people who embrace the service.p

  • High-k Metal Gates To Give Major Chip Advance

    High-k Metal Gates To Give Major Chip AdvanceBoth IBM and Intel have announced what they are calling major jumps forward in the design of microchips.

    They both centre on building transistors using so-called high-k metal gates, which after almost seven years of industry research in the area, it’s claimed will lead to increases in the speed and power of chips for another decade.

    The high-k metal gates reduce current leakage and will be used to replace the polysilicon gate electrode currently in use. It does this because the new material holds its charge longer.

    It is understood that Intel is further ahead in the process, with the release of computers based on the next chip types by the end of the year. A most fortunate dovetail with Vista being released, which requires a lot of horsepower to run at usable speeds.

    Intel said its new family of chips, code-named Penryn, will have 410 million transistors, using the new materials combined with the 45-nanometer technology manufacturing process. This compares with about 280 million in current chips. Intel also said electrical leakage will be reduced by about 30 percent.

    Batting off the Intel claims of it being in products this year, Bernie Meyerson, chief technologist for IBM Systems and Technology Group retorted, “It’s almost meaningless to say I’m going to ship a chip first. Yes, you can do that. It doesn’t mean that you are actually going to put it into a server; there is a ton of work to get to that.”

    IBM said they will be putting it “out the door in a product in roughly in the 2008 time frame.”

    Intel are trotting out Moore’s law again (the number of transistors on an IC doubles every two years), claiming that these advantages will enable it to be maintained. Many people view this as somewhat of a marketing message by Intel, rather than a law.

    High-k Metal Gates To Give Major Chip Advance

    It’s understood that the approach of IBM and Intel differ. Intel are mounting the components on top of the silicon, where IBM are mounting theirs inside the silicon. IBM’s approach potentially gives them the advantage of being able to build many levels on top of each other.

    What the heck is a High-K material?
    Intel’s view of it is that “High-k” stands for high dielectric constant, a measure of how much charge a material can hold. Example of High-k materials are hafnium dioxide (HfO2), zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) and titanium dioxide (TiO2).

  • Leonardo da Vinci Notebooks Reunited With Windows Vista

    Leonardo da Vinci Notebooks Reunited With Windows VistaTwo notebooks containing work by Leonardo da Vinci, know as the Codices, have been digitally reunited today at the launch of Windows Vista.

    The books, compiled from work by da Vinci in the early 1500s, have been seperated for many years. Well, a rather long time actually – since 1519.

    The British Library holds one – the Codex Arundel – and the other is privately owned by Bill Gates – the Codex Leicester.

    Gates bought his 72-page manuscript back in 1994, when he paid $30,802,500 for it – plus tax. Much to his expected disappointment he didn’t get tax relief on his little purchase, despite letting the Seattle Art Museum display it to the public.

    Leonardo da Vinci Notebooks Reunited With Windows Vista

    Previous owner of the The Codex Leicester was Armand Hammer, the owner of Occidental Petroleum, who bought it in 1980 and in an incredible act of arrogance renamed it Codex Hammer. Gates returned it to its original name after he coughed up the cash for it.

    How does it all works?
    The British Library’s Codex has been available electronically for some time using a service that they call Turning The Pages.

    It’s been available through a browser as it uses Adobe Shockwave and runs on all platforms.

    It’s quite fun to flick through the rather old, and frankly scrappy book seeing Leonardo’s mirror writing and drawings.

    There will be very few of you surprised to hear that the newly combined version – Turning The Pages 2 – will only work on computers that are “Microsoft’s ‘Vista Premium Ready’”, that are running Vista or Windows XP Service Pack 2. Anything other than that, needs to refer to the message at the bottom of the page, “Turning the Pages 2.0 will not run on Windows 2000, XP Service Pack 1 or Macintosh at this time.”

    Leonardo da Vinci Notebooks Reunited With Windows Vista

    The new version does look lush, but I suspect that the team at Microsoft who worked on this project felt that they were walking a knife edge – getting it wrong and not showing off the bosses $30m book would not be a good prospect for promotion.

    Why was Bill in London?
    Before the event, there’s been much confusion in journalistic circles as to why the Windows Vista launch was going to be held at the British Library. Microsoft could pick any location in the UK Capital to hold their launch.

    Now we know.

    Turning The Pages 2
    The original Turning The Pages