Simon Perry

  • Apple iPhone 2 Spotted

    Apple iPhone 2 SpottedOn the eve of the most hysterical launch known to mankind – the Apple iPhone (exceeding even the heavily spent-on Windows XP launch), we have an exclusive the Apple iPhone II.

    I know it sounds crazy, but we just stumbled over it while at the RCA 2007 show.

    While looking at the work of Alan Outten, we came across one of his projects, No Robots Please!

  • Adrian Westaway: Magic Light: RCA 2007

    Listen to the Interview – [audio:]

    Adrian Westaway: Magic Light: RCA 2007Adrian Westaway’s project, Magic Light, lets you guide a light to a different location merely by waving your hands in the direction you want to move the light.

    The lack of ‘interface’ means that there’s no age restriction, as using it is as simple as moving your hand around.

  • RCA 2007 Show Review: The Great Exhibition

    The Great Exhibition: RCA 2007 Show ReviewWe attended the end of year show for the Royal College of Art (RCA) and were highly impressed with a lot of it.

    While I personally thought that the fine art side of the exhibition was too safe and ultimately unexciting – it felt like they were all being too conscious of trying to ‘make it’ – the work in the Great Exhibition tent was very stimulating – bright minds tackling issues that are just ahead of current issues, and a few, a long way off.

  • Two Thousand Trees Festival, Mobile Tickets By TixMob

    Two Thousand Trees Festival, Mobile Tickets By TixMob‘Green’ festival uses mobile tickets to save the world.

    With the glorious … or was it gory-est … Glastonbury out of the way for at least another year (as well as the BBC’s over-coverage), the other festivals around the UK now have a chance of getting their messages out that 1) They’re on, 2) that they have everything that you heart desires.

    Getting a new festival going these days is pretty hard as so many people are trying to do the same, realising that live music is where-it’s-at as people generally become ever-more atrophied by recorded music.

    New festival, Two Thousand Trees, have a very ‘now’ idea, labeling it as a festival for ethical music fans – and a very worthy one it is in our book too. Beyond this they also have a much-to-be-supported goal of “not ripping people off and making sure everyone has an awesome time at our lovely festival.” Long may this ethos last.

  • ATM / Cashpoint 40 This Week

    ATM / Cashpoint 40 This WeekWith the fortieth anniversary of the first ATM, or cashpoint as it’s known in the UK, the BBC has an interview with the man who came up with the idea, 82 year old John Shepherd-Barron (pictured).

    He recounts that the original idea for the dispenser was chocolate bars – true currency in some people’s minds – but this was replaced with the far more profitable idea of dishing out money.

  • Nintendo Valuation Higher Than Sony! (briefly)

    Nintendo Valuation Higher Than Sony! (briefly)Nintendo’s stock market valuation was briefly higher than Sony’s on the Osaka Stock Exchange this morning.

    The combination of a record high for Nintendo’s share price and a drop for Sony lead to the strange situation.

    Nintendo’s revenue is eight times smaller than Sony – not surprising when Sony’s empire spans so many different areas including, TV, music and film publishing.

  • Yahoo Advertising To Merge In Shake Up

    Yahoo Advertising To Merge In Shake UpYahoo has announced that it is going to shake up the structure of their advertising departments, merging its web search and display advertising.

    Executive vice president of global sales at Yahoo, Gregory Coleman (pictured), was on hand to deliver the follow wise words, “When combined, the two organisations will deliver profoundly better results than when delivered separately.”


  • PlusNet Launches Polish’d Broadband Service

    PlusNet Launches Polish'd Broadband ServiceInteresting move by PlusNet, as they release a version of their broadband service tailored specifically towards Polish speakers.

  • Manhunt 2 Is “A Fine Piece Of Art”

    Manhunt 2 Is A Fine Piece Of ArtManhunt 2 has been hanging around the news all week long.

    It started off with being banned by the BFFC for sale in the UK, now it’s being called a “fine piece of art” by the game’s publisher, Take-Two.

    The game, written by Rockstar Games, must be liked by the chairman of Take-Two, as he is now on record say that he “Fully” stands behind the game.

    More extensively he release a statement saying

    “The Rockstar team has come up with a game that fits squarely within the horror genre and was intended to do so,” he continued, “It brings a unique, formerly unheard of cinematic quality to interactive entertainment, and is also a fine piece of art.”

    So there.

  • Friday Video: Domino PCs

    Friday Video: Domino PCsHere’s the Friday funny video of the week.

    Two young bucks have tried to make the most out of a huge amount of PCs that must have been hanging around the office.

    It looks like they must have been left alone over a weekend and given this, decided to get creative.

    It’s been around for a little while – it was uploaded late April – but given the language used “dot com crash,” it sounds like it was at least a few years back.

    None of this diminishes the entertainment we think you’ll get from watching it.

    Watch it after the jump