Mike Slocombe

  • iColorFolder Freeware For Windows XP Review

    iColorFolder Freeware For Windows XP ReviewIf you’re fed up looking at all those endless dull yellow folder icons that Windows XP serves up by default in every window, then iColorFolder could be a handy way to provide a bit of sparkle to your system’s directories.

    This open-source freeware app lets you change the look and colour of the folder icons on your system globally, or one by one by right-clicking on each folder.

  • Brando USB Eye Warmer

    Brando USB Eye WarmerLike us, we’re sure that many’s the time you’ve found yourself unable to make progress on a pressing deadline because your eyes felt too cold. Or perhaps you work in a room with an icy breeze and would like something to keep your peepers toasty?

    Well – to paraphrase Charles Aznavour – Thank ‘Eavens For USB Eye Warmers. (more…)

  • Olympus SP-570 UZ Packs “World’s Longest” Digicam Zoom

    Olympus SP-570 UZ Packs With the Photo Marketing Association’s big PMA08 annual in Las Vegas looming, some of the photo big boys have been prepping their new models.

    One of the first out of the blocks is Olympus, who have dropped details of no less than nine shiny new consumer cameras (see full listing below), with the zoom-tastic Olympus SP-570 UZ being the one that caught our jaded eye.

  • Sagem Launches Pre-Pay My511x Mobile

    Sagem Launches Pre-Pay My511x MobileFrench handset makers Sagem Mobile have launched their new My511x handset, soon to be available in the UK on Orange pre-pay contracts.

    We have to say there’s not a lot to get us excited here, but the slim candybar serves up a shiny black facade with flat, back-lit buttons on the keypad and itty-bitty round buttons for other main functions.

  • Lenovo X300 Series Ultralight Thinkpad Leaked

    Lenovo X300 Series Ultralight Thinkpad LeakedDetails of Lenova’s functional-looking new Thinkpad ultraportable, dubbed the X300, have begun to appear on the Internet.

    Finished in IBM/Lenova’s distinctive dark grey, the Vista Ultimate-powered laptop boasts 14″ standard, full-size keyboard, a 13.3in WXGA+TFT screen supporting 1,440 x 900 pixels resolution, powered by a 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. Up to 4GB of DDR2 RAM can be fitted.

  • Late Night Calls Can Cause Insomnia

    Late Night Calls Can Cause InsomniaFolks partial to a bit of late night nookie chat over their mobile phone may want to take a closer look at new research from scientists at Sweden’s Uppsala University and Karolinska Institute and Wayne State University in Michigan, US.

    The boffins studied the effects of using a mobile phone before going up the wooden hill to sleep, and found that people exposed to phone radiation took longer to reach the deeper stages of sleep, and spent less time in that state.

  • 75% Of US Web Users Watch Videos Online

    75% Of US Web Users Watch Videos OnlineThe US public are getting out the popcorn and lapping up Internet video, with over 75 per cent of US Internet users watching a streaming or progressive download video during November, 2007.

    In their new report, research firm comScore noted that each user is averaging 3.25 hours of video watching per month, with Google sites – including YouTube – cranking up their video market share by more than two percentage points during October to November, earning them nearly a third (31.3 per cent) of the market.

  • Blu Ray DVD Format Rips Up The Japanese Sales Charts. HD DVD Sulks

    Blu Ray DVD Format Rips Up The Japanese Sales Charts. HD DVD SulksIn the all-important Japanese market, the next-generation DVD Blu Ray format is not just kicking sand in the face of its rival HD-DVD platform – it’s taking it around the back of the bike sheds and giving a right pummeling.

    Much like the famous VHS vs Betamax video cassette format wars of the late 1970s, both DVD formats are hitting the shops at the same time, although this time Sony’s Blu Ray is quickly emerging as the knockout winner.

  • Best Budget dSLRs Of 2007 (Part 2)

    Earlier in the week, we looked at bargain basement dSLRs under £400, today we move up a notch and give you our view on the best budget dSLRs for under £500.

    Budget dSLRs (under £500)

    Best Budget dSLRs Of 2007 (Part 2)Nikon D40X
    (around £395/$670)
    This well-built 10 megapixel snapper offers fabulous image quality, instant-on response, a nippy auto focus system, auto ISO, three frames per second burst mode and a large 2.5″ LCD monitor at the bargain price of £400 with the 18-55mm lens.

  • Apple MacBook Air – A Compromised Beauty

    Apple MacBook Air - A Compromised Beauty Great waves of unfettered iLove radiated around San Francisco last night when Apple head honcho Steve Jobs unveiled the world’s thinnest laptop, a stunning, aluminum-clad, blade-like creation called the MacBook Air.